Current Drought Conditions for Georgia - February 11, 2025

Georgia Drought Report:

As of February 11, 2025 approximately 28% (16607 square miles) of Georgia is under drought conditions and 60% (35807 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Georgia Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Georgia

LocationDrought Conditions
AdairsvilleModerate Drought
AdrianAbnormally Dry
AileyAbnormally Dry
AlbanyModerate Drought
AllenhurstModerate Drought
AllentownAbnormally Dry
AlmaAbnormally Dry
AlpharettaAbnormally Dry
AmbroseAbnormally Dry
ArlingtonModerate Drought
AugustaAbnormally Dry
BarwickAbnormally Dry
BetweenAbnormally Dry
BishopModerate Drought
BlufftonModerate Drought
BrookletAbnormally Dry
BufordModerate Drought
CarnesvilleModerate Drought
ChaunceyAbnormally Dry
ClaxtonAbnormally Dry
CollinsAbnormally Dry
ComerModerate Drought
ConyersAbnormally Dry
CordeleModerate Drought
CrawfordvilleAbnormally Dry
CuthbertModerate Drought
DallasAbnormally Dry
DawsonModerate Drought
DentonAbnormally Dry
DoerunModerate Drought
DouglasAbnormally Dry
DublinAbnormally Dry
EmpireModerate Drought
EnigmaAbnormally Dry
EuharleeAbnormally Dry
FairburnModerate Drought
FayettevilleAbnormally Dry
FolkstonAbnormally Dry
FranklinModerate Drought
FunstonAbnormally Dry
GlenwoodAbnormally Dry
Good HopeModerate Drought
GraysonAbnormally Dry
HahiraAbnormally Dry
HazlehurstAbnormally Dry
HogansvilleAbnormally Dry
Holly SpringsAbnormally Dry
HomelandAbnormally Dry
HullModerate Drought
IlaModerate Drought
IrwintonAbnormally Dry
JakinAbnormally Dry
JasperAbnormally Dry
JesupModerate Drought
KennesawAbnormally Dry
KeysvilleAbnormally Dry
KingslandAbnormally Dry
KiteAbnormally Dry
LaFayetteModerate Drought
LavoniaModerate Drought
LawrencevilleAbnormally Dry
LenoxAbnormally Dry
LeslieModerate Drought
LexingtonModerate Drought
LumpkinAbnormally Dry
LuthersvilleAbnormally Dry
LyonsAbnormally Dry
MariettaAbnormally Dry
MartinModerate Drought
McIntyreAbnormally Dry
MeigsAbnormally Dry
MetterAbnormally Dry
MidvilleAbnormally Dry
MilanAbnormally Dry
MitchellAbnormally Dry
MontroseAbnormally Dry
MorganModerate Drought
MorvenAbnormally Dry
Mount VernonAbnormally Dry
NahuntaModerate Drought
NelsonAbnormally Dry
NorcrossAbnormally Dry
NorwoodAbnormally Dry
NunezAbnormally Dry
OakwoodModerate Drought
OdumModerate Drought
ParrottModerate Drought
Peachtree CityAbnormally Dry
PelhamAbnormally Dry
PendergrassModerate Drought
PerryAbnormally Dry
PinehurstModerate Drought
PineviewModerate Drought
PoulanModerate Drought
PulaskiAbnormally Dry
RebeccaModerate Drought
ReidsvilleAbnormally Dry
RentzAbnormally Dry
ReynoldsAbnormally Dry
RhineAbnormally Dry
RiverdaleAbnormally Dry
RochelleModerate Drought
Rocky FordAbnormally Dry
RoopvilleModerate Drought
RoystonModerate Drought
RutledgeAbnormally Dry
Sale CityModerate Drought
SandersvilleAbnormally Dry
Santa ClausAbnormally Dry
SardisAbnormally Dry
SavannahAbnormally Dry
SenoiaAbnormally Dry
SevilleModerate Drought
SharonAbnormally Dry
SopertonAbnormally Dry
SpartaAbnormally Dry
StatesboroAbnormally Dry
StathamModerate Drought
SummertownAbnormally Dry
SuwaneeAbnormally Dry
SylvaniaAbnormally Dry
TallapoosaAbnormally Dry
TalmoModerate Drought
TaylorsvilleAbnormally Dry
TennilleAbnormally Dry
TiftonModerate Drought
ToomsboroAbnormally Dry
TurinAbnormally Dry
TyroneAbnormally Dry
UvaldaAbnormally Dry
ValdostaAbnormally Dry
VidaliaAbnormally Dry
VidetteAbnormally Dry
ViennaModerate Drought
WhitesburgModerate Drought
WinderModerate Drought
WoodbineAbnormally Dry
WrightsvilleAbnormally Dry
CarrolltonModerate Drought
DoravilleAbnormally Dry
DunwoodyAbnormally Dry
AvalonModerate Drought
ChatsworthAbnormally Dry
DillardModerate Drought
GrayAbnormally Dry
HiawasseeModerate Drought
LincolntonAbnormally Dry
MaxeysAbnormally Dry
McCaysvilleModerate Drought
MonticelloAbnormally Dry
RinggoldModerate Drought
Sky ValleyModerate Drought
AlamoAbnormally Dry
AlapahaAbnormally Dry
AlstonAbnormally Dry
AmericusModerate Drought
ArabiModerate Drought
ArcadeModerate Drought
AveraAbnormally Dry
BacontonModerate Drought
BaxleyAbnormally Dry
Belvedere ParkAbnormally Dry
BethlehemModerate Drought
BlackshearAbnormally Dry
BlairsvilleModerate Drought
BlakelyModerate Drought
BloomingdaleAbnormally Dry
Blue RidgeAbnormally Dry
BostwickModerate Drought
BowersvilleModerate Drought
BowmanModerate Drought
BraseltonModerate Drought
BraswellAbnormally Dry
BrookhavenModerate Drought
CadwellAbnormally Dry
CamakAbnormally Dry
CamillaAbnormally Dry
CantonAbnormally Dry
CecilAbnormally Dry
ChambleeAbnormally Dry
ChesterAbnormally Dry
ClermontModerate Drought
CohuttaModerate Drought
CoolidgeAbnormally Dry
CummingAbnormally Dry
DanielsvilleModerate Drought
DarienAbnormally Dry
DawsonvilleAbnormally Dry
DecaturAbnormally Dry
DeepstepAbnormally Dry
DemorestAbnormally Dry
DexterAbnormally Dry
DonalsonvilleAbnormally Dry
DoolingAbnormally Dry
DuluthAbnormally Dry
East DublinAbnormally Dry
East EllijayAbnormally Dry
East NewnanAbnormally Dry
East PointModerate Drought
EatontonAbnormally Dry
EllentonAbnormally Dry
EllijayAbnormally Dry
EmersonAbnormally Dry
EtonAbnormally Dry
FairviewSevere Drought
Flowery BranchModerate Drought
Forest ParkAbnormally Dry
Fort OglethorpeSevere Drought
Franklin SpringsModerate Drought
Garden CityAbnormally Dry
GarfieldAbnormally Dry
GibsonAbnormally Dry
GlennvilleAbnormally Dry
GrahamAbnormally Dry
HaganAbnormally Dry
HarlemAbnormally Dry
HarrisonAbnormally Dry
HartwellModerate Drought
HawkinsvilleModerate Drought
HelenAbnormally Dry
HiggstonAbnormally Dry
HinesvilleAbnormally Dry
HiramAbnormally Dry
HobokenAbnormally Dry
HomerModerate Drought
Indian SpringsSevere Drought
Iron CityAbnormally Dry
Isle of HopeAbnormally Dry
IveyAbnormally Dry
KingstonModerate Drought
LakeviewSevere Drought
LearyModerate Drought
LilburnAbnormally Dry
LillyModerate Drought
LindaleModerate Drought
Lookout MountainSevere Drought
LouisvilleAbnormally Dry
LulaModerate Drought
LyerlyModerate Drought
MabletonModerate Drought
MaconAbnormally Dry
MadisonAbnormally Dry
MartinezAbnormally Dry
MatthewsAbnormally Dry
MaysvilleModerate Drought
MenloModerate Drought
MilledgevilleAbnormally Dry
Mineral BluffAbnormally Dry
MontezumaAbnormally Dry
MoultrieAbnormally Dry
Mount AiryModerate Drought
Mount ZionModerate Drought
Mountain ParkAbnormally Dry
NashvilleAbnormally Dry
NewingtonAbnormally Dry
NewnanAbnormally Dry
NewtonModerate Drought
Norman ParkAbnormally Dry
North DecaturAbnormally Dry
Oak ParkAbnormally Dry
OcillaAbnormally Dry
OconeeAbnormally Dry
OffermanAbnormally Dry
OglethorpeAbnormally Dry
OliverAbnormally Dry
OmegaAbnormally Dry
OxfordAbnormally Dry
PalmettoModerate Drought
PattersonAbnormally Dry
PearsonAbnormally Dry
PembrokeAbnormally Dry
PerkinsAbnormally Dry
PhillipsburgModerate Drought
PittsModerate Drought
PlainvilleModerate Drought
PoolerAbnormally Dry
Port WentworthAbnormally Dry
PortalAbnormally Dry
PorterdaleAbnormally Dry
PutneyModerate Drought
RangerAbnormally Dry
Ray CityAbnormally Dry
RayleAbnormally Dry
Reed CreekModerate Drought
RemertonAbnormally Dry
RinconAbnormally Dry
RossvilleSevere Drought
RoswellAbnormally Dry
RussellModerate Drought
Sandy SpringsAbnormally Dry
SasserModerate Drought
SatillaAbnormally Dry
ScrevenAbnormally Dry
ShannonModerate Drought
SharpsburgAbnormally Dry
Social CircleAbnormally Dry
SparksAbnormally Dry
SpringfieldAbnormally Dry
Sugar HillModerate Drought
SummervilleModerate Drought
SurrencyModerate Drought
SycamoreModerate Drought
Tallulah FallsAbnormally Dry
TempleModerate Drought
ThunderboltAbnormally Dry
TigerAbnormally Dry
ToccoaAbnormally Dry
TrentonModerate Drought
TrionModerate Drought
TuckerAbnormally Dry
Tunnel HillModerate Drought
Ty TyModerate Drought
Tybee IslandAbnormally Dry
UnadillaAbnormally Dry
Union CityModerate Drought
UnionvilleModerate Drought
VernonburgAbnormally Dry
Villa RicaModerate Drought
WacoModerate Drought
WaleskaAbnormally Dry
Walnut GroveAbnormally Dry
WarrentonAbnormally Dry
WarwickModerate Drought
WatkinsvilleModerate Drought
WhighamAbnormally Dry
WillacoocheeAbnormally Dry
WoodstockAbnormally Dry
WoolseyAbnormally Dry
WrensAbnormally Dry
YonahAbnormally Dry
DaculaModerate Drought
SnellvilleAbnormally Dry
Richmond HillAbnormally Dry
StockbridgeAbnormally Dry
WaynesboroAbnormally Dry
RaoulModerate Drought
AtlantaModerate Drought
Chattanooga ValleyModerate Drought
AbbevilleModerate Drought
AcworthAbnormally Dry
AdelAbnormally Dry
AltoModerate Drought
AndersonvilleAbnormally Dry
ApplingAbnormally Dry
AragonAbnormally Dry
ArgyleAbnormally Dry
ArnoldsvilleModerate Drought
AshburnModerate Drought
AthensModerate Drought
AttapulgusAbnormally Dry
AuburnModerate Drought
AustellModerate Drought
BainbridgeAbnormally Dry
BaldwinModerate Drought
Ball GroundAbnormally Dry
BartowAbnormally Dry
BellvilleAbnormally Dry
BerlinAbnormally Dry
BogartModerate Drought
BowdonModerate Drought
BremenModerate Drought
BrinsonAbnormally Dry
BronwoodModerate Drought
BrooksAbnormally Dry
BroxtonAbnormally Dry
BrunswickAbnormally Dry
BuchananAbnormally Dry
BuckheadAbnormally Dry
Buena VistaAbnormally Dry
ByromvilleAbnormally Dry
ByronAbnormally Dry
CairoAbnormally Dry
CalhounAbnormally Dry
CalvaryAbnormally Dry
CanonModerate Drought
CarlModerate Drought
CarltonModerate Drought
CartersvilleAbnormally Dry
Cave SpringModerate Drought
CentervilleAbnormally Dry
CentralhatcheeModerate Drought
ChickamaugaModerate Drought
ClarkesvilleAbnormally Dry
ClaytonAbnormally Dry
ClevelandAbnormally Dry
ClimaxAbnormally Dry
CobbtownAbnormally Dry
CochranAbnormally Dry
ColbertModerate Drought
ColquittModerate Drought
CommerceModerate Drought
CorneliaModerate Drought
CovingtonAbnormally Dry
CrawfordModerate Drought
DahlonegaAbnormally Dry
DaisyAbnormally Dry
DaltonModerate Drought
DamascusModerate Drought
DanvilleAbnormally Dry
DavisboroAbnormally Dry
DearingAbnormally Dry
Dewy RoseModerate Drought
DouglasvilleModerate Drought
Du PontAbnormally Dry
DudleyAbnormally Dry
EastmanModerate Drought
EdisonModerate Drought
ElbertonModerate Drought
EllavilleAbnormally Dry
EphesusModerate Drought
EpworthAbnormally Dry
EvansAbnormally Dry
FairmountAbnormally Dry
FitzgeraldAbnormally Dry
FlemingtonAbnormally Dry
Fort GainesModerate Drought
Fort ValleyAbnormally Dry
GainesvilleModerate Drought
GillsvilleModerate Drought
GirardAbnormally Dry
GordonAbnormally Dry
GrantvilleAbnormally Dry
GreensboroAbnormally Dry
GrovetownAbnormally Dry
GuytonAbnormally Dry
HaralsonAbnormally Dry
HephzibahAbnormally Dry
HiltoniaAbnormally Dry
HomervilleModerate Drought
HoschtonModerate Drought
IdealAbnormally Dry
JeffersonModerate Drought
JeffersonvilleAbnormally Dry
LakelandAbnormally Dry
LeesburgModerate Drought
Lithia SpringsModerate Drought
LoganvilleAbnormally Dry
LudowiciModerate Drought
Lumber CityAbnormally Dry
MarshallvilleAbnormally Dry
MidwayModerate Drought
MillenAbnormally Dry
MonroeAbnormally Dry
MorelandAbnormally Dry
Mountain CityModerate Drought
NichollsAbnormally Dry
NicholsonModerate Drought
OchlockneeAbnormally Dry
PavoAbnormally Dry
PlainsModerate Drought
Powder SpringsModerate Drought
ResacaAbnormally Dry
RiceboroModerate Drought
RichlandAbnormally Dry
RockmartAbnormally Dry
RomeModerate Drought
ScotlandAbnormally Dry
ShellmanModerate Drought
SiloamAbnormally Dry
SmithvilleModerate Drought
SmyrnaModerate Drought
StapletonAbnormally Dry
StillmoreAbnormally Dry
SumnerModerate Drought
SwainsboroAbnormally Dry
SylvesterModerate Drought
Talking RockAbnormally Dry
ThomsonAbnormally Dry
TignallAbnormally Dry
Twin CityAbnormally Dry
Union PointAbnormally Dry
VarnellModerate Drought
WadleyAbnormally Dry
WalthourvilleModerate Drought
WashingtonAbnormally Dry
WaycrossAbnormally Dry
WhiteAbnormally Dry
White PlainsAbnormally Dry
WintervilleModerate Drought
WoodvilleAbnormally Dry
Young HarrisModerate Drought
Peachtree CornersAbnormally Dry
GeorgetownAbnormally Dry
North High ShoalsModerate Drought
North Druid HillsModerate Drought
Country Club EstatesAbnormally Dry
GumlogModerate Drought
Mountain ParkAbnormally Dry
Skidaway IslandAbnormally Dry
SunnysideAbnormally Dry
Whitemarsh IslandAbnormally Dry
Wilmington IslandAbnormally Dry
MiltonAbnormally Dry
Johns CreekAbnormally Dry
Chattahoochee HillsModerate Drought
HendersonAbnormally Dry
South FultonModerate Drought
StonecrestAbnormally Dry