Current Drought Conditions for Montana - February 4, 2025

Montana Drought Report:

As of February 4, 2025 approximately 53% (78347 square miles) of Montana is under drought conditions and 38% (56271 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Montana Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Montana

LocationDrought Conditions
AmsterdamModerate Drought
BallantineAbnormally Dry
BelgradeAbnormally Dry
Big ArmAbnormally Dry
Big SandyAbnormally Dry
BozemanAbnormally Dry
BroadusSevere Drought
BrocktonModerate Drought
BusbyModerate Drought
CascadeModerate Drought
CharloAbnormally Dry
ChesterAbnormally Dry
ChinookAbnormally Dry
ChurchillModerate Drought
Clyde ParkAbnormally Dry
ColstripModerate Drought
ColumbusAbnormally Dry
CoramAbnormally Dry
CraneExtreme Drought
Crow AgencyModerate Drought
CulbertsonModerate Drought
CusterAbnormally Dry
Cut BankAbnormally Dry
DillonModerate Drought
DixonModerate Drought
DrummondExtreme Drought
DupuyerModerate Drought
EdgarModerate Drought
EkalakaSevere Drought
ElmoAbnormally Dry
FairfieldModerate Drought
FairviewExtreme Drought
FallonSevere Drought
ForsythModerate Drought
Fort Belknap AgencyAbnormally Dry
Fort ShawModerate Drought
FortineAbnormally Dry
FrazerModerate Drought
FroidModerate Drought
FrombergSevere Drought
GildfordAbnormally Dry
GlasgowModerate Drought
GlendiveSevere Drought
HardinModerate Drought
HarlemAbnormally Dry
HavreAbnormally Dry
HaysAbnormally Dry
Heart ButteAbnormally Dry
HinghamAbnormally Dry
HinsdaleModerate Drought
Hot SpringsAbnormally Dry
HuntleyAbnormally Dry
HyshamModerate Drought
JolietModerate Drought
JoplinAbnormally Dry
JordanAbnormally Dry
KevinAbnormally Dry
Lame DeerModerate Drought
LaurelAbnormally Dry
LavinaAbnormally Dry
LimaModerate Drought
LivingstonAbnormally Dry
Lodge GrassModerate Drought
Lodge PoleAbnormally Dry
MaltaAbnormally Dry
ManhattanModerate Drought
Medicine LakeModerate Drought
MelstoneAbnormally Dry
Miles CityModerate Drought
NashuaModerate Drought
PabloAbnormally Dry
Park CityAbnormally Dry
PlentywoodModerate Drought
PlevnaSevere Drought
PolsonAbnormally Dry
PoplarModerate Drought
PowerAbnormally Dry
PryorModerate Drought
RobertsSevere Drought
RonanAbnormally Dry
RudyardAbnormally Dry
RyegateAbnormally Dry
SacoAbnormally Dry
Sand CouleeAbnormally Dry
Santa RitaAbnormally Dry
SavageExtreme Drought
ScobeyModerate Drought
ShelbyAbnormally Dry
ShepherdAbnormally Dry
SheridanModerate Drought
SidneyExtreme Drought
SimmsSevere Drought
Starr SchoolAbnormally Dry
StockettAbnormally Dry
SunburstAbnormally Dry
TerrySevere Drought
Three ForksModerate Drought
UlmModerate Drought
ValierModerate Drought
VaughnModerate Drought
Virginia CityModerate Drought
WestbyModerate Drought
WhitewaterAbnormally Dry
WibauxSevere Drought
Willow CreekModerate Drought
WilsallAbnormally Dry
Wolf PointModerate Drought
WordenAbnormally Dry
WyolaModerate Drought
YaakAbnormally Dry
RoundupAbnormally Dry
AnacondaExtreme Drought
AvonExtreme Drought
BearcreekSevere Drought
BelknapAbnormally Dry
BoulderSevere Drought
ButteExtreme Drought
CardwellModerate Drought
CarltonSevere Drought
ClintonSevere Drought
CondonModerate Drought
CorvallisModerate Drought
DarbyModerate Drought
Deer LodgeExtreme Drought
EllistonExtreme Drought
EmigrantAbnormally Dry
EnnisModerate Drought
EurekaAbnormally Dry
EvergreenAbnormally Dry
FlorenceModerate Drought
FrenchtownModerate Drought
Gallatin GatewayAbnormally Dry
GardinerModerate Drought
HamiltonModerate Drought
HeronAbnormally Dry
Hungry HorseAbnormally Dry
Jefferson CitySevere Drought
KalispellAbnormally Dry
KilaAbnormally Dry
LakesideAbnormally Dry
LibbyAbnormally Dry
LoloSevere Drought
LonepineAbnormally Dry
MarionAbnormally Dry
Martin CityAbnormally Dry
MaxvilleExtreme Drought
MissoulaSevere Drought
Montana CitySevere Drought
NoxonAbnormally Dry
OlneyAbnormally Dry
ParadiseModerate Drought
PhilipsburgExtreme Drought
PiltzvilleSevere Drought
Pioneer JunctionAbnormally Dry
PlainsModerate Drought
PonyModerate Drought
PrayAbnormally Dry
Red LodgeSevere Drought
RollinsAbnormally Dry
SomersAbnormally Dry
StevensvilleModerate Drought
SulaSevere Drought
SuperiorModerate Drought
Swan LakeAbnormally Dry
Thompson FallsAbnormally Dry
TownsendModerate Drought
TregoAbnormally Dry
Trout CreekAbnormally Dry
TroyAbnormally Dry
TurahSevere Drought
Twin BridgesModerate Drought
VictorModerate Drought
WalkervilleExtreme Drought
West GlacierAbnormally Dry
West YellowstoneModerate Drought
White HavenAbnormally Dry
White Sulphur SpringsAbnormally Dry
WhitefishAbnormally Dry
WhitehallSevere Drought
WinstonModerate Drought
BataviaAbnormally Dry
PinesdaleModerate Drought
Fort SmithModerate Drought
Seeley LakeExtreme Drought
AugustaSevere Drought
BasinExtreme Drought
ChoteauModerate Drought
ClancySevere Drought
East HelenaSevere Drought
LincolnExtreme Drought
LindisfarneAbnormally Dry
Reed PointAbnormally Dry
AbsarokeeAbnormally Dry
AlbertonAbnormally Dry
AlderModerate Drought
ArleeSevere Drought
AshlandSevere Drought
BainvilleModerate Drought
BakerSevere Drought
BelfrySevere Drought
Big TimberAbnormally Dry
BillingsAbnormally Dry
Black EagleModerate Drought
BradyAbnormally Dry
BridgerSevere Drought
BroadviewAbnormally Dry
BrowningAbnormally Dry
Gibson FlatsModerate Drought
Great FallsModerate Drought
HelenaSevere Drought
Woods BayAbnormally Dry
BigforkAbnormally Dry
RexfordAbnormally Dry
CircleModerate Drought
Columbia FallsAbnormally Dry
ConradAbnormally Dry
MuddyModerate Drought
King Arthur ParkAbnormally Dry
Fort BentonAbnormally Dry
Forest Hill VillageAbnormally Dry
Bear DanceAbnormally Dry
Beaver CreekAbnormally Dry
Big SkyModerate Drought
BoneauAbnormally Dry
Camp ThreeAbnormally Dry
HerronAbnormally Dry
JetteAbnormally Dry
Kings PointAbnormally Dry
Parker SchoolAbnormally Dry
RiverbendAbnormally Dry
Turtle LakeAbnormally Dry
West GlendiveSevere Drought
West HavreAbnormally Dry
WyeSevere Drought
East Glacier Park VillageAbnormally Dry
Finley PointAbnormally Dry
North BrowningAbnormally Dry
South BrowningAbnormally Dry
Sun PrairieModerate Drought
Fort PeckModerate Drought
AzureAbnormally Dry
SangreyAbnormally Dry
South GlastonburyAbnormally Dry