Current Drought Conditions for Georgia - February 4, 2025

Georgia Drought Report:

As of February 4, 2025 approximately 15% (8761 square miles) of Georgia is under drought conditions and 36% (21611 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Georgia Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Georgia

LocationDrought Conditions
AdairsvilleAbnormally Dry
AlbanyModerate Drought
AllenhurstModerate Drought
AlpharettaAbnormally Dry
ArlingtonModerate Drought
AugustaAbnormally Dry
BetweenAbnormally Dry
BishopAbnormally Dry
BlufftonModerate Drought
BufordAbnormally Dry
CarnesvilleModerate Drought
ComerModerate Drought
ConyersAbnormally Dry
CordeleModerate Drought
CrawfordvilleAbnormally Dry
CuthbertModerate Drought
DallasAbnormally Dry
DawsonModerate Drought
DoerunAbnormally Dry
EmpireAbnormally Dry
EuharleeAbnormally Dry
FairburnAbnormally Dry
FranklinAbnormally Dry
FunstonAbnormally Dry
Good HopeAbnormally Dry
GraysonAbnormally Dry
Holly SpringsAbnormally Dry
HullModerate Drought
IlaModerate Drought
JakinAbnormally Dry
JasperAbnormally Dry
JesupModerate Drought
KennesawAbnormally Dry
LaFayetteModerate Drought
LavoniaModerate Drought
LawrencevilleAbnormally Dry
LeslieModerate Drought
LexingtonModerate Drought
LumpkinAbnormally Dry
MariettaAbnormally Dry
MartinAbnormally Dry
MeigsAbnormally Dry
MorganModerate Drought
NahuntaAbnormally Dry
NelsonAbnormally Dry
NorcrossAbnormally Dry
NorwoodAbnormally Dry
OakwoodAbnormally Dry
OdumAbnormally Dry
ParrottModerate Drought
PelhamAbnormally Dry
PendergrassAbnormally Dry
PerryAbnormally Dry
PinehurstModerate Drought
PineviewModerate Drought
PoulanAbnormally Dry
RebeccaModerate Drought
ReynoldsAbnormally Dry
RiverdaleAbnormally Dry
RochelleModerate Drought
RoopvilleAbnormally Dry
RoystonModerate Drought
RutledgeAbnormally Dry
Sale CityAbnormally Dry
SevilleModerate Drought
SharonAbnormally Dry
SpartaAbnormally Dry
StathamAbnormally Dry
SuwaneeAbnormally Dry
TallapoosaAbnormally Dry
TalmoAbnormally Dry
TaylorsvilleAbnormally Dry
TiftonAbnormally Dry
ViennaModerate Drought
WhitesburgAbnormally Dry
WinderAbnormally Dry
WoodbineAbnormally Dry
CarrolltonAbnormally Dry
DoravilleAbnormally Dry
DunwoodyAbnormally Dry
AvalonAbnormally Dry
ChatsworthAbnormally Dry
DillardModerate Drought
HiawasseeModerate Drought
LincolntonAbnormally Dry
MaxeysAbnormally Dry
McCaysvilleModerate Drought
RinggoldModerate Drought
Sky ValleyModerate Drought
AmericusModerate Drought
ArabiModerate Drought
ArcadeAbnormally Dry
BacontonModerate Drought
Belvedere ParkAbnormally Dry
BethlehemAbnormally Dry
BlairsvilleModerate Drought
BlakelyModerate Drought
Blue RidgeAbnormally Dry
BostwickAbnormally Dry
BowersvilleModerate Drought
BowmanModerate Drought
BraseltonAbnormally Dry
BraswellAbnormally Dry
BrookhavenAbnormally Dry
CamakAbnormally Dry
CamillaAbnormally Dry
CantonAbnormally Dry
ChambleeAbnormally Dry
ClermontAbnormally Dry
CohuttaModerate Drought
CoolidgeAbnormally Dry
CummingAbnormally Dry
DanielsvilleModerate Drought
DarienAbnormally Dry
DawsonvilleAbnormally Dry
DecaturAbnormally Dry
DemorestAbnormally Dry
DonalsonvilleAbnormally Dry
DoolingAbnormally Dry
DuluthAbnormally Dry
East EllijayAbnormally Dry
East PointAbnormally Dry
EllijayAbnormally Dry
EmersonAbnormally Dry
EtonAbnormally Dry
FairviewSevere Drought
Flowery BranchAbnormally Dry
Forest ParkAbnormally Dry
Fort OglethorpeSevere Drought
Franklin SpringsModerate Drought
HarlemAbnormally Dry
HartwellModerate Drought
HawkinsvilleAbnormally Dry
HelenAbnormally Dry
HiramAbnormally Dry
HomerAbnormally Dry
Indian SpringsSevere Drought
KingstonAbnormally Dry
LakeviewSevere Drought
LearyModerate Drought
LilburnAbnormally Dry
LillyModerate Drought
LindaleAbnormally Dry
Lookout MountainSevere Drought
LulaAbnormally Dry
LyerlyAbnormally Dry
MabletonAbnormally Dry
MadisonAbnormally Dry
MartinezAbnormally Dry
MaysvilleAbnormally Dry
MenloModerate Drought
Mineral BluffAbnormally Dry
MontezumaAbnormally Dry
MoultrieAbnormally Dry
Mount AiryAbnormally Dry
Mount ZionAbnormally Dry
Mountain ParkAbnormally Dry
NewtonModerate Drought
Norman ParkAbnormally Dry
North DecaturAbnormally Dry
OglethorpeAbnormally Dry
OmegaAbnormally Dry
OxfordAbnormally Dry
PalmettoAbnormally Dry
PhillipsburgAbnormally Dry
PittsModerate Drought
PlainvilleAbnormally Dry
PorterdaleAbnormally Dry
PutneyModerate Drought
RangerAbnormally Dry
RayleAbnormally Dry
Reed CreekModerate Drought
RossvilleSevere Drought
RoswellAbnormally Dry
RussellAbnormally Dry
Sandy SpringsAbnormally Dry
SasserModerate Drought
ShannonAbnormally Dry
Social CircleAbnormally Dry
Sugar HillAbnormally Dry
SummervilleAbnormally Dry
SurrencyAbnormally Dry
SycamoreModerate Drought
Tallulah FallsAbnormally Dry
TempleAbnormally Dry
TigerAbnormally Dry
ToccoaAbnormally Dry
TrentonModerate Drought
TrionModerate Drought
TuckerAbnormally Dry
Tunnel HillModerate Drought
Ty TyAbnormally Dry
UnadillaAbnormally Dry
Union CityAbnormally Dry
UnionvilleAbnormally Dry
Villa RicaAbnormally Dry
WacoAbnormally Dry
WaleskaAbnormally Dry
Walnut GroveAbnormally Dry
WarrentonAbnormally Dry
WarwickModerate Drought
WatkinsvilleAbnormally Dry
WoodstockAbnormally Dry
YonahAbnormally Dry
DaculaAbnormally Dry
SnellvilleAbnormally Dry
RaoulAbnormally Dry
AtlantaAbnormally Dry
Chattanooga ValleyModerate Drought
AbbevilleAbnormally Dry
AcworthAbnormally Dry
AltoAbnormally Dry
AndersonvilleAbnormally Dry
ApplingAbnormally Dry
AragonAbnormally Dry
ArnoldsvilleModerate Drought
AshburnModerate Drought
AthensAbnormally Dry
AuburnAbnormally Dry
AustellAbnormally Dry
BaldwinAbnormally Dry
Ball GroundAbnormally Dry
BogartAbnormally Dry
BowdonModerate Drought
BremenAbnormally Dry
BronwoodModerate Drought
BrunswickAbnormally Dry
BuchananAbnormally Dry
BuckheadAbnormally Dry
Buena VistaAbnormally Dry
ByromvilleAbnormally Dry
ByronAbnormally Dry
CalhounAbnormally Dry
CanonModerate Drought
CarlAbnormally Dry
CarltonModerate Drought
CartersvilleAbnormally Dry
Cave SpringAbnormally Dry
CentervilleAbnormally Dry
CentralhatcheeAbnormally Dry
ChickamaugaModerate Drought
ClarkesvilleAbnormally Dry
ClaytonAbnormally Dry
ClevelandAbnormally Dry
CochranAbnormally Dry
ColbertModerate Drought
ColquittModerate Drought
CommerceAbnormally Dry
CorneliaAbnormally Dry
CovingtonAbnormally Dry
CrawfordModerate Drought
DahlonegaAbnormally Dry
DaltonModerate Drought
DamascusModerate Drought
DearingAbnormally Dry
Dewy RoseModerate Drought
DouglasvilleAbnormally Dry
EastmanAbnormally Dry
EdisonModerate Drought
ElbertonModerate Drought
EllavilleAbnormally Dry
EphesusModerate Drought
EpworthAbnormally Dry
EvansAbnormally Dry
FairmountAbnormally Dry
Fort GainesAbnormally Dry
Fort ValleyAbnormally Dry
GainesvilleAbnormally Dry
GillsvilleAbnormally Dry
GreensboroAbnormally Dry
GrovetownAbnormally Dry
HomervilleAbnormally Dry
HoschtonAbnormally Dry
IdealAbnormally Dry
JeffersonAbnormally Dry
LeesburgModerate Drought
Lithia SpringsAbnormally Dry
LoganvilleAbnormally Dry
LudowiciModerate Drought
MarshallvilleAbnormally Dry
MidwayAbnormally Dry
MonroeAbnormally Dry
Mountain CityModerate Drought
NicholsonAbnormally Dry
OchlockneeAbnormally Dry
PlainsModerate Drought
Powder SpringsAbnormally Dry
ResacaAbnormally Dry
RiceboroAbnormally Dry
RichlandAbnormally Dry
RockmartAbnormally Dry
RomeAbnormally Dry
ShellmanModerate Drought
SiloamAbnormally Dry
SmithvilleModerate Drought
SmyrnaAbnormally Dry
SumnerAbnormally Dry
SylvesterAbnormally Dry
Talking RockAbnormally Dry
ThomsonAbnormally Dry
TignallAbnormally Dry
Union PointAbnormally Dry
VarnellModerate Drought
WalthourvilleModerate Drought
WashingtonAbnormally Dry
WhiteAbnormally Dry
White PlainsAbnormally Dry
WintervilleModerate Drought
WoodvilleAbnormally Dry
Young HarrisModerate Drought
Peachtree CornersAbnormally Dry
North High ShoalsAbnormally Dry
North Druid HillsAbnormally Dry
Country Club EstatesAbnormally Dry
GumlogAbnormally Dry
Mountain ParkAbnormally Dry
MiltonAbnormally Dry
Johns CreekAbnormally Dry
Chattahoochee HillsAbnormally Dry
South FultonAbnormally Dry
StonecrestAbnormally Dry