New York Tree and Plant Native Range Maps
Maps of Native Trees and Plants in New York
Abies balsamea - Balsam fir Native Range Map
Acer negundo - Boxelder Native Range Map
Acer nigrum - Black maple Native Range Map
Acer pensylvanicum - Striped maple Native Range Map
Acer rubrum - Red maple Native Range Map
Acer saccharinum - Silver maple Native Range Map
Acer saccharum - Sugar maple Native Range Map
Acer spicatum - Mountain maple Native Range Map
Alnus rugosa - Speckled alder Native Range Map
Alnus serrulata - Hazel alder Native Range Map
Amelanchier arborea - Downy serviceberry Native Range Map
Amelanchier sanguinea - Roundleaf serviceberry Native Range Map
Aralia spinosa - Devils walkingstick Native Range Map
Asimina triloba - Pawpaw Native Range Map
Baccharis halimifolia - Eastern baccharis Native Range Map
Betula alleghaniensis - Yellow birch Native Range Map
Betula lenta - Sweet birch Native Range Map
Betula nigra - River birch Native Range Map
Betula papyrifera - Paper birch Native Range Map
Betula populifolia - Gray birch Native Range Map
Carpinus caroliniana - American hornbeam Native Range Map
Carya cordiformis - Bitternut hickory Native Range Map
Carya glabra - Pignut hickory Native Range Map
Carya laciniosa - Shellbark hickory Native Range Map
Carya ovata - Shagbark hickory Native Range Map
Carya tomentosa - Mockernut hickory Native Range Map
Castanea dentata - American chestnut Native Range Map
Celtis occidentalis - Hackberry Native Range Map
Cephalanthus occidentalis - Common buttonbush Native Range Map
Chamaecyparis thyoides - Atlantic white cedar Native Range Map
Cornus alternifolia - Alternate leaf dogwood Native Range Map
Cornus florida - Flowering dogwood Native Range Map
Cornus racemosa - Gray dogwood Native Range Map
Cornus rugosa - Roundleaf dogwood Native Range Map
Cornus stolonifera - Red osier dogwood Native Range Map
Corylus cornuta - Beaked hazel Native Range Map
Diospyros virginiana - Common persimmon Native Range Map
Euonymus atropurpureus - Eastern wahoo Native Range Map
Fagus grandifolia - American beech Native Range Map
Fraxinus americana - White ash Native Range Map
Fraxinus nigra - Black ash Native Range Map
Fraxinus pennsylvanica - Green ash Native Range Map
Gymnocladus dioicus - Kentucky coffeetree Native Range Map
Hamamelis virginiana - Witch hazel Native Range Map
Ilex laevigata - Smooth winterberry Native Range Map
Ilex montana - Mountain winterberry Native Range Map
Ilex opaca - American holly Native Range Map
Ilex verticillata - Common winterberry Native Range Map
Juglans cinerea - Butternut Native Range Map
Juglans nigra - Black walnut Native Range Map
Juniperus communis - Common juniper Native Range Map
Juniperus horizontalis - Creeping juniper Native Range Map
Juniperus virginiana - Eastern redcedar Native Range Map
Kalmia latifolia - Mountain laurel Native Range Map
Larix laricina - Tamarack Native Range Map
Liquidambar styraciflua - Sweetgum Native Range Map
Liriodendron tulipifera - Yellow poplar Native Range Map
Magnolia acuminata - Cucumbertree Native Range Map
Magnolia virginiana - Sweetbay Native Range Map
Malus coronaria - Sweet crab apple Native Range Map
Morus rubra - Red mulberry Native Range Map
Myrica pensylvanica - Northern bayberry Native Range Map
Nyssa sylvatica - Black tupelo Native Range Map
Ostrya virginiana - Eastern hophornbeam Native Range Map
Picea glauca - White spruce Native Range Map
Picea mariana - Black spruce Native Range Map
Picea rubens - Red spruce Native Range Map
Pinus banksiana - Jack pine Native Range Map
Pinus echinata - Shortleaf pine Native Range Map
Pinus resinosa - Red pine Native Range Map
Pinus rigida - Pitch pine Native Range Map
Pinus strobus - Eastern white pine Native Range Map
Pinus virginiana - Virginia pine Native Range Map
Platanus occidentalis - American sycamore Native Range Map
Populus balsamifera - Balsam poplar Native Range Map
Populus deltoides - Eastern cottonwood Native Range Map
Populus grandidentata - Bigtooth aspen Native Range Map
Populus heterophylla - Swamp cottonwood Native Range Map
Populus tremuloides - Quaking aspen Native Range Map
Prunus americana - American plum Native Range Map
Prunus nigra - Canada plum Native Range Map
Prunus pensylvanica - Pin cherry Native Range Map
Prunus serotina - Black cherry Native Range Map
Prunus virginiana - Common chokecherry Native Range Map
Ptelea trifoliata - Common hoptree Native Range Map
Quercus alba - White oak Native Range Map
Quercus bicolor - Swamp white oak Native Range Map
Quercus coccinea - Scarlet oak Native Range Map
Quercus falcata - Southern red oak Native Range Map
Quercus ilicifolia - Bear oak Native Range Map
Quercus macrocarpa - Bur oak Native Range Map
Quercus marilandica - Blackjack oak Native Range Map
Quercus muehlenbergii - Chinkapin oak Native Range Map
Quercus palustris - Pin oak Native Range Map
Quercus phellos - Willow oak Native Range Map
Quercus prinus - Chestnut oak Native Range Map
Quercus rubra - Northern red oak Native Range Map
Quercus stellata - Post oak Native Range Map
Quercus velutina - Black oak Native Range Map
Rhododendron maximum - Rosebay rhododendron Native Range Map
Rhus copallina - Shining sumac Native Range Map
Rhus glabra - Smooth sumac Native Range Map
Rhus typhina - Staghorn sumac Native Range Map
Salix amygdaloides - Peachleaf willow Native Range Map
Salix bebbiana - Bebb willow Native Range Map
Salix discolor - Pussy willow Native Range Map
Salix exigua - Coyote willow Native Range Map
Salix lucida - Shining willow Native Range Map
Salix nigra - Black willow Native Range Map
Salix pellita - Satiny willow Native Range Map
Salix petiolaris - Meadow willow Native Range Map
Salix pyrifolia - Balsam willow Native Range Map
Salix sericea - Silky willow Native Range Map
Sambucus canadensis - American elder Native Range Map
Sassafras albidum - Sassafras Native Range Map
Sorbus americana - American mountain ash Native Range Map
Sorbus decora - Showy mountain ash Native Range Map
Staphylea trifolia - American bladdernut Native Range Map
Taxus canadensis - Canada yew Native Range Map
Thuja occidentalis - Northern white cedar Native Range Map
Tilia americana - American basswood Native Range Map
Tilia heterophylla - White basswood Native Range Map
Toxicodendron vernix - Poison sumac Native Range Map
Tsuga canadensis - Eastern hemlock Native Range Map
Ulmus americana - American elm Native Range Map
Ulmus rubra - Slippery elm Native Range Map
Ulmus thomasii - Rock elm Native Range Map
Viburnum lentago - Nannyberry Native Range Map
Viburnum nudum - Possumhaw viburnum Native Range Map
Viburnum prunifolium - Blackhaw Native Range Map
Viburnum trilobum - American cranberrybush Native Range Map
Zanthoxylum americanum - Common prickly ash Native Range Map