Current Drought Conditions for Pennsylvania - October 1, 2024

Pennsylvania Drought Report:

As of October 1, 2024 approximately 19% (8757 square miles) of Pennsylvania is under drought conditions and 33% (15064 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Pennsylvania Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Pennsylvania

LocationDrought Conditions
AdamsburgModerate Drought
AdamstownAbnormally Dry
AddisonSevere Drought
AlbionAbnormally Dry
AldanAbnormally Dry
AlleghenyvilleModerate Drought
AllenportModerate Drought
AlmediaAbnormally Dry
AltamontAbnormally Dry
AmblerModerate Drought
AmbridgeModerate Drought
ApolloModerate Drought
ArendtsvilleAbnormally Dry
AristesAbnormally Dry
ArnoldModerate Drought
Arnold CityModerate Drought
AronaModerate Drought
AshlandAbnormally Dry
AspersAbnormally Dry
AtglenModerate Drought
AtlasAbnormally Dry
AtlasburgModerate Drought
AtwoodAbnormally Dry
AuburnAbnormally Dry
AudubonModerate Drought
AvellaModerate Drought
AvonAbnormally Dry
AvondaleModerate Drought
AvonmoreModerate Drought
BadenModerate Drought
BaidlandModerate Drought
BainbridgeAbnormally Dry
BairdfordModerate Drought
BakerstownAbnormally Dry
BallyModerate Drought
BeallsvilleModerate Drought
Bear RocksSevere Drought
Beaver MeadowsAbnormally Dry
BeaverdaleAbnormally Dry
BechtelsvilleModerate Drought
Belle VernonModerate Drought
BelmontModerate Drought
Ben AvonModerate Drought
Ben Avon HeightsModerate Drought
BendersvilleAbnormally Dry
BensonSevere Drought
BentleyvilleModerate Drought
BerlinSevere Drought
BerrysburgAbnormally Dry
BerwynModerate Drought
BethelAbnormally Dry
BiglervilleAbnormally Dry
BirdsboroModerate Drought
BlairsvilleModerate Drought
BlandonAbnormally Dry
BlawnoxModerate Drought
Blooming ValleyAbnormally Dry
Blue BallModerate Drought
Blue BellModerate Drought
Blue Ridge SummitAbnormally Dry
BobtownSevere Drought
BolivarSevere Drought
BonneauvilleAbnormally Dry
BoothwynAbnormally Dry
BostonModerate Drought
BoswellSevere Drought
BowersAbnormally Dry
BowmanstownAbnormally Dry
BowmansvilleModerate Drought
BoyertownModerate Drought
BrackenridgeModerate Drought
Braddock HillsModerate Drought
BradenvilleSevere Drought
Bradford WoodsModerate Drought
BrandonvilleAbnormally Dry
BraveExtreme Drought
BresslerAbnormally Dry
Briar CreekAbnormally Dry
BrickervilleAbnormally Dry
BridgeportModerate Drought
BridgevilleModerate Drought
BridgewaterAbnormally Dry
BristolAbnormally Dry
Broad Top CityAbnormally Dry
BrownstownModerate Drought
Buck RunAbnormally Dry
BulgerModerate Drought
BurgettstownModerate Drought
ButlerAbnormally Dry
CairnbrookModerate Drought
CalleryAbnormally Dry
CalnModerate Drought
CalumetSevere Drought
Cambridge SpringsAbnormally Dry
Camp HillAbnormally Dry
CampbelltownAbnormally Dry
CanonsburgModerate Drought
CarlisleAbnormally Dry
CashtownAbnormally Dry
Castle ShannonModerate Drought
CatawissaAbnormally Dry
CenterportAbnormally Dry
Central CityModerate Drought
ChalfantModerate Drought
ChalfontModerate Drought
ChalkhillSevere Drought
CharleroiModerate Drought
ChesterAbnormally Dry
Chester HeightsModerate Drought
CheswickModerate Drought
ChewtonAbnormally Dry
ChicoraAbnormally Dry
ChurchtownModerate Drought
ClarkAbnormally Dry
ClarksvilleModerate Drought
ClayAbnormally Dry
CleonaAbnormally Dry
ClintonModerate Drought
ClymerAbnormally Dry
CoaldaleAbnormally Dry
CoaldaleAbnormally Dry
CoatesvilleModerate Drought
CochrantonAbnormally Dry
CochranvilleModerate Drought
CokeburgModerate Drought
CollingdaleAbnormally Dry
CollinsburgModerate Drought
ColverAbnormally Dry
CommodoreAbnormally Dry
ConestogaAbnormally Dry
ConfluenceSevere Drought
Conneaut LakeAbnormally Dry
ConneautvilleAbnormally Dry
ConnellsvilleSevere Drought
ConnoquenessingAbnormally Dry
ConshohockenModerate Drought
ConwayAbnormally Dry
CoralModerate Drought
CornwallAbnormally Dry
CranesvilleAbnormally Dry
CressonaAbnormally Dry
Cross CreekModerate Drought
Cross RoadsAbnormally Dry
CroydonAbnormally Dry
CrucibleModerate Drought
CumbolaAbnormally Dry
CurtisvilleModerate Drought
DaisytownModerate Drought
DaubervilleAbnormally Dry
DavidsvilleSevere Drought
DawsonSevere Drought
Deer LakeSevere Drought
Deer LakeAbnormally Dry
DefianceAbnormally Dry
DelanoAbnormally Dry
DelmontModerate Drought
DeltaAbnormally Dry
DenverAbnormally Dry
DerrySevere Drought
DevonModerate Drought
DillsburgAbnormally Dry
DonaldsonAbnormally Dry
DonegalSevere Drought
DonoraModerate Drought
DormontModerate Drought
DouglassvilleModerate Drought
DravosburgModerate Drought
Drexel HillModerate Drought
Dry TavernModerate Drought
DublinModerate Drought
DudleyAbnormally Dry
DunbarSevere Drought
DuncannonAbnormally Dry
DunloModerate Drought
EaglevilleModerate Drought
EarlstonModerate Drought
East BerlinAbnormally Dry
East ConemaughModerate Drought
East EarlModerate Drought
East GreenvilleModerate Drought
East LansdowneAbnormally Dry
East McKeesportModerate Drought
East ProspectAbnormally Dry
East VandergriftModerate Drought
East WashingtonModerate Drought
EastvaleAbnormally Dry
EbensburgAbnormally Dry
EddingtonAbnormally Dry
EddystoneAbnormally Dry
EdenburgAbnormally Dry
EdenbornModerate Drought
EdgewoodAbnormally Dry
EdgewoodModerate Drought
EdgeworthModerate Drought
EdinboroAbnormally Dry
EhrenfeldAbnormally Dry
Eighty FourModerate Drought
EldertonAbnormally Dry
ElizabethModerate Drought
ElizabethtownAbnormally Dry
ElizabethvilleAbnormally Dry
EllportAbnormally Dry
EllsworthModerate Drought
ElramaModerate Drought
ElversonModerate Drought
ElysburgAbnormally Dry
EnglewoodAbnormally Dry
EnhautAbnormally Dry
EnlowModerate Drought
EphrataAbnormally Dry
ErieAbnormally Dry
ErnestAbnormally Dry
EspyAbnormally Dry
Evans CityAbnormally Dry
EvansburgModerate Drought
EverettAbnormally Dry
EversonSevere Drought
ExportModerate Drought
ExtonModerate Drought
FairchanceModerate Drought
FairdaleModerate Drought
FairfieldAbnormally Dry
FairhopeModerate Drought
Fairless HillsAbnormally Dry
FallstonAbnormally Dry
FalmouthAbnormally Dry
FarmersvilleAbnormally Dry
FarmingtonSevere Drought
Fawn GroveAbnormally Dry
Fayette CityModerate Drought
FayettevilleAbnormally Dry
FellsburgModerate Drought
FeltonAbnormally Dry
FerndaleModerate Drought
FernvilleAbnormally Dry
FinleyvilleModerate Drought
FolcroftAbnormally Dry
Forest HillsModerate Drought
ForestvilleAbnormally Dry
Fort LoudonAbnormally Dry
Fort WashingtonModerate Drought
Fountain SpringsAbnormally Dry
FrackvilleAbnormally Dry
Frankfort SpringsModerate Drought
FranklinModerate Drought
FranklintownAbnormally Dry
FredericksburgAbnormally Dry
FredericksburgAbnormally Dry
FredoniaAbnormally Dry
FreedomAbnormally Dry
FriedensSevere Drought
FriedensburgAbnormally Dry
FrizzleburgAbnormally Dry
FrystownAbnormally Dry
GapModerate Drought
GardnersAbnormally Dry
GarrettSevere Drought
GastonvilleModerate Drought
GenevaAbnormally Dry
GeorgetownModerate Drought
GeorgetownModerate Drought
GibraltarModerate Drought
GibsoniaAbnormally Dry
GilbertonAbnormally Dry
GilbertsvilleModerate Drought
GirardAbnormally Dry
GirardvilleAbnormally Dry
GlasgowModerate Drought
GlassportModerate Drought
Glen RockAbnormally Dry
GlenoldenAbnormally Dry
GlenshawModerate Drought
GlensideModerate Drought
GoldsboroAbnormally Dry
GoodvilleModerate Drought
GordonAbnormally Dry
GouglersvilleAbnormally Dry
GrapevilleModerate Drought
GratzAbnormally Dry
Green LaneModerate Drought
Green TreeModerate Drought
GreencastleAbnormally Dry
GreenockModerate Drought
GreensboroSevere Drought
GreensburgSevere Drought
Grier CityAbnormally Dry
GrillModerate Drought
GrindstoneModerate Drought
Grove CityAbnormally Dry
Guys MillsAbnormally Dry
HalifaxAbnormally Dry
HamburgAbnormally Dry
HamptonAbnormally Dry
HanoverAbnormally Dry
HarleighAbnormally Dry
HarleysvilleModerate Drought
HarmonsburgAbnormally Dry
HarmonyAbnormally Dry
HartstownAbnormally Dry
HarwickModerate Drought
HatfieldModerate Drought
HaysvilleModerate Drought
HazletonAbnormally Dry
HebronAbnormally Dry
HeginsAbnormally Dry
HeidelbergModerate Drought
HeidlersburgAbnormally Dry
HeilwoodAbnormally Dry
HendersonvilleModerate Drought
HerminieModerate Drought
HermitageAbnormally Dry
HickoryModerate Drought
LawrenceModerate Drought
Homer CityModerate Drought
HomesteadModerate Drought
HometownAbnormally Dry
Honey BrookModerate Drought
HookstownModerate Drought
HooversvilleSevere Drought
HopelandAbnormally Dry
HopewellAbnormally Dry
HorshamModerate Drought
HostetterSevere Drought
HoustonModerate Drought
HulmevilleAbnormally Dry
HunkerSevere Drought
HunterstownAbnormally Dry
Hyde ParkModerate Drought
Hyde ParkAbnormally Dry
HydetownAbnormally Dry
IdavilleAbnormally Dry
IndustryModerate Drought
IngramModerate Drought
IntercourseAbnormally Dry
IrwinModerate Drought
Jackson CenterAbnormally Dry
JacksonvilleModerate Drought
JacksonwaldModerate Drought
JeannetteModerate Drought
JeffersonModerate Drought
JeffersonAbnormally Dry
JennerstownSevere Drought
JeromeSevere Drought
JonestownAbnormally Dry
KelayresAbnormally Dry
KemptonAbnormally Dry
KenilworthModerate Drought
Kennett SquareModerate Drought
King of PrussiaModerate Drought
KiskimereModerate Drought
KoppelAbnormally Dry
KulpmontAbnormally Dry
KulpsvilleModerate Drought
KutztownAbnormally Dry
LancasterAbnormally Dry
LandingvilleAbnormally Dry
LandisburgAbnormally Dry
LangelothModerate Drought
LanghorneAbnormally Dry
Langhorne ManorAbnormally Dry
LansdaleModerate Drought
LansdowneAbnormally Dry
LatrobeSevere Drought
LattimerAbnormally Dry
LavelleAbnormally Dry
Lawson HeightsSevere Drought
LeechburgModerate Drought
LeeperAbnormally Dry
LeesportAbnormally Dry
LeetsdaleModerate Drought
LehightonAbnormally Dry
Lemont FurnaceSevere Drought
LenkervilleAbnormally Dry
LeolaAbnormally Dry
Level GreenModerate Drought
LevittownAbnormally Dry
LewisberryAbnormally Dry
LibertyModerate Drought
LillyAbnormally Dry
LimaModerate Drought
Lime RidgeAbnormally Dry
Lincoln ParkAbnormally Dry
LinesvilleAbnormally Dry
LinwoodAbnormally Dry
LionvilleModerate Drought
Little BritainModerate Drought
LocustdaleAbnormally Dry
LoganvilleAbnormally Dry
Long BranchModerate Drought
LorainModerate Drought
LoyalhannaSevere Drought
LykensAbnormally Dry
LyonsAbnormally Dry
MadisonModerate Drought
Mahanoy CityAbnormally Dry
MalvernModerate Drought
MammothSevere Drought
ManheimAbnormally Dry
Manns ChoiceModerate Drought
ManorModerate Drought
Maple GlenModerate Drought
MapletownSevere Drought
MarionAbnormally Dry
Marion CenterAbnormally Dry
Marion HeightsAbnormally Dry
MarkleysburgSevere Drought
MarsAbnormally Dry
MarshalltonAbnormally Dry
MasontownModerate Drought
MatherModerate Drought
MaytownAbnormally Dry
McGovernModerate Drought
McKeansburgAbnormally Dry
McKnightstownAbnormally Dry
McSherrystownAbnormally Dry
MediaModerate Drought
MercerAbnormally Dry
MercersburgModerate Drought
MeridianAbnormally Dry
MertztownAbnormally Dry
MeyersdaleSevere Drought
MiddleportAbnormally Dry
MidlandModerate Drought
MidwayAbnormally Dry
MidwayModerate Drought
Milford SquareAbnormally Dry
Mill VillageAbnormally Dry
MillersburgAbnormally Dry
MillsboroModerate Drought
MillwoodSevere Drought
MohrsvilleAbnormally Dry
MonacaAbnormally Dry
MonessenModerate Drought
Mont AltoAbnormally Dry
MontgomeryvilleModerate Drought
MorgantownModerate Drought
MorrisvilleSevere Drought
MorrisvilleAbnormally Dry
Mount AetnaAbnormally Dry
Mount CarmelAbnormally Dry
Mount GretnaAbnormally Dry
Mount Gretna HeightsAbnormally Dry
Mount Holly SpringsAbnormally Dry
Mount MorrisSevere Drought
Mount OliverModerate Drought
Mount PleasantSevere Drought
MuirAbnormally Dry
Mundys CornerAbnormally Dry
MurrysvilleModerate Drought
MuseModerate Drought
MyerstownAbnormally Dry
NeedmoreModerate Drought
NemacolinModerate Drought
NescopeckAbnormally Dry
NesquehoningAbnormally Dry
New BerlinvilleModerate Drought
New BrightonAbnormally Dry
New BritainModerate Drought
New BuffaloAbnormally Dry
New CentervilleSevere Drought
New EagleModerate Drought
New FlorenceSevere Drought
New GalileeAbnormally Dry
New HollandAbnormally Dry
New HopeAbnormally Dry
New JerusalemAbnormally Dry
New OxfordAbnormally Dry
New ParisModerate Drought
New PhiladelphiaAbnormally Dry
New RinggoldAbnormally Dry
New SalemModerate Drought
New SalemAbnormally Dry
New StantonSevere Drought
New TripoliAbnormally Dry
NewburgAbnormally Dry
NewmanstownAbnormally Dry
NewtownAbnormally Dry
NewtownAbnormally Dry
NewvilleAbnormally Dry
NoblestownModerate Drought
North ApolloModerate Drought
North Belle VernonModerate Drought
North BraddockModerate Drought
North CharleroiModerate Drought
North EastAbnormally Dry
North IrwinModerate Drought
North VandergriftModerate Drought
North WalesModerate Drought
NorveltSevere Drought
NorwoodAbnormally Dry
NumidiaAbnormally Dry
NurembergAbnormally Dry
OakdaleModerate Drought
OaklandModerate Drought
OaklandAbnormally Dry
OakmontModerate Drought
OberlinAbnormally Dry
OhiovilleModerate Drought
OklahomaModerate Drought
OliverModerate Drought
OneidaAbnormally Dry
OrbisoniaAbnormally Dry
Orchard HillsModerate Drought
OrelandModerate Drought
OrrstownAbnormally Dry
OrrtannaAbnormally Dry
OrwigsburgAbnormally Dry
OrwinAbnormally Dry
OxfordModerate Drought
PaintModerate Drought
PardeesvilleAbnormally Dry
ParkesburgModerate Drought
ParksideAbnormally Dry
ParkvilleAbnormally Dry
ParryvilleAbnormally Dry
Patterson HeightsAbnormally Dry
PaxtangAbnormally Dry
Pen MarAbnormally Dry
PennModerate Drought
PenndelAbnormally Dry
PennsburgModerate Drought
PennsideModerate Drought
PennvilleAbnormally Dry
PennwynModerate Drought
PenrynAbnormally Dry
PerkasieModerate Drought
PerryopolisModerate Drought
PillowAbnormally Dry
Pine GroveAbnormally Dry
PitcairnModerate Drought
PlainfieldAbnormally Dry
PlateaAbnormally Dry
Pleasant HillAbnormally Dry
Pleasant ViewModerate Drought
PleasantvilleAbnormally Dry
PlumsteadvilleAbnormally Dry
PlumvilleAbnormally Dry
Plymouth MeetingModerate Drought
Point MarionSevere Drought
PomeroyModerate Drought
Port CarbonAbnormally Dry
Port ClintonAbnormally Dry
PortageAbnormally Dry
PottsvilleAbnormally Dry
ProspectAbnormally Dry
Prospect ParkAbnormally Dry
QuarryvilleAbnormally Dry
QuentinAbnormally Dry
JoffreModerate Drought
RailroadAbnormally Dry
RankinModerate Drought
RanshawAbnormally Dry
RavineAbnormally Dry
ReadingModerate Drought
ReamstownAbnormally Dry
Red HillModerate Drought
ReftonAbnormally Dry
RehrersburgAbnormally Dry
ReinertonAbnormally Dry
RennerdaleModerate Drought
RepublicModerate Drought
RevlocAbnormally Dry
Reynolds HeightsAbnormally Dry
RheemsAbnormally Dry
Rices LandingModerate Drought
RichlandAbnormally Dry
RichlandtownAbnormally Dry
RingtownAbnormally Dry
RiversideModerate Drought
RobesoniaAbnormally Dry
RobinsonModerate Drought
RockhillAbnormally Dry
RockledgeAbnormally Dry
RockwoodSevere Drought
RoncoModerate Drought
RoscoeModerate Drought
Rose ValleyAbnormally Dry
Rosslyn FarmsModerate Drought
RothsvilleAbnormally Dry
RouzervilleAbnormally Dry
Rural ValleyAbnormally Dry
RusselltonModerate Drought
SaegertownAbnormally Dry
SalisburySevere Drought
SaltilloAbnormally Dry
SanatogaModerate Drought
Sand HillAbnormally Dry
Sandy LakeAbnormally Dry
SaxonburgAbnormally Dry
Scalp LevelModerate Drought
SchellsburgModerate Drought
SchoeneckAbnormally Dry
SchubertAbnormally Dry
Schuylkill HavenAbnormally Dry
SchwenksvilleModerate Drought
ScotlandAbnormally Dry
SellersvilleModerate Drought
Seven ValleysAbnormally Dry
SewardModerate Drought
ShanksvilleSevere Drought
Sharon HillAbnormally Dry
SharpsburgModerate Drought
ShartlesvilleAbnormally Dry
SheloctaAbnormally Dry
ShenandoahAbnormally Dry
Shenandoah HeightsAbnormally Dry
ShepptonAbnormally Dry
ShippensburgAbnormally Dry
ShippingportModerate Drought
ShoemakersvilleAbnormally Dry
ShrewsburyAbnormally Dry
SilverdaleModerate Drought
SkippackModerate Drought
SlabtownAbnormally Dry
SlatedaleAbnormally Dry
SlatingtonAbnormally Dry
SlickvilleModerate Drought
SlovanModerate Drought
SmithfieldSevere Drought
SmithtonModerate Drought
SmockModerate Drought
SoudertonModerate Drought
South CoatesvilleModerate Drought
South ConnellsvilleSevere Drought
South ForkAbnormally Dry
South GreensburgSevere Drought
South HeightsModerate Drought
South New CastleAbnormally Dry
South PottstownModerate Drought
South UniontownModerate Drought
SouthviewModerate Drought
Southwest GreensburgSevere Drought
SpartansburgAbnormally Dry
SpinnerstownAbnormally Dry
Spring HillAbnormally Dry
Spring HouseModerate Drought
Spring MountModerate Drought
SpringboroAbnormally Dry
SpringdaleModerate Drought
SpringmontAbnormally Dry
Star JunctionModerate Drought
StevensAbnormally Dry
StewartstownAbnormally Dry
StockdaleModerate Drought
StonerstownAbnormally Dry
Stony Creek MillsModerate Drought
StouchsburgAbnormally Dry
StoweModerate Drought
StrausstownAbnormally Dry
SturgeonModerate Drought
Sugar GroveAbnormally Dry
SummerhillAbnormally Dry
Summit HillAbnormally Dry
Summit StationAbnormally Dry
SutersvilleModerate Drought
SwissvaleModerate Drought
TamaquaAbnormally Dry
TarentumModerate Drought
TaylorstownModerate Drought
TelfordModerate Drought
TempletonAbnormally Dry
Terre HillModerate Drought
ThompsonvilleModerate Drought
ThornburgModerate Drought
ThorndaleModerate Drought
Three SpringsAbnormally Dry
TitusvilleAbnormally Dry
ToptonAbnormally Dry
ToughkenamonModerate Drought
Tower CityAbnormally Dry
TownvilleAbnormally Dry
TraffordModerate Drought
TrainerAbnormally Dry
TrappeModerate Drought
TresckowAbnormally Dry
TrooperModerate Drought
TrumbauersvilleModerate Drought
TullytownAbnormally Dry
TuscaroraAbnormally Dry
Union CityAbnormally Dry
UnionvilleAbnormally Dry
UplandAbnormally Dry
UrsinaSevere Drought
ValenciaAbnormally Dry
Valley ViewAbnormally Dry
Van VoorhisModerate Drought
VanderbiltSevere Drought
VandergriftModerate Drought
VenangoAbnormally Dry
VersaillesModerate Drought
VincoAbnormally Dry
VintondaleAbnormally Dry
VirginvilleAbnormally Dry
WakefieldAbnormally Dry
WallModerate Drought
WalnutportAbnormally Dry
WalnuttownAbnormally Dry
WampumAbnormally Dry
WattsburgAbnormally Dry
Wayne HeightsAbnormally Dry
WaynesburgSevere Drought
WebsterModerate Drought
WellersburgSevere Drought
WellsvilleAbnormally Dry
WesleyvilleAbnormally Dry
West AlexanderSevere Drought
West ChesterModerate Drought
West ConshohockenModerate Drought
West ElizabethModerate Drought
West GroveModerate Drought
West MayfieldAbnormally Dry
West NewtonModerate Drought
West PittsburgAbnormally Dry
West ViewModerate Drought
West WaynesburgSevere Drought
WestmontModerate Drought
WestonAbnormally Dry
WestwoodModerate Drought
WheatlandAbnormally Dry
WhitakerModerate Drought
White OakModerate Drought
Wilburton Number OneAbnormally Dry
WilliamstownAbnormally Dry
WilmerdingModerate Drought
WilmoreAbnormally Dry
Wind RidgeSevere Drought
WindberModerate Drought
WitmerAbnormally Dry
WolfdaleModerate Drought
WomelsdorfAbnormally Dry
WoodburyAbnormally Dry
WoodcockAbnormally Dry
WoodlynAbnormally Dry
WoodlynAbnormally Dry
WorthingtonAbnormally Dry
WoxallModerate Drought
WyanoModerate Drought
WyncoteModerate Drought
YardleyAbnormally Dry
York HavenAbnormally Dry
York SpringsAbnormally Dry
YoungstownSevere Drought
YoungsvilleAbnormally Dry
YoungwoodSevere Drought
YukonModerate Drought
ZelienopleAbnormally Dry
AliquippaModerate Drought
AllisonModerate Drought
ApplewoldAbnormally Dry
Boiling SpringsAbnormally Dry
BrookhavenAbnormally Dry
Bryn AthynAbnormally Dry
CaliforniaModerate Drought
CentervilleModerate Drought
CentervilleAbnormally Dry
ChristianaModerate Drought
ClaysvilleSevere Drought
Coal CenterModerate Drought
ConynghamAbnormally Dry
CorryAbnormally Dry
DoverAbnormally Dry
DryvilleAbnormally Dry
East ButlerAbnormally Dry
ElginAbnormally Dry
FairviewAbnormally Dry
FarrellAbnormally Dry
GeistownModerate Drought
HillerModerate Drought
HopwoodModerate Drought
ImperialModerate Drought
Indian LakeSevere Drought
IndianaAbnormally Dry
IvylandModerate Drought
LenhartsvilleAbnormally Dry
LigonierSevere Drought
ManorvilleAbnormally Dry
MariannaModerate Drought
McConnellsburgAbnormally Dry
McKeesportModerate Drought
New BaltimoreSevere Drought
New BedfordAbnormally Dry
New CastleAbnormally Dry
New WilmingtonAbnormally Dry
NewellModerate Drought
PalmdaleAbnormally Dry
PhoenixvilleModerate Drought
Port VueModerate Drought
RichboroAbnormally Dry
Rowes RunModerate Drought
SaxtonAbnormally Dry
SharonAbnormally Dry
SharpsvilleAbnormally Dry
SpeersModerate Drought
Spring CityModerate Drought
StoneboroAbnormally Dry
TremontAbnormally Dry
Turtle CreekModerate Drought
TwilightModerate Drought
Warminster HeightsModerate Drought
Washington BoroAbnormally Dry
WernersvilleAbnormally Dry
West BrownsvilleModerate Drought
West HazletonAbnormally Dry
West KittanningAbnormally Dry
WinterstownAbnormally Dry
YorkAbnormally Dry
Bell AcresModerate Drought
Fox ChapelModerate Drought
YorklynAbnormally Dry
LincolnModerate Drought
Alsace ManorAbnormally Dry
Bear LakeAbnormally Dry
ColumbusAbnormally Dry
CraftonModerate Drought
RussellAbnormally Dry
West HamburgAbnormally Dry
DauphinAbnormally Dry
Ford CliffAbnormally Dry
West MifflinModerate Drought
OleyAbnormally Dry
Allison ParkModerate Drought
CassandraAbnormally Dry
Chevy Chase HeightsAbnormally Dry
ClaysburgAbnormally Dry
DaleModerate Drought
Lawrence ParkAbnormally Dry
Penn WynneModerate Drought
HannasvilleAbnormally Dry
MinersvilleAbnormally Dry
New LebanonAbnormally Dry
ParisModerate Drought
RousevilleAbnormally Dry
SenecaAbnormally Dry
UticaAbnormally Dry
Woodland HeightsAbnormally Dry
CooperstownAbnormally Dry
FranklinAbnormally Dry
JamestownAbnormally Dry
PolkAbnormally Dry
SheakleyvilleAbnormally Dry
SugarcreekAbnormally Dry
Cornwells HeightsAbnormally Dry
RogersvilleSevere Drought
SchnecksvilleAbnormally Dry
West MiddlesexAbnormally Dry
RoyersfordModerate Drought
Allison ParkModerate Drought
MonroevilleModerate Drought
DeemstonModerate Drought
BaumstownModerate Drought
CrownAbnormally Dry
FivepointvilleModerate Drought
HeckschervilleAbnormally Dry
HerefordAbnormally Dry
KirkwoodModerate Drought
ReinholdsAbnormally Dry
RupertAbnormally Dry
RutledgeAbnormally Dry
SwartzvilleAbnormally Dry
WoodbourneAbnormally Dry
Ford CityAbnormally Dry
PhiladelphiaAbnormally Dry
AvoniaAbnormally Dry
AbbottstownAbnormally Dry
WilkinsburgModerate Drought
North WarrenAbnormally Dry
StarbrickAbnormally Dry
TionestaAbnormally Dry
WarrenAbnormally Dry
Bethel ParkModerate Drought
Ellwood CityAbnormally Dry
Lake WynonahAbnormally Dry
West HillsAbnormally Dry
Lucerne MinesModerate Drought
BessemerAbnormally Dry
Enon ValleyAbnormally Dry
MifflinvilleAbnormally Dry
BeaverAbnormally Dry
BedfordModerate Drought
BloomsburgAbnormally Dry
ChambersburgAbnormally Dry
DarlingtonAbnormally Dry
EtnaModerate Drought
GettysburgAbnormally Dry
LebanonAbnormally Dry
MarienvilleAbnormally Dry
MeadvilleAbnormally Dry
NorristownModerate Drought
PittsburghModerate Drought
SomersetSevere Drought
WashingtonModerate Drought
HarrisburgAbnormally Dry
New KensingtonModerate Drought
AllentownAbnormally Dry
AnnvilleAbnormally Dry
Beaver FallsAbnormally Dry
CarnegieModerate Drought
CollegevilleModerate Drought
CoraopolisModerate Drought
DowningtownModerate Drought
DuquesneModerate Drought
FleetwoodAbnormally Dry
FreeportModerate Drought
GreenvilleAbnormally Dry
JohnstownModerate Drought
LansfordAbnormally Dry
LittlestownAbnormally Dry
Marcus HookAbnormally Dry
MariettaAbnormally Dry
MonongahelaModerate Drought
NewportAbnormally Dry
Oil CityAbnormally Dry
PalmyraAbnormally Dry
PortersvilleAbnormally Dry
PottstownModerate Drought
RochesterAbnormally Dry
SaltsburgModerate Drought
SchaefferstownAbnormally Dry
ScottdaleSevere Drought
ShamokinAbnormally Dry
TempleAbnormally Dry
Union DepositAbnormally Dry
WaterfordAbnormally Dry
WaynesboroAbnormally Dry
BrownsvilleModerate Drought
HatboroModerate Drought
McDonaldModerate Drought
New FreedomAbnormally Dry
Franklin ParkModerate Drought
UniontownModerate Drought
East RochesterAbnormally Dry
KittanningAbnormally Dry
CarmichaelsModerate Drought
CrabtreeSevere Drought
DoylestownModerate Drought
PlumModerate Drought
TidiouteAbnormally Dry
Seven FieldsAbnormally Dry
BernvilleAbnormally Dry
Jefferson HillsModerate Drought
GlenfieldModerate Drought
Big BeaverAbnormally Dry
Carroll ValleyAbnormally Dry
New BeaverAbnormally Dry
Pennsbury VillageModerate Drought
Canadohta LakeAbnormally Dry
Lake HeritageAbnormally Dry
Lake MeadeAbnormally Dry
RenningersAbnormally Dry
Timber HillsAbnormally Dry
Amity GardensModerate Drought
ChesterbrookModerate Drought
East UniontownSevere Drought
ElimModerate Drought
Halfway HouseModerate Drought
Hasson HeightsAbnormally Dry
Lenape HeightsAbnormally Dry
MeadowoodAbnormally Dry
Newtown GrantAbnormally Dry
NixonAbnormally Dry
Oak HillsAbnormally Dry
OakwoodAbnormally Dry
PottsgroveModerate Drought
SchlusserAbnormally Dry
Susquehanna TrailsAbnormally Dry
Valley GreenAbnormally Dry
Village ShiresAbnormally Dry
Muhlenberg ParkAbnormally Dry
Fox ChaseAbnormally Dry
Montrose ManorAbnormally Dry
Lake Arthur EstatesAbnormally Dry
Lake LatonkaAbnormally Dry
Colony ParkAbnormally Dry
GreenfieldsAbnormally Dry