Current Drought Conditions for Tennessee - January 28, 2025

Tennessee Drought Report:

As of January 28, 2025 approximately 45% (18953 square miles) of Tennessee is under drought conditions and 18% (7481 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Tennessee Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Tennessee

LocationDrought Conditions
SpartaSevere Drought
AdamsvilleAbnormally Dry
AllardtModerate Drought
BlaineModerate Drought
Bulls GapAbnormally Dry
Chapel HillSevere Drought
CollinwoodAbnormally Dry
ColumbiaSevere Drought
MorristownAbnormally Dry
RutledgeAbnormally Dry
ShelbyvilleExtreme Drought
Signal MountainModerate Drought
SmyrnaAbnormally Dry
Soddy-DaisyModerate Drought
South CarthageAbnormally Dry
SpencerSevere Drought
SpurgeonAbnormally Dry
SummertownModerate Drought
TazewellAbnormally Dry
TownsendModerate Drought
TullahomaExtreme Drought
TusculumModerate Drought
UnionvilleSevere Drought
VonoreModerate Drought
WallandModerate Drought
Walnut HillAbnormally Dry
WildwoodModerate Drought
WinchesterModerate Drought
AltamontSevere Drought
BaileytonAbnormally Dry
Bean StationAbnormally Dry
Bell BuckleExtreme Drought
BethpageAbnormally Dry
BloomingdaleAbnormally Dry
ByrdstownAbnormally Dry
CalhounExtreme Drought
CarthageAbnormally Dry
CaryvilleModerate Drought
CelinaAbnormally Dry
ChristianaSevere Drought
ClevelandSevere Drought
CollegedaleModerate Drought
CopperhillAbnormally Dry
Crab OrchardExtreme Drought
CrumpAbnormally Dry
Cumberland GapAbnormally Dry
DandridgeModerate Drought
DecherdModerate Drought
DoyleSevere Drought
DucktownAbnormally Dry
DunlapSevere Drought
Eagleton VillageModerate Drought
EaglevilleModerate Drought
East ClevelandSevere Drought
EastviewAbnormally Dry
ElginModerate Drought
ElktonSevere Drought
EnglewoodExtreme Drought
Estill SpringsModerate Drought
EthridgeModerate Drought
FairmountModerate Drought
Fall BranchAbnormally Dry
Falling WaterModerate Drought
FarragutSevere Drought
FincastleModerate Drought
FlintvilleModerate Drought
FriendsvilleModerate Drought
GainesboroAbnormally Dry
GallatinAbnormally Dry
GordonsvilleAbnormally Dry
GraysvilleExtreme Drought
GreenbackModerate Drought
GreenevilleModerate Drought
GrimsleySevere Drought
GuysAbnormally Dry
HarrimanExtreme Drought
HarrisonModerate Drought
HarrogateAbnormally Dry
HartsvilleAbnormally Dry
HelenwoodModerate Drought
HillsboroSevere Drought
HopewellExtreme Drought
HuntlandModerate Drought
HuntsvilleModerate Drought
Iron CityModerate Drought
JacksboroModerate Drought
JamestownModerate Drought
JasperModerate Drought
Jefferson CityModerate Drought
JellicoAbnormally Dry
KingstonExtreme Drought
La VergneAbnormally Dry
LafayetteAbnormally Dry
LakesiteSevere Drought
LawrenceburgModerate Drought
LebanonAbnormally Dry
Lenoir CitySevere Drought
LewisburgSevere Drought
LivingstonModerate Drought
Lone OakModerate Drought
Lookout MountainModerate Drought
LorettoModerate Drought
LoudonSevere Drought
LynnvilleSevere Drought
ManchesterSevere Drought
MaryvilleModerate Drought
MaynardvilleAbnormally Dry
MichieAbnormally Dry
Middle ValleyModerate Drought
MidtownExtreme Drought
Minor HillSevere Drought
MontereySevere Drought
MooresburgAbnormally Dry
MorrisonSevere Drought
MosheimModerate Drought
Mount CarmelAbnormally Dry
Mount JulietAbnormally Dry
MurfreesboroModerate Drought
New MarketModerate Drought
New TazewellAbnormally Dry
New UnionSevere Drought
NewportModerate Drought
NolensvilleAbnormally Dry
NormandyExtreme Drought
NorrisSevere Drought
Oak GroveAbnormally Dry
Oak RidgeSevere Drought
OakdaleExtreme Drought
Oliver SpringsSevere Drought
OlivetAbnormally Dry
OoltewahModerate Drought
PalmerSevere Drought
PelhamModerate Drought
PetersburgSevere Drought
PetrosSevere Drought
PhiladelphiaExtreme Drought
Pigeon ForgeModerate Drought
PikevilleExtreme Drought
Pittman CenterModerate Drought
Pleasant HillSevere Drought
Powells CrossroadsModerate Drought
PulaskiSevere Drought
RamerAbnormally Dry
Red Boiling SpringsAbnormally Dry
RicevilleExtreme Drought
Roan MountainModerate Drought
RockfordModerate Drought
RockvaleModerate Drought
RockwoodExtreme Drought
RogersvilleAbnormally Dry
Sale CreekExtreme Drought
SaltilloAbnormally Dry
SavannahAbnormally Dry
SelmerAbnormally Dry
SewaneeModerate Drought
KingsportAbnormally Dry
LuttrellModerate Drought
Spring CityExtreme Drought
Spring HillModerate Drought
SurgoinsvilleAbnormally Dry
SweetwaterExtreme Drought
TelfordModerate Drought
Tellico PlainsModerate Drought
Tracy CityModerate Drought
UnicoiModerate Drought
ViolaSevere Drought
Walnut GroveAbnormally Dry
WalterhillAbnormally Dry
WartburgExtreme Drought
WartraceExtreme Drought
WatertownAbnormally Dry
WestmorelandAbnormally Dry
White PineModerate Drought
WhitwellSevere Drought
WinfieldAbnormally Dry
WoodburyModerate Drought
AlcoaModerate Drought
AlgoodModerate Drought
ArdmoreSevere Drought
AthensExtreme Drought
AuburntownModerate Drought
BaxterModerate Drought
Beersheba SpringsSevere Drought
Bethel SpringsAbnormally Dry
BlountvilleAbnormally Dry
Bluff CityAbnormally Dry
Castalian SpringsAbnormally Dry
CentertownSevere Drought
CharlestonExtreme Drought
Church HillAbnormally Dry
ClarkrangeSevere Drought
CliftonAbnormally Dry
ClintonSevere Drought
CoalfieldSevere Drought
CoalmontSevere Drought
CornersvilleSevere Drought
CowanModerate Drought
CrossvilleExtreme Drought
DaytonExtreme Drought
DecaturSevere Drought
Mount PleasantModerate Drought
SeviervilleModerate Drought
ChattanoogaModerate Drought
AndersonvilleSevere Drought
New HopeModerate Drought
Park CitySevere Drought
SmithvilleModerate Drought
AlexandriaAbnormally Dry
DowelltownAbnormally Dry
LibertyAbnormally Dry
South PittsburgModerate Drought
KimballModerate Drought
MascotModerate Drought
MonteagleModerate Drought
BransfordAbnormally Dry
Dodson BranchModerate Drought
FairfieldAbnormally Dry
Fairfield GladeExtreme Drought
MadisonvilleSevere Drought
WaynesboroAbnormally Dry
ParrottsvilleModerate Drought
WataugaAbnormally Dry
BentonModerate Drought
BristolAbnormally Dry
CentralModerate Drought
ElizabethtonModerate Drought
ErwinModerate Drought
EtowahModerate Drought
HunterModerate Drought
Johnson CityModerate Drought
JonesboroughModerate Drought
Mountain CityAbnormally Dry
OneidaModerate Drought
BowmanExtreme Drought
GatlinburgModerate Drought
CookevilleModerate Drought
FayettevilleSevere Drought
MilledgevilleAbnormally Dry
KnoxvilleSevere Drought
NiotaExtreme Drought
Gruetli-LaagerSevere Drought
McMinnvilleSevere Drought
StantonvilleAbnormally Dry
SunbrightSevere Drought
Thompson's StationAbnormally Dry
LouisvilleModerate Drought
Lake TansiExtreme Drought
Wildwood LakeModerate Drought