Current Drought Conditions for Alabama - October 8, 2024

Alabama Drought Report:

As of October 8, 2024 approximately 28% (14629 square miles) of Alabama is under drought conditions and 58% (30544 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Alabama Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Alabama

LocationDrought Conditions
LincolnAbnormally Dry
AbandaAbnormally Dry
AdamsvilleAbnormally Dry
AkronModerate Drought
AlabasterAbnormally Dry
AlbertvilleAbnormally Dry
Alexander CityAbnormally Dry
AlicevilleModerate Drought
AllgoodAbnormally Dry
AltoonaAbnormally Dry
ArabAbnormally Dry
ArdmoreSevere Drought
AthensModerate Drought
AtmoreAbnormally Dry
AutaugavilleAbnormally Dry
AxisModerate Drought
BabbieModerate Drought
BaileytonAbnormally Dry
BallplayAbnormally Dry
BanksAbnormally Dry
Bay MinetteAbnormally Dry
Bayou La BatreModerate Drought
BeatriceModerate Drought
BeavertonAbnormally Dry
BelkModerate Drought
BellamyModerate Drought
BerryAbnormally Dry
BessemerAbnormally Dry
BlountsvilleAbnormally Dry
BoazAbnormally Dry
BoligeeAbnormally Dry
BridgeportModerate Drought
BrightonAbnormally Dry
BrilliantAbnormally Dry
BrooksideAbnormally Dry
BrookwoodAbnormally Dry
BroomtownAbnormally Dry
BrundidgeAbnormally Dry
CalvertAbnormally Dry
CamdenModerate Drought
Camp HillAbnormally Dry
CastleberryModerate Drought
Center PointAbnormally Dry
CentreAbnormally Dry
ChatomModerate Drought
ChelseaAbnormally Dry
CherokeeAbnormally Dry
ChickasawModerate Drought
ChildersburgAbnormally Dry
ChunchulaModerate Drought
CitronelleModerate Drought
Susan MooreAbnormally Dry
ClayAbnormally Dry
CoalingAbnormally Dry
Coffee SpringsAbnormally Dry
CoffeevilleModerate Drought
CokerAbnormally Dry
ConcordAbnormally Dry
CordovaAbnormally Dry
County LineAbnormally Dry
CourtlandAbnormally Dry
CreolaModerate Drought
CubaAbnormally Dry
CullmanAbnormally Dry
CullomburgModerate Drought
DadevilleAbnormally Dry
Dauphin IslandAbnormally Dry
DavistonAbnormally Dry
DecaturAbnormally Dry
DemopolisModerate Drought
DetroitAbnormally Dry
DouglasAbnormally Dry
DozierModerate Drought
DuttonModerate Drought
East BrewtonAbnormally Dry
East PointAbnormally Dry
EclecticAbnormally Dry
EdgewaterAbnormally Dry
EgyptAbnormally Dry
ElbaAbnormally Dry
EldridgeAbnormally Dry
ElkmontSevere Drought
ElmoreAbnormally Dry
EnterpriseAbnormally Dry
EpesAbnormally Dry
EthelsvilleModerate Drought
EutawAbnormally Dry
EvaAbnormally Dry
EvergreenModerate Drought
FairfieldAbnormally Dry
FairfordAbnormally Dry
FairviewAbnormally Dry
FalkvilleAbnormally Dry
FayettevilleAbnormally Dry
FlorenceAbnormally Dry
ForestdaleAbnormally Dry
ForklandModerate Drought
Fort DepositModerate Drought
FruitdaleModerate Drought
FultonModerate Drought
FultondaleAbnormally Dry
GallantAbnormally Dry
GanttModerate Drought
Garden CityAbnormally Dry
GardendaleAbnormally Dry
GaylesvilleAbnormally Dry
GeigerAbnormally Dry
GeorgianaModerate Drought
GilbertownAbnormally Dry
GlencoeAbnormally Dry
GlenwoodModerate Drought
Good HopeAbnormally Dry
GordoModerate Drought
GoshenModerate Drought
GrantAbnormally Dry
GraysvilleAbnormally Dry
GreenvilleModerate Drought
Gu-WinAbnormally Dry
GurleyModerate Drought
HackleburgAbnormally Dry
HackneyvilleAbnormally Dry
HaleyvilleAbnormally Dry
HamiltonAbnormally Dry
HancevilleAbnormally Dry
HarpersvilleAbnormally Dry
HarvestModerate Drought
HaydenAbnormally Dry
HaynevilleModerate Drought
HeathModerate Drought
HillsboroAbnormally Dry
HissopAbnormally Dry
HodgesAbnormally Dry
HollywoodModerate Drought
HoltAbnormally Dry
HoltvilleAbnormally Dry
HomewoodAbnormally Dry
HooverAbnormally Dry
IrondaleAbnormally Dry
IvaleeAbnormally Dry
JasperAbnormally Dry
JoppaAbnormally Dry
KansasAbnormally Dry
KellytonAbnormally Dry
KennedyModerate Drought
KillenAbnormally Dry
BrantleyvilleAbnormally Dry
LesterSevere Drought
LexingtonModerate Drought
LismanAbnormally Dry
LoachapokaAbnormally Dry
LockhartAbnormally Dry
Locust ForkAbnormally Dry
LuverneModerate Drought
MadisonModerate Drought
MaytownAbnormally Dry
McKenzieModerate Drought
MeridianvilleModerate Drought
MidfieldAbnormally Dry
MillbrookAbnormally Dry
MillportModerate Drought
MillryModerate Drought
MinorAbnormally Dry
MorrisAbnormally Dry
Mount OliveAbnormally Dry
Mountain BrookAbnormally Dry
MyrtlewoodAbnormally Dry
NectarAbnormally Dry
North JohnsAbnormally Dry
Oak GroveAbnormally Dry
OhatcheeAbnormally Dry
ParrishAbnormally Dry
PelhamAbnormally Dry
PenningtonAbnormally Dry
Phil CampbellAbnormally Dry
Pine LevelAbnormally Dry
PisgahModerate Drought
PollardAbnormally Dry
PrattvilleAbnormally Dry
PrichardModerate Drought
RayAbnormally Dry
ReformModerate Drought
ReptonModerate Drought
River FallsModerate Drought
RosaAbnormally Dry
RussellvilleAbnormally Dry
SaksAbnormally Dry
Sand RockAbnormally Dry
SanfordModerate Drought
Sardis CityAbnormally Dry
SatsumaModerate Drought
SemmesModerate Drought
ShelbyAbnormally Dry
ShorterAbnormally Dry
SilasModerate Drought
SneadAbnormally Dry
SomervilleAbnormally Dry
SouthsideAbnormally Dry
SterrettAbnormally Dry
StevensonModerate Drought
StocktonAbnormally Dry
Sylvan SpringsAbnormally Dry
TarrantAbnormally Dry
ThomastonModerate Drought
ToxeyAbnormally Dry
TuskegeeAbnormally Dry
UnionModerate Drought
VandiverAbnormally Dry
VredenburghModerate Drought
WadleyAbnormally Dry
WarriorAbnormally Dry
WaterlooAbnormally Dry
West JeffersonAbnormally Dry
West PointAbnormally Dry
WhitesboroAbnormally Dry
WilsonvilleAbnormally Dry
WoodlandAbnormally Dry
WoodstockAbnormally Dry
WoodvilleModerate Drought
YorkAbnormally Dry
AndalusiaModerate Drought
South VinemontAbnormally Dry
Smoke RiseAbnormally Dry
CarrolltonModerate Drought
MossesModerate Drought
CoosadaAbnormally Dry
ProvidenceModerate Drought
HobsonModerate Drought
SkylineModerate Drought
GulfcrestModerate Drought
MignonAbnormally Dry
CollinsvilleAbnormally Dry
CrossvilleAbnormally Dry
Fort PayneAbnormally Dry
FyffeAbnormally Dry
GeraldineAbnormally Dry
HammondvilleAbnormally Dry
HenagarModerate Drought
IderModerate Drought
MentoneAbnormally Dry
RainsvilleAbnormally Dry
SylvaniaAbnormally Dry
BillingsleyAbnormally Dry
ExcelModerate Drought
Frisco CityModerate Drought
HartselleAbnormally Dry
HuntsvilleModerate Drought
JacksonModerate Drought
JemisonAbnormally Dry
KimberlyAbnormally Dry
KinstonAbnormally Dry
LakeviewAbnormally Dry
LangstonModerate Drought
LeedsAbnormally Dry
LeesburgAbnormally Dry
LeightonAbnormally Dry
Level PlainsAbnormally Dry
LindenAbnormally Dry
LipscombAbnormally Dry
LittlevilleAbnormally Dry
LivingstonModerate Drought
MalcolmAbnormally Dry
MarburyAbnormally Dry
McIntoshAbnormally Dry
MonroevilleModerate Drought
Muscle ShoalsAbnormally Dry
New BrocktonAbnormally Dry
NewbernModerate Drought
NorthportAbnormally Dry
NotasulgaAbnormally Dry
OakmanAbnormally Dry
OneontaAbnormally Dry
OrrvilleAbnormally Dry
PerdidoAbnormally Dry
PetermanModerate Drought
PickensvilleModerate Drought
Pine AppleModerate Drought
PinsonAbnormally Dry
Pleasant GroveAbnormally Dry
Rainbow CityAbnormally Dry
RockfordAbnormally Dry
RogersvilleModerate Drought
RutledgeModerate Drought
SamsonAbnormally Dry
SaralandModerate Drought
SectionModerate Drought
SheffieldAbnormally Dry
ShilohAbnormally Dry
SipseyAbnormally Dry
SulligentModerate Drought
SumitonAbnormally Dry
Sweet WaterAbnormally Dry
Talladega SpringsAbnormally Dry
TallasseeAbnormally Dry
ThomasvilleModerate Drought
ThorsbyAbnormally Dry
TraffordAbnormally Dry
TroyAbnormally Dry
TrussvilleAbnormally Dry
TuscaloosaAbnormally Dry
TuscumbiaAbnormally Dry
UniontownModerate Drought
UriahModerate Drought
VernonModerate Drought
Vestavia HillsAbnormally Dry
VinaAbnormally Dry
VincentAbnormally Dry
Vinegar BendModerate Drought
WaverlyAbnormally Dry
WeaverAbnormally Dry
WedoweeAbnormally Dry
West BloctonAbnormally Dry
WhatleyModerate Drought
White HallAbnormally Dry
WiltonAbnormally Dry
WinfieldAbnormally Dry
Brook HighlandAbnormally Dry
Bear CreekAbnormally Dry
GuinAbnormally Dry
OppModerate Drought
Paint RockModerate Drought
Red LevelModerate Drought
ScottsboroModerate Drought
AndersonModerate Drought
BoykinModerate Drought
BrantleyModerate Drought
Carbon HillAbnormally Dry
Cedar BluffAbnormally Dry
DeatsvilleAbnormally Dry
Deer ParkModerate Drought
DoraAbnormally Dry
Glen AllenAbnormally Dry
Grand BayModerate Drought
Grove HillModerate Drought
Hazel GreenModerate Drought
Hokes BluffAbnormally Dry
Holly PondAbnormally Dry
MobileModerate Drought
New HopeAbnormally Dry
New MarketModerate Drought
New SiteAbnormally Dry
Owens Cross RoadsAbnormally Dry
Pike RoadAbnormally Dry
Pine HillModerate Drought
Red BayAbnormally Dry
Spruce PineAbnormally Dry
Town CreekAbnormally Dry
Valley HeadAbnormally Dry
WetumpkaAbnormally Dry
Valley GrandeAbnormally Dry
RiverviewAbnormally Dry
FranklinAbnormally Dry
HytopModerate Drought
LeroyModerate Drought
Moores MillModerate Drought
PricevilleAbnormally Dry
TrianaAbnormally Dry
WestoverAbnormally Dry
Yellow BluffModerate Drought
AlexandriaAbnormally Dry
AttallaAbnormally Dry
BrewtonAbnormally Dry
ButlerAbnormally Dry
CaleraAbnormally Dry
ClantonAbnormally Dry
ClevelandAbnormally Dry
ColumbianaAbnormally Dry
FayetteAbnormally Dry
FlomatonAbnormally Dry
GadsdenAbnormally Dry
GainesvilleAbnormally Dry
GreensboroModerate Drought
GuntersvilleAbnormally Dry
HelenaAbnormally Dry
McDonald ChapelAbnormally Dry
Mount VernonModerate Drought
Reece CityAbnormally Dry
TrinityAbnormally Dry
Walnut GroveAbnormally Dry
WeogufkaAbnormally Dry
BirminghamAbnormally Dry
Pine RidgeAbnormally Dry
HueytownAbnormally Dry
MontevalloAbnormally Dry
Our TownAbnormally Dry
ReeltownAbnormally Dry
VanceAbnormally Dry
AddisonAbnormally Dry
AnnistonAbnormally Dry
ArleyAbnormally Dry
AshlandAbnormally Dry
BrentAbnormally Dry
CarolinaAbnormally Dry
CentrevilleAbnormally Dry
ChoccoloccoAbnormally Dry
Double SpringsAbnormally Dry
EdwardsvilleAbnormally Dry
FloralaAbnormally Dry
GoodwaterAbnormally Dry
HeflinAbnormally Dry
Hobson CityAbnormally Dry
HollinsAbnormally Dry
Hollis CrossroadsAbnormally Dry
Horn HillModerate Drought
JacksonvilleAbnormally Dry
LinevilleAbnormally Dry
LynnAbnormally Dry
MaplesvilleAbnormally Dry
MarionModerate Drought
MillervilleAbnormally Dry
MoultonAbnormally Dry
MoundvilleAbnormally Dry
Mount OliveAbnormally Dry
MunfordAbnormally Dry
Nances CreekAbnormally Dry
NauvooAbnormally Dry
OxfordAbnormally Dry
PiedmontAbnormally Dry
Spring GardenAbnormally Dry
StewartvilleAbnormally Dry
SylacaugaAbnormally Dry
TalladegaAbnormally Dry
WaldoAbnormally Dry
White PlainsAbnormally Dry
SelmaAbnormally Dry
AshvilleAbnormally Dry
MargaretAbnormally Dry
MoodyAbnormally Dry
OdenvilleAbnormally Dry
Pell CityAbnormally Dry
RaglandAbnormally Dry
RiversideAbnormally Dry
SpringvilleAbnormally Dry
SteeleAbnormally Dry
MontgomeryAbnormally Dry
Highland LakeAbnormally Dry
Dodge CityAbnormally Dry
Indian Springs VillageAbnormally Dry
MacedoniaModerate Drought
Lake ViewAbnormally Dry
Grayson ValleyAbnormally Dry
Rock CreekAbnormally Dry
Blue RidgeAbnormally Dry
MeadowbrookAbnormally Dry
TwinAbnormally Dry
GordonvilleModerate Drought