Current Drought Conditions for Indiana - February 11, 2025

Indiana Drought Report:

As of February 11, 2025 approximately 68% (24717 square miles) of Indiana is Abnormally dry with no areas under drought conditions.

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Indiana Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Indiana

LocationDrought Conditions
AdvanceAbnormally Dry
AkronAbnormally Dry
AlbanyAbnormally Dry
AlbionAbnormally Dry
AlexandriaAbnormally Dry
AltonaAbnormally Dry
AmbiaAbnormally Dry
AmboyAbnormally Dry
AmericusAbnormally Dry
AmoAbnormally Dry
AndersonAbnormally Dry
AndrewsAbnormally Dry
AngolaAbnormally Dry
ArcadiaAbnormally Dry
ArlingtonAbnormally Dry
AshleyAbnormally Dry
AtlantaAbnormally Dry
AtticaAbnormally Dry
AuburnAbnormally Dry
AvillaAbnormally Dry
AvonAbnormally Dry
BainbridgeAbnormally Dry
BargersvilleAbnormally Dry
Bass LakeAbnormally Dry
Battle GroundAbnormally Dry
BerneAbnormally Dry
Beverly ShoresAbnormally Dry
BicknellAbnormally Dry
BlanfordAbnormally Dry
BloomfieldAbnormally Dry
BloomingdaleAbnormally Dry
BlufftonAbnormally Dry
BoswellAbnormally Dry
BourbonAbnormally Dry
BrazilAbnormally Dry
BremenAbnormally Dry
BristolAbnormally Dry
BrookAbnormally Dry
BrooklynAbnormally Dry
BrookstonAbnormally Dry
BrownsburgAbnormally Dry
BrucevilleAbnormally Dry
BryantAbnormally Dry
BuffaloAbnormally Dry
BurketAbnormally Dry
BurlingtonAbnormally Dry
BurnettsvilleAbnormally Dry
ButlerAbnormally Dry
CadizAbnormally Dry
Cambridge CityAbnormally Dry
CamdenAbnormally Dry
CarmelAbnormally Dry
CarthageAbnormally Dry
CayugaAbnormally Dry
Cedar LakeAbnormally Dry
Center PointAbnormally Dry
CentervilleAbnormally Dry
ChalmersAbnormally Dry
ChesterfieldAbnormally Dry
ChestertonAbnormally Dry
ChurubuscoAbnormally Dry
CiceroAbnormally Dry
Clay CityAbnormally Dry
ClaypoolAbnormally Dry
ClaytonAbnormally Dry
Clear LakeAbnormally Dry
ClintonAbnormally Dry
CloverdaleAbnormally Dry
CoalmontAbnormally Dry
CoatesvilleAbnormally Dry
ColburnAbnormally Dry
ColfaxAbnormally Dry
CollegevilleAbnormally Dry
Columbia CityAbnormally Dry
ConverseAbnormally Dry
CorunnaAbnormally Dry
Country Club HeightsAbnormally Dry
CovingtonAbnormally Dry
CraneAbnormally Dry
CrawfordsvilleAbnormally Dry
CromwellAbnormally Dry
CulverAbnormally Dry
Lake DalecarliaAbnormally Dry
DalevilleAbnormally Dry
DanaAbnormally Dry
DanvilleAbnormally Dry
DaytonAbnormally Dry
DelphiAbnormally Dry
DenverAbnormally Dry
Dune AcresAbnormally Dry
DunkirkAbnormally Dry
DunlapAbnormally Dry
DunreithAbnormally Dry
DyerAbnormally Dry
East ChicagoAbnormally Dry
Lake StationAbnormally Dry
East GermantownAbnormally Dry
EatonAbnormally Dry
EconomyAbnormally Dry
EdgewoodAbnormally Dry
EdinburghAbnormally Dry
EdwardsportAbnormally Dry
ElkhartAbnormally Dry
ElnoraAbnormally Dry
ElwoodAbnormally Dry
EmisonAbnormally Dry
FairlandAbnormally Dry
FairmountAbnormally Dry
FarmlandAbnormally Dry
FillmoreAbnormally Dry
Fish LakeAbnormally Dry
FishersAbnormally Dry
FloraAbnormally Dry
FontanetAbnormally Dry
Fort WayneAbnormally Dry
FortvilleAbnormally Dry
Fountain CityAbnormally Dry
FowlerAbnormally Dry
FowlertonAbnormally Dry
FrancesvilleAbnormally Dry
FrankfortAbnormally Dry
FranklinAbnormally Dry
FranktonAbnormally Dry
FreelandvilleAbnormally Dry
FremontAbnormally Dry
FultonAbnormally Dry
GarrettAbnormally Dry
GaryAbnormally Dry
Gas CityAbnormally Dry
GastonAbnormally Dry
GenevaAbnormally Dry
GlenwoodAbnormally Dry
GoodlandAbnormally Dry
GoshenAbnormally Dry
GosportAbnormally Dry
GrabillAbnormally Dry
GreencastleAbnormally Dry
Greens ForkAbnormally Dry
GreentownAbnormally Dry
GreenwoodAbnormally Dry
GriffithAbnormally Dry
HamiltonAbnormally Dry
HammondAbnormally Dry
HannaAbnormally Dry
HarlanAbnormally Dry
Hartford CityAbnormally Dry
HartsvilleAbnormally Dry
HebronAbnormally Dry
HerbstAbnormally Dry
HighlandAbnormally Dry
HobartAbnormally Dry
HomecroftAbnormally Dry
HopeAbnormally Dry
HoweAbnormally Dry
HudsonAbnormally Dry
Hudson LakeAbnormally Dry
HuntertownAbnormally Dry
HuntingtonAbnormally Dry
HymeraAbnormally Dry
IdavilleAbnormally Dry
IngallsAbnormally Dry
JalapaAbnormally Dry
JamestownAbnormally Dry
JasonvilleAbnormally Dry
JonesboroAbnormally Dry
KemptonAbnormally Dry
KendallvilleAbnormally Dry
KennardAbnormally Dry
KentlandAbnormally Dry
KewannaAbnormally Dry
KimmellAbnormally Dry
KingmanAbnormally Dry
Kingsford HeightsAbnormally Dry
KirklinAbnormally Dry
KnightstownAbnormally Dry
KnoxAbnormally Dry
KokomoAbnormally Dry
Koontz LakeAbnormally Dry
KoutsAbnormally Dry
La PazAbnormally Dry
LadogaAbnormally Dry
LafayetteAbnormally Dry
LagrangeAbnormally Dry
Lake VillageAbnormally Dry
LaketonAbnormally Dry
LandessAbnormally Dry
LapelAbnormally Dry
LarwillAbnormally Dry
LawrenceAbnormally Dry
LebanonAbnormally Dry
LewisvilleAbnormally Dry
LigonierAbnormally Dry
LindenAbnormally Dry
LintonAbnormally Dry
LiztonAbnormally Dry
LogansportAbnormally Dry
Long BeachAbnormally Dry
LosantvilleAbnormally Dry
LowellAbnormally Dry
LynnAbnormally Dry
LyonsAbnormally Dry
MacyAbnormally Dry
ManillaAbnormally Dry
MarionAbnormally Dry
MarkleAbnormally Dry
MarklevilleAbnormally Dry
MarshallAbnormally Dry
MatthewsAbnormally Dry
MeccaAbnormally Dry
MedaryvilleAbnormally Dry
MellottAbnormally Dry
MentoneAbnormally Dry
MeromAbnormally Dry
MerrillvilleAbnormally Dry
MexicoAbnormally Dry
Michigan CityAbnormally Dry
MichigantownAbnormally Dry
MiddleburyAbnormally Dry
MiddletownAbnormally Dry
MilfordAbnormally Dry
MillhousenAbnormally Dry
MilroyAbnormally Dry
MiltonAbnormally Dry
ModocAbnormally Dry
MononAbnormally Dry
MonroeAbnormally Dry
MonroevilleAbnormally Dry
MonroviaAbnormally Dry
MontereyAbnormally Dry
MontezumaAbnormally Dry
MonticelloAbnormally Dry
MontmorenciAbnormally Dry
MontpelierAbnormally Dry
MoorelandAbnormally Dry
MooresvilleAbnormally Dry
MoroccoAbnormally Dry
MorristownAbnormally Dry
Mount AuburnAbnormally Dry
Mount EtnaAbnormally Dry
Mount SummitAbnormally Dry
MulberryAbnormally Dry
MuncieAbnormally Dry
MunsterAbnormally Dry
NappaneeAbnormally Dry
New CastleAbnormally Dry
New ChicagoAbnormally Dry
New GoshenAbnormally Dry
New PalestineAbnormally Dry
New ParisAbnormally Dry
New RichmondAbnormally Dry
New RossAbnormally Dry
New WhitelandAbnormally Dry
NewberryAbnormally Dry
NewportAbnormally Dry
NewtownAbnormally Dry
NoblesvilleAbnormally Dry
North JudsonAbnormally Dry
North ManchesterAbnormally Dry
North SalemAbnormally Dry
North Terre HauteAbnormally Dry
North WebsterAbnormally Dry
NorwayAbnormally Dry
OaktownAbnormally Dry
OrestesAbnormally Dry
OrlandAbnormally Dry
OssianAbnormally Dry
OtterbeinAbnormally Dry
OxfordAbnormally Dry
ParagonAbnormally Dry
Parker CityAbnormally Dry
PendletonAbnormally Dry
PennvilleAbnormally Dry
PerrysvilleAbnormally Dry
PeruAbnormally Dry
PiercetonAbnormally Dry
Pine VillageAbnormally Dry
PittsboroAbnormally Dry
PlainfieldAbnormally Dry
PlainvilleAbnormally Dry
PlymouthAbnormally Dry
Point IsabelAbnormally Dry
PonetoAbnormally Dry
PorterAbnormally Dry
PortlandAbnormally Dry
RagsdaleAbnormally Dry
RedkeyAbnormally Dry
RemingtonAbnormally Dry
RensselaerAbnormally Dry
ReynoldsAbnormally Dry
RidgevilleAbnormally Dry
RileyAbnormally Dry
RoachdaleAbnormally Dry
RoannAbnormally Dry
RoanokeAbnormally Dry
RochesterAbnormally Dry
RockvilleAbnormally Dry
Rocky RippleAbnormally Dry
Rolling PrairieAbnormally Dry
Rome CityAbnormally Dry
RosedaleAbnormally Dry
RossvilleAbnormally Dry
RushvilleAbnormally Dry
RussellvilleAbnormally Dry
RussiavilleAbnormally Dry
SalamoniaAbnormally Dry
SandbornAbnormally Dry
SaratogaAbnormally Dry
ScherervilleAbnormally Dry
SchneiderAbnormally Dry
ScotlandAbnormally Dry
SeelyvilleAbnormally Dry
SelmaAbnormally Dry
ShadelandAbnormally Dry
SharpsvilleAbnormally Dry
ShelburnAbnormally Dry
ShelbyAbnormally Dry
ShelbyvilleAbnormally Dry
ShepardsvilleAbnormally Dry
SheridanAbnormally Dry
ShipshewanaAbnormally Dry
ShirleyAbnormally Dry
Silver LakeAbnormally Dry
SimsAbnormally Dry
SomersetAbnormally Dry
South HavenAbnormally Dry
South WhitleyAbnormally Dry
SpencerAbnormally Dry
SpicelandAbnormally Dry
Spring LakeAbnormally Dry
SpringportAbnormally Dry
Star CityAbnormally Dry
StilesvilleAbnormally Dry
StockwellAbnormally Dry
StraughnAbnormally Dry
SullivanAbnormally Dry
Sulphur SpringsAbnormally Dry
SummitvilleAbnormally Dry
SwayzeeAbnormally Dry
SweetserAbnormally Dry
Switz CityAbnormally Dry
SyracuseAbnormally Dry
TecumsehAbnormally Dry
Terre HauteAbnormally Dry
ThorntownAbnormally Dry
TiptonAbnormally Dry
Toad HopAbnormally Dry
TopekaAbnormally Dry
Town of PinesAbnormally Dry
TrafalgarAbnormally Dry
Trail CreekAbnormally Dry
Tri-LakesAbnormally Dry
UlenAbnormally Dry
Union CityAbnormally Dry
UniondaleAbnormally Dry
UniversalAbnormally Dry
UplandAbnormally Dry
Van BurenAbnormally Dry
WabashAbnormally Dry
WaldronAbnormally Dry
WaltonAbnormally Dry
WanatahAbnormally Dry
WarrenAbnormally Dry
WarsawAbnormally Dry
WaterlooAbnormally Dry
WavelandAbnormally Dry
WaynetownAbnormally Dry
West LafayetteAbnormally Dry
West LebanonAbnormally Dry
West Terre HauteAbnormally Dry
WestfieldAbnormally Dry
WestvilleAbnormally Dry
WheatfieldAbnormally Dry
WheelerAbnormally Dry
WhitelandAbnormally Dry
WhitestownAbnormally Dry
WhitingAbnormally Dry
WilkinsonAbnormally Dry
Williams CreekAbnormally Dry
WilliamsportAbnormally Dry
WinamacAbnormally Dry
WinchesterAbnormally Dry
WinfieldAbnormally Dry
WingateAbnormally Dry
Winona LakeAbnormally Dry
WolcottAbnormally Dry
WoodburnAbnormally Dry
WorthingtonAbnormally Dry
WynnedaleAbnormally Dry
YeomanAbnormally Dry
YorktownAbnormally Dry
ZanesvilleAbnormally Dry
ZionsvilleAbnormally Dry
DecaturAbnormally Dry
Shamrock LakesAbnormally Dry
Michiana ShoresAbnormally Dry
DuggerAbnormally Dry
Buck CreekAbnormally Dry
Bunker HillAbnormally Dry
Clarks HillAbnormally Dry
Crown PointAbnormally Dry
Earl ParkAbnormally Dry
FarmersburgAbnormally Dry
GreensburgAbnormally Dry
La CrosseAbnormally Dry
La FontaineAbnormally Dry
LagroAbnormally Dry
LeesburgAbnormally Dry
MillersburgAbnormally Dry
Mount AyrAbnormally Dry
New HavenAbnormally Dry
New MarketAbnormally Dry
Royal CenterAbnormally Dry
VeedersburgAbnormally Dry
Burns HarborAbnormally Dry
Ogden DunesAbnormally Dry
PortageAbnormally Dry
GreenfieldAbnormally Dry
StauntonAbnormally Dry
ValparaisoAbnormally Dry
Lakes of the Four SeasonsAbnormally Dry
KingsburyAbnormally Dry
DublinAbnormally Dry
GalvestonAbnormally Dry
HagerstownAbnormally Dry
WolcottvilleAbnormally Dry
Simonton LakeAbnormally Dry
Etna GreenAbnormally Dry
HoaglandAbnormally Dry
WakarusaAbnormally Dry
GrangerAbnormally Dry
Indian VillageAbnormally Dry
LakevilleAbnormally Dry
MishawakaAbnormally Dry
New CarlisleAbnormally Dry
North LibertyAbnormally Dry
OsceolaAbnormally Dry
RoselandAbnormally Dry
South BendAbnormally Dry
WalkertonAbnormally Dry
IndianapolisAbnormally Dry
Leo-CedarvilleAbnormally Dry
McCordsvilleAbnormally Dry
Pottawattamie ParkAbnormally Dry
AberdeenAbnormally Dry
Shorewood ForestAbnormally Dry
Lake HolidayAbnormally Dry
Van Bibber LakeAbnormally Dry
Heritage LakeAbnormally Dry