Current Drought Conditions for Pennsylvania - November 5, 2024

Pennsylvania Drought Report:

As of November 5, 2024 approximately 48% (22247 square miles) of Pennsylvania is under drought conditions and 47% (21686 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Pennsylvania Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Pennsylvania

LocationDrought Conditions
AckermanvilleModerate Drought
AdamsburgModerate Drought
AdamstownSevere Drought
AddisonSevere Drought
AlbaAbnormally Dry
AlbionAbnormally Dry
AlbrightsvilleModerate Drought
AldanSevere Drought
AlexandriaAbnormally Dry
AlfarataAbnormally Dry
AlleghenyvilleSevere Drought
AllenportAbnormally Dry
AllenportExtreme Drought
AllensvilleAbnormally Dry
AllenwoodAbnormally Dry
AllportAbnormally Dry
AlmediaSevere Drought
AltamontSevere Drought
AmblerSevere Drought
AmbridgeModerate Drought
ApolloModerate Drought
AaronsburgAbnormally Dry
ArendtsvilleModerate Drought
AristesSevere Drought
Arlington HeightsModerate Drought
ArnoldModerate Drought
Arnold CityExtreme Drought
ArnotAbnormally Dry
AronaSevere Drought
AshlandSevere Drought
AshvilleAbnormally Dry
AspersModerate Drought
AtglenSevere Drought
AthensAbnormally Dry
AtlasSevere Drought
AtlasburgSevere Drought
AtwoodAbnormally Dry
AuburnSevere Drought
AudubonSevere Drought
AvellaExtreme Drought
AvisAbnormally Dry
AvonSevere Drought
AvondaleSevere Drought
AvonmoreModerate Drought
BadenModerate Drought
BaidlandExtreme Drought
BainbridgeModerate Drought
BairdfordModerate Drought
BakerstownAbnormally Dry
BallySevere Drought
BangorModerate Drought
BarrvilleAbnormally Dry
BeallsvilleExtreme Drought
Bear RocksSevere Drought
Beaver MeadowsSevere Drought
BeaverdaleAbnormally Dry
BeavertownAbnormally Dry
BechtelsvilleSevere Drought
Beech CreekAbnormally Dry
Belle VernonExtreme Drought
BellefonteAbnormally Dry
BellevilleAbnormally Dry
BelmontModerate Drought
Ben AvonModerate Drought
Ben Avon HeightsModerate Drought
BendersvilleModerate Drought
BensonSevere Drought
BentleyvilleExtreme Drought
BentonModerate Drought
BerlinSevere Drought
BerrysburgAbnormally Dry
BerwickSevere Drought
BerwynSevere Drought
BethanyModerate Drought
BethelSevere Drought
BethlehemSevere Drought
Big RunAbnormally Dry
BiglerAbnormally Dry
BiglervilleModerate Drought
BirdsboroSevere Drought
BirminghamAbnormally Dry
BlainAbnormally Dry
BlairsvilleSevere Drought
BlandburgAbnormally Dry
BlandonSevere Drought
BlawnoxModerate Drought
Blooming ValleyAbnormally Dry
Blue BallSevere Drought
Blue BellSevere Drought
Blue Ridge SummitModerate Drought
BoalsburgAbnormally Dry
BobtownExtreme Drought
BolivarSevere Drought
BonneauvilleModerate Drought
BoothwynSevere Drought
BostonModerate Drought
BoswellSevere Drought
BowersSevere Drought
BowmanstownSevere Drought
BowmansvilleSevere Drought
BoyertownSevere Drought
BrackenridgeModerate Drought
Braddock HillsModerate Drought
BradenvilleSevere Drought
Bradford WoodsModerate Drought
BrandonvilleSevere Drought
BraveExtreme Drought
BresslerModerate Drought
Briar CreekSevere Drought
BrickervilleSevere Drought
BridgeportSevere Drought
BridgevilleSevere Drought
BridgewaterModerate Drought
BrisbinAbnormally Dry
BristolSevere Drought
Broad Top CityAbnormally Dry
BrodheadsvilleModerate Drought
BrookvilleAbnormally Dry
BrownstownModerate Drought
BrowntownModerate Drought
BruinAbnormally Dry
Buck RunSevere Drought
BulgerSevere Drought
BurgettstownSevere Drought
BurlingtonAbnormally Dry
BurnhamAbnormally Dry
ButlerAbnormally Dry
ByrnedaleAbnormally Dry
CairnbrookModerate Drought
CallensburgAbnormally Dry
CalleryAbnormally Dry
CalnSevere Drought
CalumetSevere Drought
Cambridge SpringsAbnormally Dry
Camp HillModerate Drought
CampbelltownModerate Drought
CanonsburgExtreme Drought
CantonAbnormally Dry
CarbondaleModerate Drought
CarlisleModerate Drought
CarrolltownAbnormally Dry
CashtownModerate Drought
CassvilleAbnormally Dry
CastaneaAbnormally Dry
Castle ShannonSevere Drought
CatawissaSevere Drought
CenterportSevere Drought
Central CityModerate Drought
Centre HallAbnormally Dry
ChalfantModerate Drought
ChalfontSevere Drought
ChalkhillExtreme Drought
ChapmanModerate Drought
CharleroiExtreme Drought
ChaseModerate Drought
Cherry TreeAbnormally Dry
CherryvilleSevere Drought
Chest SpringsAbnormally Dry
ChesterSevere Drought
Chester HeightsSevere Drought
Chester HillAbnormally Dry
CheswickModerate Drought
ChewtonModerate Drought
ChicoraAbnormally Dry
Church HillAbnormally Dry
ChurchtownSevere Drought
ClarenceAbnormally Dry
ClarionAbnormally Dry
ClarkAbnormally Dry
ClarksvilleExtreme Drought
ClaySevere Drought
CleonaModerate Drought
ClintonModerate Drought
ClymerAbnormally Dry
CoaldaleAbnormally Dry
CoaldaleSevere Drought
CoalportAbnormally Dry
CoatesvilleSevere Drought
CoburnAbnormally Dry
CochranvilleSevere Drought
CokeburgExtreme Drought
CollingdaleSevere Drought
CollinsburgSevere Drought
ColverAbnormally Dry
CommodoreAbnormally Dry
ConestogaModerate Drought
ConfluenceSevere Drought
ConneautvilleAbnormally Dry
ConnellsvilleExtreme Drought
ConnoquenessingAbnormally Dry
ConshohockenSevere Drought
ConwayModerate Drought
CoralModerate Drought
CornwallSevere Drought
CoudersportAbnormally Dry
CranesvilleAbnormally Dry
CressonAbnormally Dry
CressonaSevere Drought
Cross CreekSevere Drought
Cross RoadsModerate Drought
CroydonSevere Drought
CrucibleExtreme Drought
CumbolaSevere Drought
CurtisvilleModerate Drought
CurwensvilleAbnormally Dry
DaisytownModerate Drought
DallasModerate Drought
DalmatiaAbnormally Dry
DaltonModerate Drought
DaubervilleSevere Drought
DavidsvilleSevere Drought
DawsonExtreme Drought
DaytonAbnormally Dry
Deer LakeExtreme Drought
Deer LakeSevere Drought
DefianceAbnormally Dry
DelanoSevere Drought
DelmontModerate Drought
DeltaModerate Drought
DenverSevere Drought
DerrySevere Drought
DevonSevere Drought
DillsburgModerate Drought
DonaldsonSevere Drought
DonegalSevere Drought
DonoraExtreme Drought
DormontModerate Drought
DouglassvilleSevere Drought
DravosburgModerate Drought
Drexel HillSevere Drought
Dry TavernExtreme Drought
DublinSevere Drought
DudleyAbnormally Dry
DunbarExtreme Drought
DuncannonModerate Drought
DunloModerate Drought
DunnstownAbnormally Dry
DushoreModerate Drought
EaglevilleSevere Drought
EaglevilleAbnormally Dry
EarlstonAbnormally Dry
East BerlinModerate Drought
East BerwickSevere Drought
East BradyAbnormally Dry
East ConemaughModerate Drought
East EarlSevere Drought
East FreedomAbnormally Dry
East GreenvilleSevere Drought
East LansdowneSevere Drought
East McKeesportModerate Drought
East ProspectModerate Drought
East SalemAbnormally Dry
East SideModerate Drought
East StroudsburgModerate Drought
East VandergriftModerate Drought
East WashingtonExtreme Drought
East WaterfordAbnormally Dry
EastvaleModerate Drought
EbensburgAbnormally Dry
EddingtonSevere Drought
EddystoneSevere Drought
EdenburgSevere Drought
EdenbornExtreme Drought
EdgewoodSevere Drought
EdgewoodModerate Drought
EdgeworthModerate Drought
EdinboroAbnormally Dry
EffortModerate Drought
EhrenfeldAbnormally Dry
Eighty FourExtreme Drought
EldertonModerate Drought
EldredAbnormally Dry
ElizabethSevere Drought
ElizabethtownModerate Drought
ElizabethvilleAbnormally Dry
ElklandAbnormally Dry
EllportModerate Drought
EllsworthExtreme Drought
ElramaSevere Drought
ElversonSevere Drought
ElysburgSevere Drought
EnglewoodSevere Drought
EnhautModerate Drought
EnlowSevere Drought
EphrataSevere Drought
ErieAbnormally Dry
ErnestAbnormally Dry
EspySevere Drought
Evans CityAbnormally Dry
EvansburgSevere Drought
EverettAbnormally Dry
EversonExtreme Drought
ExportModerate Drought
ExtonSevere Drought
FactoryvilleModerate Drought
FairchanceExtreme Drought
FairdaleExtreme Drought
FairfieldModerate Drought
FairhopeExtreme Drought
Fairless HillsSevere Drought
FairviewAbnormally Dry
FallstonModerate Drought
FalmouthModerate Drought
FarmersvilleSevere Drought
FarmingtonExtreme Drought
Fawn GroveModerate Drought
Fayette CityExtreme Drought
FayettevilleModerate Drought
FellsburgSevere Drought
FeltonModerate Drought
FerndaleModerate Drought
FernvilleSevere Drought
FinleyvilleSevere Drought
FlemingtonAbnormally Dry
FolcroftSevere Drought
Foot of TenAbnormally Dry
ForceAbnormally Dry
Forest HillsModerate Drought
ForestvilleSevere Drought
Fort LoudonModerate Drought
Fort WashingtonSevere Drought
Foster BrookAbnormally Dry
Fountain SpringsSevere Drought
FrackvilleSevere Drought
Frankfort SpringsModerate Drought
FranklinModerate Drought
FranklintownModerate Drought
FredericksburgSevere Drought
FredoniaAbnormally Dry
FreeburgAbnormally Dry
FreedomModerate Drought
FriedensSevere Drought
FriedensburgSevere Drought
FriendsvilleAbnormally Dry
FrizzleburgAbnormally Dry
FrystownSevere Drought
GaletonAbnormally Dry
GallitzinAbnormally Dry
GapSevere Drought
Garden ViewAbnormally Dry
GardnersModerate Drought
GarrettSevere Drought
GastonvilleSevere Drought
GeorgetownModerate Drought
GeorgetownModerate Drought
GeorgetownSevere Drought
GibraltarSevere Drought
GibsoniaModerate Drought
GilbertonSevere Drought
GilbertsvilleSevere Drought
GirardAbnormally Dry
GirardvilleSevere Drought
GlasgowModerate Drought
GlassportModerate Drought
Glen HopeAbnormally Dry
Glen LyonModerate Drought
Glen RockModerate Drought
GlenburnModerate Drought
GlenoldenSevere Drought
GlenshawModerate Drought
GlensideSevere Drought
GoldsboroModerate Drought
GoodvilleSevere Drought
GordonSevere Drought
GouglersvilleSevere Drought
GouldsboroModerate Drought
GrampianAbnormally Dry
GranvilleAbnormally Dry
GrapevilleSevere Drought
GrassflatAbnormally Dry
GratzAbnormally Dry
GraziervilleAbnormally Dry
Great BendAbnormally Dry
Green LaneSevere Drought
Green TreeModerate Drought
GreencastleModerate Drought
GreenockModerate Drought
GreensboroExtreme Drought
GreensburgSevere Drought
Grier CitySevere Drought
GrillSevere Drought
GrindstoneExtreme Drought
Grove CityAbnormally Dry
Guys MillsAbnormally Dry
HalifaxModerate Drought
HamburgSevere Drought
HamptonModerate Drought
HanoverModerate Drought
HarleighSevere Drought
HarleysvilleSevere Drought
HarmonyAbnormally Dry
HartletonAbnormally Dry
HarwickModerate Drought
HastingsAbnormally Dry
HatfieldSevere Drought
Hawk RunAbnormally Dry
HaysvilleSevere Drought
HazletonSevere Drought
HebronSevere Drought
HeginsModerate Drought
HeidelbergSevere Drought
HeidlersburgModerate Drought
HeilwoodAbnormally Dry
Hemlock FarmsModerate Drought
HendersonvilleSevere Drought
HerminieSevere Drought
HermitageAbnormally Dry
HerndonAbnormally Dry
HickoryExtreme Drought
Highland ParkAbnormally Dry
HilldaleModerate Drought
LawrenceSevere Drought
HollidaysburgAbnormally Dry
Homer CityModerate Drought
HomesteadModerate Drought
HometownSevere Drought
Honey BrookSevere Drought
HookstownModerate Drought
HooversvilleSevere Drought
Hop BottomModerate Drought
HopelandSevere Drought
HopewellAbnormally Dry
HorshamSevere Drought
HostetterSevere Drought
HouservilleAbnormally Dry
HoustonExtreme Drought
HoutzdaleAbnormally Dry
HowardAbnormally Dry
HudsonModerate Drought
HulmevilleSevere Drought
Hummels WharfAbnormally Dry
HunkerSevere Drought
HunterstownModerate Drought
HydeAbnormally Dry
Hyde ParkModerate Drought
Hyde ParkSevere Drought
HydetownAbnormally Dry
IdavilleModerate Drought
Indian Mountain LakeModerate Drought
IndustryModerate Drought
IngramModerate Drought
InkermanModerate Drought
IntercourseSevere Drought
IolaModerate Drought
IrvonaAbnormally Dry
IrwinModerate Drought
Jackson CenterAbnormally Dry
JacksonvilleModerate Drought
JacksonwaldSevere Drought
Jamison CityModerate Drought
JeannetteModerate Drought
JeddoModerate Drought
JeffersonExtreme Drought
JeffersonModerate Drought
JennerstownSevere Drought
JeromeSevere Drought
JerseytownModerate Drought
Jim ThorpeModerate Drought
JonestownModerate Drought
JulianAbnormally Dry
Kapp HeightsAbnormally Dry
Karns CityAbnormally Dry
KelayresSevere Drought
KemptonSevere Drought
KenilworthSevere Drought
KennerdellAbnormally Dry
Kennett SquareSevere Drought
KerseyAbnormally Dry
King of PrussiaSevere Drought
KiskimereModerate Drought
KistlerAbnormally Dry
KnoxvilleAbnormally Dry
KoppelModerate Drought
KratzervilleAbnormally Dry
KreamerAbnormally Dry
KulpmontSevere Drought
KulpsvilleSevere Drought
KutztownSevere Drought
LaceyvilleModerate Drought
LancasterSevere Drought
LandingvilleSevere Drought
LandisburgModerate Drought
LanesboroModerate Drought
LangelothSevere Drought
LanghorneSevere Drought
Langhorne ManorSevere Drought
LansdaleSevere Drought
LansdowneSevere Drought
LatrobeSevere Drought
LattimerSevere Drought
LaureltonAbnormally Dry
Laurys StationSevere Drought
LavelleSevere Drought
Lawson HeightsSevere Drought
LeechburgModerate Drought
LeeperAbnormally Dry
LeesportSevere Drought
LeetsdaleModerate Drought
LehightonSevere Drought
Lemont FurnaceExtreme Drought
LenkervilleAbnormally Dry
LeolaSevere Drought
Level GreenModerate Drought
LevittownSevere Drought
LewisberryModerate Drought
LibertyModerate Drought
LibertyAbnormally Dry
LillyAbnormally Dry
LimaSevere Drought
Lime RidgeSevere Drought
Lincoln ParkSevere Drought
LinntownAbnormally Dry
LinwoodSevere Drought
LionvilleSevere Drought
Little BritainSevere Drought
Lock HavenAbnormally Dry
LocustdaleSevere Drought
LogantonAbnormally Dry
LoganvilleModerate Drought
Long BranchExtreme Drought
LongfellowAbnormally Dry
LorainModerate Drought
LorettoAbnormally Dry
LoyalhannaSevere Drought
Lumber CityAbnormally Dry
LykensModerate Drought
LyonsSevere Drought
MadisonSevere Drought
MadisonburgAbnormally Dry
Mahanoy CitySevere Drought
MalvernSevere Drought
MammothSevere Drought
ManheimModerate Drought
Manns ChoiceModerate Drought
ManorModerate Drought
MansfieldAbnormally Dry
Maple GlenSevere Drought
MapletonAbnormally Dry
MapletownExtreme Drought
MarionModerate Drought
Marion CenterAbnormally Dry
Marion HeightsSevere Drought
MarkleysburgSevere Drought
MarsAbnormally Dry
MarshalltonSevere Drought
Martins CreekModerate Drought
MartinsburgAbnormally Dry
MasontownExtreme Drought
MatherExtreme Drought
MattawanaAbnormally Dry
MayfieldModerate Drought
MaytownModerate Drought
McAlistervilleAbnormally Dry
McConnellstownAbnormally Dry
McElhattanAbnormally Dry
McEwensvilleAbnormally Dry
McGovernExtreme Drought
McKeansburgSevere Drought
McKnightstownModerate Drought
McSherrystownModerate Drought
McVeytownAbnormally Dry
MediaSevere Drought
MercerAbnormally Dry
MercersburgModerate Drought
MeridianAbnormally Dry
MertztownSevere Drought
MeshoppenModerate Drought
MexicoAbnormally Dry
MeyersdaleSevere Drought
MiddleportSevere Drought
MidlandModerate Drought
MidwayModerate Drought
MidwaySevere Drought
MilesburgAbnormally Dry
MilfordModerate Drought
Milford SquareSevere Drought
Mill HallAbnormally Dry
Mill VillageAbnormally Dry
MillersburgAbnormally Dry
MillerstownAbnormally Dry
MillertonAbnormally Dry
MillheimAbnormally Dry
MillsboroExtreme Drought
MillvilleModerate Drought
MillwoodSevere Drought
MingovilleAbnormally Dry
MocanaquaSevere Drought
MohrsvilleSevere Drought
MonacaModerate Drought
MonessenExtreme Drought
Mont AltoModerate Drought
MontandonAbnormally Dry
MontgomeryvilleSevere Drought
MonumentAbnormally Dry
MorgantownSevere Drought
MorrisdaleAbnormally Dry
MorrisvilleExtreme Drought
MorrisvilleSevere Drought
MoscowModerate Drought
MoshannonAbnormally Dry
Mount AetnaSevere Drought
Mount CarmelSevere Drought
Mount GretnaModerate Drought
Mount Gretna HeightsModerate Drought
Mount Holly SpringsModerate Drought
Mount MorrisExtreme Drought
Mount OliverModerate Drought
Mount PleasantSevere Drought
Mount Pleasant MillsAbnormally Dry
Mount PoconoModerate Drought
Mount UnionAbnormally Dry
Mountain TopModerate Drought
MountainhomeModerate Drought
MuirModerate Drought
Mundys CornerAbnormally Dry
MurrysvilleModerate Drought
MuseSevere Drought
MyerstownSevere Drought
NanticokeModerate Drought
NeedmoreModerate Drought
NemacolinExtreme Drought
NescopeckSevere Drought
NesquehoningSevere Drought
New AlbanyAbnormally Dry
New BerlinvilleSevere Drought
New BrightonModerate Drought
New BritainSevere Drought
New BuffaloModerate Drought
New CentervilleSevere Drought
New ColumbiaAbnormally Dry
New ColumbusModerate Drought
New EagleSevere Drought
New FlorenceSevere Drought
New GalileeModerate Drought
New HollandSevere Drought
New HopeSevere Drought
New JerusalemSevere Drought
New MilfordModerate Drought
New OxfordModerate Drought
New ParisModerate Drought
New PhiladelphiaSevere Drought
New RinggoldSevere Drought
New SalemExtreme Drought
New SalemModerate Drought
New StantonSevere Drought
New TripoliSevere Drought
NewburgModerate Drought
NewmanstownSevere Drought
NewryAbnormally Dry
Newton HamiltonAbnormally Dry
NewtownSevere Drought
NewtownSevere Drought
NewvilleModerate Drought
NittanyAbnormally Dry
NoblestownSevere Drought
North ApolloModerate Drought
North Belle VernonExtreme Drought
North BraddockModerate Drought
North CharleroiExtreme Drought
North EastAbnormally Dry
North IrwinModerate Drought
North PhilipsburgAbnormally Dry
North VandergriftModerate Drought
North WalesSevere Drought
NorthumberlandAbnormally Dry
NorthwoodAbnormally Dry
NorveltSevere Drought
NorwoodSevere Drought
NuangolaModerate Drought
NumidiaSevere Drought
NurembergSevere Drought
OakdaleSevere Drought
OaklandModerate Drought
OaklandAbnormally Dry
OaklandModerate Drought
OakmontModerate Drought
OberlinModerate Drought
OhiovilleModerate Drought
OklahomaModerate Drought
OklahomaAbnormally Dry
OliverExtreme Drought
OneidaSevere Drought
OrangevilleModerate Drought
OrbisoniaAbnormally Dry
Orchard HillsModerate Drought
OrelandSevere Drought
OrrstownModerate Drought
OrrtannaModerate Drought
OrvistonAbnormally Dry
OrwigsburgSevere Drought
OrwinModerate Drought
Osceola MillsAbnormally Dry
OvalAbnormally Dry
OxfordSevere Drought
PaintModerate Drought
PalmertonSevere Drought
PardeesvilleSevere Drought
Park Forest VillageAbnormally Dry
ParkerAbnormally Dry
ParkesburgSevere Drought
ParksideSevere Drought
ParkvilleModerate Drought
ParryvilleSevere Drought
Patterson HeightsModerate Drought
PattonAbnormally Dry
PaxtangModerate Drought
PaxtonvilleAbnormally Dry
Pen MarModerate Drought
PennModerate Drought
PenndelSevere Drought
Penns CreekAbnormally Dry
PennsburgSevere Drought
PennsideSevere Drought
PennvilleModerate Drought
PennwynSevere Drought
PenrynSevere Drought
PerkasieSevere Drought
PerryopolisExtreme Drought
PetersburgAbnormally Dry
PetroliaAbnormally Dry
PhilipsburgAbnormally Dry
PillowAbnormally Dry
Pine GlenAbnormally Dry
Pine GroveSevere Drought
Pine Grove MillsAbnormally Dry
PitcairnModerate Drought
PlainfieldModerate Drought
PlainsModerate Drought
PlateaAbnormally Dry
Pleasant GapAbnormally Dry
Pleasant HillSevere Drought
Pleasant ViewModerate Drought
PleasantvilleAbnormally Dry
PlumsteadvilleSevere Drought
PlumvilleAbnormally Dry
Plymouth MeetingSevere Drought
Pocono PinesModerate Drought
Point MarionExtreme Drought
PomeroySevere Drought
Port AlleganyAbnormally Dry
Port CarbonSevere Drought
Port ClintonSevere Drought
Port TrevortonAbnormally Dry
PortageAbnormally Dry
PortlandModerate Drought
PottsvilleSevere Drought
PromptonModerate Drought
ProspectAbnormally Dry
Prospect ParkSevere Drought
Prospect ParkAbnormally Dry
QuarryvilleSevere Drought
QuentinSevere Drought
JoffreSevere Drought
RailroadModerate Drought
RameyAbnormally Dry
RankinModerate Drought
RanshawSevere Drought
RaubsvilleSevere Drought
RauchtownAbnormally Dry
RavineSevere Drought
ReadingSevere Drought
ReamstownSevere Drought
RebersburgAbnormally Dry
Red HillSevere Drought
ReedsvilleAbnormally Dry
ReftonSevere Drought
RehrersburgSevere Drought
ReinertonModerate Drought
RennerdaleSevere Drought
RenovoAbnormally Dry
RepublicExtreme Drought
RevlocAbnormally Dry
RewAbnormally Dry
Reynolds HeightsAbnormally Dry
RheemsModerate Drought
Rices LandingExtreme Drought
RichfieldAbnormally Dry
RichlandSevere Drought
RichlandtownSevere Drought
RiegelsvilleSevere Drought
RingtownSevere Drought
RiversideModerate Drought
RiversideModerate Drought
Roaring SpringAbnormally Dry
RobesoniaSevere Drought
RobinsonSevere Drought
RockhillAbnormally Dry
RockledgeSevere Drought
RockwoodSevere Drought
RohrsburgModerate Drought
RomeAbnormally Dry
RoncoExtreme Drought
RoscoeExtreme Drought
Rose ValleySevere Drought
RosetoModerate Drought
RosevilleAbnormally Dry
RossiterAbnormally Dry
Rosslyn FarmsSevere Drought
RoteAbnormally Dry
RothsvilleSevere Drought
RouletteAbnormally Dry
RouzervilleModerate Drought
Rural ValleyAbnormally Dry
RusselltonModerate Drought
SaegertownAbnormally Dry
SalisburySevere Drought
SalladasburgAbnormally Dry
SaltilloAbnormally Dry
SanatogaSevere Drought
Sand HillSevere Drought
SankertownAbnormally Dry
Sandy LakeAbnormally Dry
Sandy RidgeAbnormally Dry
SaxonburgAbnormally Dry
SaylorsburgModerate Drought
SayreAbnormally Dry
Scalp LevelModerate Drought
SchellsburgModerate Drought
SchoeneckSevere Drought
SchubertSevere Drought
Schuylkill HavenSevere Drought
SchwenksvilleSevere Drought
ScotlandModerate Drought
SellersvilleSevere Drought
Seven ValleysModerate Drought
SewardModerate Drought
Shamokin DamAbnormally Dry
ShanksvilleSevere Drought
Sharon HillSevere Drought
SharpsburgModerate Drought
ShartlesvilleSevere Drought
SheatownModerate Drought
SheloctaModerate Drought
ShenandoahSevere Drought
Shenandoah HeightsSevere Drought
ShepptonSevere Drought
ShickshinnyModerate Drought
ShippensburgModerate Drought
ShippenvilleAbnormally Dry
ShippingportModerate Drought
ShoemakersvilleSevere Drought
ShrewsburyModerate Drought
SilkworthModerate Drought
SilverdaleSevere Drought
SimpsonModerate Drought
SkippackSevere Drought
SlabtownSevere Drought
SlatedaleSevere Drought
SlatingtonSevere Drought
SlickvilleModerate Drought
SlovanSevere Drought
SmethportAbnormally Dry
SmithfieldExtreme Drought
SmithtonExtreme Drought
SmockExtreme Drought
SnydertownModerate Drought
SnydertownAbnormally Dry
SoudertonSevere Drought
South CoatesvilleSevere Drought
South ConnellsvilleExtreme Drought
South ForkModerate Drought
South GreensburgSevere Drought
South HeightsModerate Drought
South New CastleAbnormally Dry
South PhilipsburgAbnormally Dry
South PottstownSevere Drought
South RenovoAbnormally Dry
South UniontownExtreme Drought
South WaverlyAbnormally Dry
SouthviewSevere Drought
Southwest GreensburgSevere Drought
SpartansburgAbnormally Dry
SpinnerstownSevere Drought
Spring HillAbnormally Dry
Spring HouseSevere Drought
Spring MillsAbnormally Dry
Spring MountSevere Drought
SpringboroAbnormally Dry
SpringdaleModerate Drought
SpringmontSevere Drought
Star JunctionExtreme Drought
StarruccaModerate Drought
StevensSevere Drought
StewartstownModerate Drought
StillwaterModerate Drought
StockdaleExtreme Drought
StonerstownAbnormally Dry
Stony Creek MillsSevere Drought
StouchsburgSevere Drought
StoweSevere Drought
StrattanvilleAbnormally Dry
StrausstownSevere Drought
Strodes MillsAbnormally Dry
StroudsburgModerate Drought
SturgeonSevere Drought
Sugar GroveAbnormally Dry
SummerhillAbnormally Dry
SummervilleAbnormally Dry
Summit HillSevere Drought
Summit StationSevere Drought
Sun ValleyModerate Drought
SunburyAbnormally Dry
SutersvilleSevere Drought
Sweden ValleyAbnormally Dry
SwissvaleModerate Drought
TamaquaSevere Drought
TarentumModerate Drought
TaylorstownExtreme Drought
TelfordSevere Drought
TempletonAbnormally Dry
Terre HillSevere Drought
ThompsonModerate Drought
ThompsontownAbnormally Dry
ThompsonvilleSevere Drought
ThornburgModerate Drought
ThorndaleSevere Drought
Three SpringsAbnormally Dry
TimblinAbnormally Dry
TiogaAbnormally Dry
TiptonAbnormally Dry
TitusvilleAbnormally Dry
ToptonSevere Drought
ToughkenamonSevere Drought
Tower CityModerate Drought
TownvilleAbnormally Dry
TraffordModerate Drought
TrainerSevere Drought
TrappeSevere Drought
TresckowSevere Drought
TrevortonModerate Drought
TrooperSevere Drought
TroutvilleAbnormally Dry
TroxelvilleAbnormally Dry
TroyAbnormally Dry
TrucksvilleModerate Drought
TrumbauersvilleSevere Drought
TullytownSevere Drought
TunnelhillAbnormally Dry
TurbotvilleAbnormally Dry
TuscaroraSevere Drought
TyroneAbnormally Dry
Union CityAbnormally Dry
Union DaleModerate Drought
UnionvilleAbnormally Dry
UplandSevere Drought
UrsinaSevere Drought
ValenciaAbnormally Dry
Valley ViewModerate Drought
Van VoorhisExtreme Drought
VanderbiltExtreme Drought
VandergriftModerate Drought
VandlingModerate Drought
VenangoAbnormally Dry
VersaillesModerate Drought
VincoModerate Drought
VintondaleAbnormally Dry
VirginvilleSevere Drought
WagnerAbnormally Dry
WakefieldModerate Drought
WallModerate Drought
WallacetonAbnormally Dry
WalnutportSevere Drought
WalnuttownSevere Drought
WampumModerate Drought
WanamieModerate Drought
WashingtonvilleModerate Drought
WattsburgAbnormally Dry
WaverlyModerate Drought
WaymartModerate Drought
Wayne HeightsModerate Drought
WaynesburgExtreme Drought
WeatherlyModerate Drought
WebsterSevere Drought
WeedvilleAbnormally Dry
WellersburgSevere Drought
WellsboroAbnormally Dry
WellsvilleModerate Drought
WesleyvilleAbnormally Dry
West AlexanderExtreme Drought
West ChesterSevere Drought
West ConshohockenSevere Drought
West LibertyAbnormally Dry
West WyomingModerate Drought
AustinAbnormally Dry
West ElizabethSevere Drought
West GroveSevere Drought
West MayfieldModerate Drought
West MiltonAbnormally Dry
West NanticokeModerate Drought
West NewtonSevere Drought
West PittsburgAbnormally Dry
West SunburyAbnormally Dry
West ViewModerate Drought
West WaynesburgExtreme Drought
WestfieldAbnormally Dry
WestmontModerate Drought
WestonSevere Drought
WestoverAbnormally Dry
WestwoodSevere Drought
WheatlandAbnormally Dry
WhitakerModerate Drought
White HavenModerate Drought
White MillsModerate Drought
White OakModerate Drought
Wilburton Number OneSevere Drought
WilliamsburgAbnormally Dry
WilliamstownModerate Drought
WilmerdingModerate Drought
WilmoreAbnormally Dry
Wind RidgeExtreme Drought
WindberModerate Drought
WinfieldAbnormally Dry
WitmerSevere Drought
WolfdaleExtreme Drought
WomelsdorfSevere Drought
WoodburyAbnormally Dry
WoodcockAbnormally Dry
WoodlynSevere Drought
WoodlynSevere Drought
WoodwardAbnormally Dry
WorthingtonAbnormally Dry
WoxallSevere Drought
WyalusingAbnormally Dry
WyanoSevere Drought
WyncoteSevere Drought
WyomingModerate Drought
YardleySevere Drought
YeagertownAbnormally Dry
York HavenModerate Drought
York SpringsModerate Drought
YoungstownSevere Drought
YoungsvilleAbnormally Dry
YoungwoodSevere Drought
YukonSevere Drought
ZelienopleAbnormally Dry
ZionAbnormally Dry
AliquippaModerate Drought
AllisonExtreme Drought
AltoonaAbnormally Dry
ApplewoldAbnormally Dry
Beaver SpringsAbnormally Dry
BlanchardAbnormally Dry
Boiling SpringsModerate Drought
BrookhavenSevere Drought
Bryn AthynSevere Drought
BuckhornModerate Drought
BurnsideAbnormally Dry
CaliforniaExtreme Drought
CentervilleExtreme Drought
CentervilleAbnormally Dry
ChristianaSevere Drought
ClaysvilleExtreme Drought
Coal CenterExtreme Drought
ConynghamSevere Drought
CorryAbnormally Dry
CorsicaAbnormally Dry
DewartAbnormally Dry
DoverModerate Drought
DryvilleSevere Drought
DuboistownAbnormally Dry
East ButlerAbnormally Dry
EdwardsvilleModerate Drought
ElginAbnormally Dry
FairviewAbnormally Dry
Falls CreekAbnormally Dry
FarrellAbnormally Dry
GeistownModerate Drought
Glen CampbellAbnormally Dry
HallsteadAbnormally Dry
HawthornAbnormally Dry
HillerExtreme Drought
HonesdaleModerate Drought
HopwoodExtreme Drought
ImperialSevere Drought
Indian LakeSevere Drought
IndianaAbnormally Dry
IvylandSevere Drought
KenmarAbnormally Dry
KylertownAbnormally Dry
Laurel RunModerate Drought
LawrencevilleAbnormally Dry
LenhartsvilleSevere Drought
LigonierSevere Drought
Little MeadowsAbnormally Dry
LiverpoolAbnormally Dry
MahaffeyAbnormally Dry
MaitlandAbnormally Dry
ManorvilleAbnormally Dry
MariannaExtreme Drought
MarklesburgAbnormally Dry
MasthopeModerate Drought
McConnellsburgModerate Drought
McKeesportModerate Drought
MifflinAbnormally Dry
MifflintownAbnormally Dry
New BaltimoreModerate Drought
New BedfordAbnormally Dry
New BethlehemAbnormally Dry
New CastleAbnormally Dry
New WilmingtonAbnormally Dry
NewellExtreme Drought
NicholsonModerate Drought
PalmdaleModerate Drought
Pen ArgylModerate Drought
PhoenixvilleSevere Drought
Picture RocksModerate Drought
Port MatildaAbnormally Dry
Port RoyalAbnormally Dry
Port VueModerate Drought
RichboroSevere Drought
RimersburgAbnormally Dry
Rowes RunExtreme Drought
SandyAbnormally Dry
SaxtonAbnormally Dry
SelinsgroveAbnormally Dry
SharonAbnormally Dry
SharpsvilleAbnormally Dry
SligoAbnormally Dry
South BethlehemAbnormally Dry
SpeersExtreme Drought
Spring CitySevere Drought
StoneboroAbnormally Dry
StormstownAbnormally Dry
SykesvilleAbnormally Dry
SylvaniaAbnormally Dry
TremontSevere Drought
Turtle CreekModerate Drought
TwilightExtreme Drought
UnionvilleAbnormally Dry
Warminster HeightsSevere Drought
Washington BoroModerate Drought
WernersvilleSevere Drought
West BrownsvilleExtreme Drought
West HazletonSevere Drought
West KittanningAbnormally Dry
WinterstownModerate Drought
YorkModerate Drought
Bell AcresModerate Drought
Fox ChapelModerate Drought
WeatherlyModerate Drought
YorklynModerate Drought
LincolnModerate Drought
Alsace ManorSevere Drought
Bear LakeAbnormally Dry
ColumbusAbnormally Dry
CraftonModerate Drought
RussellAbnormally Dry
West HamburgSevere Drought
DauphinModerate Drought
EastonModerate Drought
LemontAbnormally Dry
State CollegeAbnormally Dry
Delaware Water GapModerate Drought
Ford CliffAbnormally Dry
West MifflinModerate Drought
OleySevere Drought
Allison ParkModerate Drought
CassandraAbnormally Dry
Chevy Chase HeightsAbnormally Dry
ClaysburgAbnormally Dry
DaleModerate Drought
Lawrence ParkAbnormally Dry
Penn WynneSevere Drought
VicksburgAbnormally Dry
ReynoldsvilleAbnormally Dry
BlakelyModerate Drought
ChinchillaModerate Drought
Clarks SummitModerate Drought
Dickson CityModerate Drought
ForksvilleAbnormally Dry
HawleyModerate Drought
JessupModerate Drought
JohnsonburgAbnormally Dry
LaporteModerate Drought
MinersvilleSevere Drought
MoosicModerate Drought
Mount CobbModerate Drought
NoxenModerate Drought
Old ForgeModerate Drought
ParisSevere Drought
RidgwayAbnormally Dry
RousevilleAbnormally Dry
SenecaAbnormally Dry
Upper ExeterModerate Drought
West FallsModerate Drought
Woodland HeightsAbnormally Dry
FranklinAbnormally Dry
MatamorasModerate Drought
PolkAbnormally Dry
SugarcreekAbnormally Dry
Cornwells HeightsSevere Drought
East BangorModerate Drought
RogersvilleExtreme Drought
SchnecksvilleSevere Drought
West MiddlesexAbnormally Dry
Wind GapModerate Drought
RoyersfordSevere Drought
Allison ParkModerate Drought
MonroevilleModerate Drought
DeemstonExtreme Drought
Atkinson MillsAbnormally Dry
BaumstownSevere Drought
CrownAbnormally Dry
FivepointvilleSevere Drought
HeckschervilleSevere Drought
HerefordSevere Drought
KirkwoodSevere Drought
LamarAbnormally Dry
Pikes CreekModerate Drought
ReinholdsSevere Drought
RupertSevere Drought
RutledgeSevere Drought
SwartzvilleSevere Drought
WoodbourneSevere Drought
Ford CityAbnormally Dry
PhiladelphiaSevere Drought
AvoniaAbnormally Dry
AbbottstownModerate Drought
WilkinsburgModerate Drought
BrockwayAbnormally Dry
ClarendonAbnormally Dry
CrenshawAbnormally Dry
James CityAbnormally Dry
KaneAbnormally Dry
Mount JewettAbnormally Dry
North WarrenAbnormally Dry
SheffieldAbnormally Dry
StarbrickAbnormally Dry
TionestaAbnormally Dry
WarrenAbnormally Dry
WilcoxAbnormally Dry
Lewis RunAbnormally Dry
Bethel ParkSevere Drought
Ellwood CityModerate Drought
West DecaturAbnormally Dry
MarianneAbnormally Dry
Saw CreekModerate Drought
Emerald LakesModerate Drought
Indian Mountain LakeModerate Drought
Lake WynonahSevere Drought
Towamensing TrailsModerate Drought
Holiday PoconoModerate Drought
West HillsAbnormally Dry
Hickory HillsModerate Drought
Juniata TerraceAbnormally Dry
Gold Key LakeModerate Drought
Sunrise LakeModerate Drought
Conashaugh LakesModerate Drought
Pocono SpringsModerate Drought
Fawn Lake ForestModerate Drought
Pocono Ranch LandsModerate Drought
Lucerne MinesModerate Drought
BessemerModerate Drought
Enon ValleyModerate Drought
MifflinvilleSevere Drought
BeaverModerate Drought
BedfordModerate Drought
BloomsburgSevere Drought
BradfordAbnormally Dry
ChambersburgModerate Drought
ClearfieldAbnormally Dry
DanvilleModerate Drought
DarlingtonModerate Drought
EmporiumAbnormally Dry
EtnaModerate Drought
GettysburgModerate Drought
HuntingdonAbnormally Dry
LebanonSevere Drought
LewisburgAbnormally Dry
LewistownAbnormally Dry
LuzerneModerate Drought
MarienvilleAbnormally Dry
MiddleburgAbnormally Dry
MifflinburgAbnormally Dry
MontroseAbnormally Dry
New BerlinAbnormally Dry
NorristownSevere Drought
PittsburghModerate Drought
SomersetSevere Drought
TowandaAbnormally Dry
TunkhannockModerate Drought
WashingtonExtreme Drought
HarrisburgModerate Drought
MontoursvilleAbnormally Dry
New KensingtonModerate Drought
ScrantonModerate Drought
South WilliamsportAbnormally Dry
WilliamsportAbnormally Dry
Jersey ShoreAbnormally Dry
AllentownSevere Drought
AnnvilleModerate Drought
ArchbaldModerate Drought
Beaver FallsModerate Drought
BlossburgAbnormally Dry
CarnegieSevere Drought
CollegevilleSevere Drought
CoraopolisSevere Drought
DowningtownSevere Drought
DuncansvilleAbnormally Dry
DuquesneModerate Drought
Eagles MereModerate Drought
FleetwoodSevere Drought
Forest CityModerate Drought
FreelandModerate Drought
FreeportModerate Drought
HughesvilleModerate Drought
JermynModerate Drought
JohnstownModerate Drought
LansfordSevere Drought
LittlestownModerate Drought
Marcus HookSevere Drought
MariettaModerate Drought
McClureAbnormally Dry
MilroyAbnormally Dry
MiltonAbnormally Dry
MonongahelaSevere Drought
MuncyAbnormally Dry
NewportModerate Drought
Oil CityAbnormally Dry
PalmyraModerate Drought
PlymouthModerate Drought
PortersvilleAbnormally Dry
PottstownSevere Drought
PunxsutawneyAbnormally Dry
RochesterModerate Drought
SaltsburgModerate Drought
SchaefferstownSevere Drought
ScottdaleExtreme Drought
ShamokinSevere Drought
Snow ShoeAbnormally Dry
TempleSevere Drought
Union DepositModerate Drought
WaterfordAbnormally Dry
WatsontownAbnormally Dry
WaynesboroModerate Drought
MontgomeryAbnormally Dry
BrownsvilleExtreme Drought
DuryeaModerate Drought
HatboroSevere Drought
McDonaldSevere Drought
New FreedomModerate Drought
ShirleysburgAbnormally Dry
Franklin ParkModerate Drought
Lake WinolaModerate Drought
UniontownExtreme Drought
East RochesterModerate Drought
KittanningAbnormally Dry
CarmichaelsExtreme Drought
CrabtreeSevere Drought
DoylestownSevere Drought
PlumModerate Drought
TidiouteAbnormally Dry
Seven FieldsAbnormally Dry
BernvilleSevere Drought
Jefferson HillsSevere Drought
GlenfieldSevere Drought
Big BeaverModerate Drought
Carroll ValleyModerate Drought
Mill CreekAbnormally Dry
New BeaverModerate Drought
Penn Lake ParkModerate Drought
Pennsbury VillageSevere Drought
Northern CambriaAbnormally Dry
Canadohta LakeAbnormally Dry
Lake HeritageModerate Drought
Lake MeadeModerate Drought
RenningersSevere Drought
Timber HillsModerate Drought
Amity GardensSevere Drought
ChesterbrookSevere Drought
East UniontownExtreme Drought
ElimModerate Drought
Halfway HouseSevere Drought
Hasson HeightsAbnormally Dry
Lenape HeightsAbnormally Dry
MeadowoodAbnormally Dry
Newtown GrantSevere Drought
NixonAbnormally Dry
Oak HillsAbnormally Dry
OakwoodAbnormally Dry
PlymptonvilleAbnormally Dry
PottsgroveSevere Drought
RamblewoodAbnormally Dry
SchlusserModerate Drought
Susquehanna TrailsModerate Drought
Treasure LakeAbnormally Dry
Valley GreenModerate Drought
Village ShiresSevere Drought
ShavertownModerate Drought
Muhlenberg ParkSevere Drought
Fox ChaseSevere Drought
Montrose ManorSevere Drought
Beech Mountain LakesModerate Drought
Big Bass LakeModerate Drought
The HideoutModerate Drought
Wallenpaupack Lake EstatesModerate Drought
Lake Arthur EstatesAbnormally Dry
ToftreesAbnormally Dry
Lake LatonkaAbnormally Dry
Sierra ViewModerate Drought
Pine RidgeModerate Drought
Colony ParkSevere Drought
GreenfieldsSevere Drought