Current Drought Conditions for Texas - February 4, 2025

Texas Drought Report:

As of February 4, 2025 approximately 41% (109324 square miles) of Texas is under drought conditions and 30% (80933 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Texas Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Texas

LocationDrought Conditions
AshertonSevere Drought
AbramModerate Drought
AckerlyAbnormally Dry
Agua DulceModerate Drought
AlamoModerate Drought
AliceModerate Drought
AndrewsAbnormally Dry
AnsonAbnormally Dry
AquillaAbnormally Dry
Aransas PassModerate Drought
AustwellAbnormally Dry
BanderaExtreme Drought
BanqueteModerate Drought
BastropModerate Drought
BaysideModerate Drought
Bee CaveExtreme Drought
BeevilleSevere Drought
BenavidesModerate Drought
Big SpringAbnormally Dry
BishopModerate Drought
BixbyAbnormally Dry
BlackwellAbnormally Dry
BlancoExtreme Drought
BlanketAbnormally Dry
BrenhamModerate Drought
BruniModerate Drought
BudaExtreme Drought
Buffalo GapAbnormally Dry
BurtonModerate Drought
Camp WoodSevere Drought
CarmineModerate Drought
CatarinaModerate Drought
China GroveExtreme Drought
CiboloExtreme Drought
CoahomaAbnormally Dry
ColemanAbnormally Dry
Colorado CityAbnormally Dry
ColumbusModerate Drought
CombesAbnormally Dry
ComfortExtreme Drought
Corpus ChristiModerate Drought
CotullaSevere Drought
CreedmoorExtreme Drought
Del RioExtreme Drought
Denver CityAbnormally Dry
DonnaModerate Drought
Dripping SpringsExtreme Drought
DriscollModerate Drought
Eagle LakeAbnormally Dry
EarlyAbnormally Dry
EdcouchModerate Drought
EdinburgModerate Drought
EdroySevere Drought
El RefugioModerate Drought
ElsaModerate Drought
EncinalModerate Drought
EscobaresModerate Drought
Falcon MesaModerate Drought
FalfurriasModerate Drought
FlatoniaModerate Drought
ForsanAbnormally Dry
FowlertonModerate Drought
FredericksburgExtreme Drought
FreerModerate Drought
FultonModerate Drought
GailAbnormally Dry
Garden CityModerate Drought
GarfieldExtreme Drought
George WestModerate Drought
GeronimoSevere Drought
GiddingsModerate Drought
GliddenModerate Drought
GonzalesModerate Drought
GranjenoModerate Drought
GregoryModerate Drought
Grey ForestExtreme Drought
HallettsvilleModerate Drought
HamlinAbnormally Dry
HargillModerate Drought
HawleyAbnormally Dry
HebbronvilleModerate Drought
HeidelbergAbnormally Dry
HermleighAbnormally Dry
Holiday BeachAbnormally Dry
InglesideModerate Drought
IngramExtreme Drought
Johnson CityExtreme Drought
KerrvilleExtreme Drought
KirbyExtreme Drought
KyleExtreme Drought
La FeriaAbnormally Dry
La GrullaModerate Drought
La JoyaModerate Drought
La PuertaModerate Drought
La VillaModerate Drought
LakewayExtreme Drought
LamarAbnormally Dry
LamesaAbnormally Dry
LaredoAbnormally Dry
LasaraModerate Drought
LeakeyExtreme Drought
Leon ValleyExtreme Drought
Live OakExtreme Drought
LoopAbnormally Dry
LopeñoModerate Drought
LopezvilleModerate Drought
LoraineAbnormally Dry
LulingSevere Drought
LyfordAbnormally Dry
ManorExtreme Drought
MarathonExtreme Drought
MarfaExceptional Drought
MarionExtreme Drought
MathisSevere Drought
McDadeModerate Drought
MercedesModerate Drought
MidlandAbnormally Dry
Mirando CityModerate Drought
Monte AltoModerate Drought
MoultonModerate Drought
New BerlinExtreme Drought
New BraunfelsExtreme Drought
NiederwaldSevere Drought
O'DonnellAbnormally Dry
OdemSevere Drought
OdessaAbnormally Dry
OiltonModerate Drought
Olmos ParkExtreme Drought
Orange GroveModerate Drought
PetronilaModerate Drought
PharrModerate Drought
Port AransasModerate Drought
Port O'ConnorAbnormally Dry
PortlandModerate Drought
PremontModerate Drought
PresidioExceptional Drought
PrimeraAbnormally Dry
RealitosModerate Drought
RedfordExceptional Drought
RefugioModerate Drought
RelampagoModerate Drought
RivieraModerate Drought
RobstownModerate Drought
RockportModerate Drought
RockspringsSevere Drought
RollingwoodExtreme Drought
RoscoeAbnormally Dry
RotanAbnormally Dry
SalineñoModerate Drought
San CarlosModerate Drought
San DiegoModerate Drought
San IsidroModerate Drought
San JuanModerate Drought
San PatricioSevere Drought
San PerlitaAbnormally Dry
Sand SpringsAbnormally Dry
SandersonExtreme Drought
Santa AnnaAbnormally Dry
Santa RosaAbnormally Dry
SchertzExtreme Drought
SchulenburgModerate Drought
ScissorsModerate Drought
SeadriftAbnormally Dry
SeagravesAbnormally Dry
SebastianAbnormally Dry
SeguinExtreme Drought
SelmaExtreme Drought
SeminoleAbnormally Dry
ShinerModerate Drought
Siesta ShoresModerate Drought
SintonSevere Drought
SkidmoreSevere Drought
SnyderAbnormally Dry
SomervilleModerate Drought
StamfordAbnormally Dry
StantonAbnormally Dry
Sterling CityAbnormally Dry
Sullivan CityModerate Drought
SweetwaterAbnormally Dry
TaftModerate Drought
Three RiversModerate Drought
TildenModerate Drought
TivoliAbnormally Dry
TuscolaAbnormally Dry
TyeAbnormally Dry
TynanSevere Drought
UhlandSevere Drought
Universal CityExtreme Drought
UtopiaExtreme Drought
WebbervilleExtreme Drought
WeimarModerate Drought
WaelderModerate Drought
WellmanAbnormally Dry
WeslacoModerate Drought
WestAbnormally Dry
West Lake HillsExtreme Drought
WestbrookAbnormally Dry
WimberleyExtreme Drought
WoodsboroModerate Drought
ZapataModerate Drought
ZuehlExtreme Drought
AbernathyAbnormally Dry
AdrianAbnormally Dry
AmarilloAbnormally Dry
AmherstAbnormally Dry
AndersonAbnormally Dry
AntonAbnormally Dry
BalmorheaExceptional Drought
BarstowExtreme Drought
BartlettModerate Drought
BatesvilleSevere Drought
BellmeadAbnormally Dry
BeltonModerate Drought
BenjaminAbnormally Dry
Beverly HillsAbnormally Dry
Big LakeAbnormally Dry
Big WellsSevere Drought
BigfootExtreme Drought
BloomingtonAbnormally Dry
BoerneExtreme Drought
BookerAbnormally Dry
BorgerAbnormally Dry
Boys RanchAbnormally Dry
BrackettvilleSevere Drought
BradyModerate Drought
BremondAbnormally Dry
BrownfieldAbnormally Dry
BryanModerate Drought
Buchanan DamSevere Drought
BuckholtsModerate Drought
BurkburnettAbnormally Dry
BurnetSevere Drought
ByersModerate Drought
CactusAbnormally Dry
CaldwellModerate Drought
CallisburgAbnormally Dry
CalvertModerate Drought
CameronModerate Drought
CanutilloExtreme Drought
CastrovilleExtreme Drought
Cedar ParkSevere Drought
ChanningAbnormally Dry
CharlotteSevere Drought
ChildressAbnormally Dry
ChiltonAbnormally Dry
ChristineSevere Drought
ChristovalAbnormally Dry
ClarendonAbnormally Dry
ClaudeAbnormally Dry
ClintExtreme Drought
College StationModerate Drought
Copperas CoveModerate Drought
CouplandSevere Drought
CraneSevere Drought
CrosbytonAbnormally Dry
CrowellAbnormally Dry
Crystal CitySevere Drought
D'HanisExtreme Drought
DalhartAbnormally Dry
DarrouzettAbnormally Dry
DeanAbnormally Dry
Dell CityExtreme Drought
DevineExtreme Drought
DickensAbnormally Dry
DilleySevere Drought
DodsonAbnormally Dry
DumasAbnormally Dry
Eagle PassExtreme Drought
EarthAbnormally Dry
EdenModerate Drought
EdnaModerate Drought
El CampoModerate Drought
EldoradoAbnormally Dry
ElectraAbnormally Dry
ElmendorfExtreme Drought
EstellineAbnormally Dry
EvantAbnormally Dry
FabensExtreme Drought
Falls CitySevere Drought
FayettevilleModerate Drought
FlorenceSevere Drought
FloresvilleSevere Drought
FloydadaAbnormally Dry
FollettAbnormally Dry
Fort Clark SpringsSevere Drought
Fort DavisExceptional Drought
Fort HancockExtreme Drought
Fort StocktonExtreme Drought
FritchAbnormally Dry
GanadoModerate Drought
GatesvilleAbnormally Dry
GeorgetownSevere Drought
GoldthwaiteModerate Drought
GoliadModerate Drought
GolindaAbnormally Dry
GoreeAbnormally Dry
GrandfallsExtreme Drought
GrangerModerate Drought
GroesbeckAbnormally Dry
GroomAbnormally Dry
GruverAbnormally Dry
GuthrieAbnormally Dry
Hale CenterAbnormally Dry
HartleyAbnormally Dry
HaskellAbnormally Dry
HearneModerate Drought
HedleyAbnormally Dry
HenriettaAbnormally Dry
HerefordAbnormally Dry
HigginsAbnormally Dry
HollandModerate Drought
HollidayAbnormally Dry
HondoExtreme Drought
Horizon CityExtreme Drought
HowardwickAbnormally Dry
HuttoSevere Drought
IdalouAbnormally Dry
ImperialSevere Drought
IndustryModerate Drought
InezModerate Drought
Iowa ParkAbnormally Dry
IraanModerate Drought
JarrellModerate Drought
JaytonAbnormally Dry
JollyAbnormally Dry
JonestownSevere Drought
JourdantonSevere Drought
Karnes CityModerate Drought
KempnerModerate Drought
KenedyAbnormally Dry
KermitSevere Drought
KilleenModerate Drought
KingslandSevere Drought
KnippaExtreme Drought
Knox CityAbnormally Dry
KosseAbnormally Dry
KressAbnormally Dry
KurtenModerate Drought
La GrangeModerate Drought
La WardModerate Drought
La PryorSevere Drought
La VerniaExtreme Drought
Lago VistaSevere Drought
LampasasModerate Drought
LeanderSevere Drought
LeforsAbnormally Dry
LemingExtreme Drought
LeroyAbnormally Dry
LevellandAbnormally Dry
LexingtonModerate Drought
Liberty HillSevere Drought
LindsayAbnormally Dry
LittlefieldAbnormally Dry
LlanoSevere Drought
LockneyAbnormally Dry
LolitaModerate Drought
LometaModerate Drought
LorenzoAbnormally Dry
LottAbnormally Dry
LouiseModerate Drought
LytleExtreme Drought
MacdonaExtreme Drought
Marble FallsSevere Drought
MarkhamAbnormally Dry
MarlinAbnormally Dry
MartAbnormally Dry
MartindaleSevere Drought
MasonSevere Drought
MatadorAbnormally Dry
McCameySevere Drought
McLeanAbnormally Dry
MeadowAbnormally Dry
MelvinModerate Drought
MemphisAbnormally Dry
MenardModerate Drought
MexiaAbnormally Dry
MiamiAbnormally Dry
MilanoModerate Drought
MilesAbnormally Dry
MonahansSevere Drought
MooreExtreme Drought
MorseAbnormally Dry
MortonAbnormally Dry
MundayAbnormally Dry
NataliaExtreme Drought
New DealAbnormally Dry
New HomeAbnormally Dry
NixonSevere Drought
NoconaAbnormally Dry
NolanvilleModerate Drought
O'BrienAbnormally Dry
OglesbyAbnormally Dry
OltonAbnormally Dry
OzonaAbnormally Dry
PaducahAbnormally Dry
Paint RockAbnormally Dry
PalaciosAbnormally Dry
PampaAbnormally Dry
PanhandleAbnormally Dry
PawneeModerate Drought
PearsallSevere Drought
PecosExtreme Drought
PerrytonAbnormally Dry
PetersburgAbnormally Dry
PetroliaModerate Drought
PettusModerate Drought
PflugervilleSevere Drought
PlacedoAbnormally Dry
PlainsAbnormally Dry
PlainviewAbnormally Dry
Point ComfortAbnormally Dry
Port LavacaAbnormally Dry
PostAbnormally Dry
PoteetExtreme Drought
PothSevere Drought
PottsboroAbnormally Dry
PyoteExtreme Drought
QuanahAbnormally Dry
QuemadoSevere Drought
QuitaqueAbnormally Dry
RankinModerate Drought
RedwoodSevere Drought
Richland SpringsModerate Drought
RieselAbnormally Dry
Roaring SpringsAbnormally Dry
RobinsonAbnormally Dry
RochesterAbnormally Dry
RockdaleModerate Drought
RogersModerate Drought
RopesvilleAbnormally Dry
RosebudModerate Drought
Round MountainExtreme Drought
Round RockSevere Drought
RuleAbnormally Dry
RungeAbnormally Dry
SabinalExtreme Drought
SadlerAbnormally Dry
SaladoModerate Drought
San ElizarioExtreme Drought
San SabaModerate Drought
SanfordAbnormally Dry
Seth WardAbnormally Dry
SeymourAbnormally Dry
ShallowaterAbnormally Dry
ShamrockAbnormally Dry
Sierra BlancaExceptional Drought
SilvertonAbnormally Dry
SlatonAbnormally Dry
SmileyModerate Drought
SmyerAbnormally Dry
SnookModerate Drought
SonoraAbnormally Dry
South MountainAbnormally Dry
SpearmanAbnormally Dry
SpoffordSevere Drought
SpurAbnormally Dry
StaplesSevere Drought
StinnettAbnormally Dry
StockdaleSevere Drought
StratfordAbnormally Dry
SudanAbnormally Dry
SundownAbnormally Dry
SunrayAbnormally Dry
TahokaAbnormally Dry
TaylorSevere Drought
TempleModerate Drought
TexlineAbnormally Dry
ThorndaleModerate Drought
ThorntonAbnormally Dry
ThorntonvilleSevere Drought
ThrallModerate Drought
TornilloExtreme Drought
ToyahExceptional Drought
TroyModerate Drought
TuletaModerate Drought
TurkeyAbnormally Dry
UvaldeExtreme Drought
Van HornExceptional Drought
VanderbiltModerate Drought
VegaAbnormally Dry
VernonAbnormally Dry
VictoriaAbnormally Dry
VintonExtreme Drought
VolenteExtreme Drought
Von OrmyExtreme Drought
WacoAbnormally Dry
WeinertAbnormally Dry
WellingtonAbnormally Dry
WhartonAbnormally Dry
WheelerAbnormally Dry
White DeerAbnormally Dry
WhitefaceAbnormally Dry
WhitesboroAbnormally Dry
WickettSevere Drought
WilsonAbnormally Dry
WinkSevere Drought
WolfforthAbnormally Dry
AnthonyExtreme Drought
AspermontAbnormally Dry
BallingerAbnormally Dry
BangsAbnormally Dry
BediasAbnormally Dry
BellvilleAbnormally Dry
BertramSevere Drought
BlessingAbnormally Dry
BluetownAbnormally Dry
BrownwoodAbnormally Dry
CanadianAbnormally Dry
Carrizo SpringsSevere Drought
ChillicotheAbnormally Dry
CoolidgeAbnormally Dry
ElginSevere Drought
GainesvilleAbnormally Dry
GardendaleAbnormally Dry
GoldsmithAbnormally Dry
HarperSevere Drought
HidalgoModerate Drought
Hornsby BendExtreme Drought
IolaAbnormally Dry
JunctionModerate Drought
KingsvilleModerate Drought
LockhartSevere Drought
LubbockAbnormally Dry
McAllenModerate Drought
MerkelAbnormally Dry
MertzonAbnormally Dry
Mount CalmAbnormally Dry
NavasotaAbnormally Dry
Pleasant ValleyAbnormally Dry
PleasantonExtreme Drought
RallsAbnormally Dry
RicardoModerate Drought
RobyAbnormally Dry
San AngeloAbnormally Dry
San MarcosSevere Drought
Santa MariaAbnormally Dry
SmithvilleModerate Drought
TehuacanaAbnormally Dry
TrentAbnormally Dry
Valley MillsAbnormally Dry
WelchAbnormally Dry
Wichita FallsAbnormally Dry
RaymondvilleAbnormally Dry
Ransom CanyonAbnormally Dry
CueroModerate Drought
NordheimAbnormally Dry
YoakumModerate Drought
YorktownAbnormally Dry
Oak RidgeAbnormally Dry
AlpineExceptional Drought
BulverdeExtreme Drought
Citrus CityModerate Drought
DriftwoodExtreme Drought
HavanaModerate Drought
LinnModerate Drought
Mountain CityExtreme Drought
StonewallExtreme Drought
HallsburgAbnormally Dry
PrestonAbnormally Dry
RossAbnormally Dry
ManchacaExtreme Drought
El PasoExtreme Drought
San AntonioExtreme Drought
San YgnacioModerate Drought
NormannaModerate Drought
GholsonAbnormally Dry
Seco MinesExtreme Drought
AustinExtreme Drought
Cottonwood ShoresSevere Drought
ProgresoModerate Drought
Rio Grande CityModerate Drought
SocorroExtreme Drought
Garden RidgeExtreme Drought
Rio BravoAbnormally Dry
Harker HeightsModerate Drought
WoodcreekExtreme Drought
Sunrise Beach VillageSevere Drought
Granite ShoalsSevere Drought
Wixon ValleyModerate Drought
Palm ValleyAbnormally Dry
Lakeside CityAbnormally Dry
Opdyke WestAbnormally Dry
MeadowlakesSevere Drought
San LeannaExtreme Drought
BriarcliffExtreme Drought
Lake TanglewoodAbnormally Dry
Timbercreek CanyonAbnormally Dry
Progreso LakesModerate Drought
HaysExtreme Drought
Lake CityModerate Drought
Buffalo SpringsAbnormally Dry
Little River-AcademyModerate Drought
Bruceville-EddyAbnormally Dry
Mustang RidgeExtreme Drought
PalisadesAbnormally Dry
Highland HavenSevere Drought
The HillsExtreme Drought
Bear CreekExtreme Drought
Bishop HillsAbnormally Dry
Agua DulceExtreme Drought
Airport Road AdditionModerate Drought
Alice AcresModerate Drought
Barton CreekExtreme Drought
Blue Berry HillSevere Drought
Carrizo HillSevere Drought
César ChávezModerate Drought
Cienegas TerraceExtreme Drought
Coyote AcresModerate Drought
Eidson RoadExtreme Drought
Elm CreekExtreme Drought
Falcon Lake EstatesModerate Drought
HilltopSevere Drought
Hudson BendExtreme Drought
Indian HillsModerate Drought
K-Bar RanchModerate Drought
Lake KiowaAbnormally Dry
Las LomasModerate Drought
Las Quintas FronterizasExtreme Drought
LindsayExtreme Drought
Llano GrandeModerate Drought
MedinaModerate Drought
Morning GloryExtreme Drought
MunizModerate Drought
New FalconModerate Drought
North AlamoModerate Drought
North PearsallSevere Drought
OlivarezModerate Drought
Prado VerdeExtreme Drought
Ranchette EstatesAbnormally Dry
Rancho AlegreModerate Drought
Rancho BanqueteModerate Drought
Rancho ChicoSevere Drought
Ranchos Penitas WestModerate Drought
Shady HollowExtreme Drought
South AlamoModerate Drought
South Fork EstatesModerate Drought
Tierra GrandeModerate Drought
TradewindsModerate Drought
Uvalde EstatesExtreme Drought
Val Verde ParkSevere Drought
Villa VerdeModerate Drought
Brushy CreekSevere Drought
Camp SwiftModerate Drought
Canyon LakeExtreme Drought
Cross MountainExtreme Drought
LakehillsExtreme Drought
Lost CreekExtreme Drought
Mila DoceModerate Drought
North San PedroModerate Drought
Scenic OaksExtreme Drought
SparksExtreme Drought
Timberwood ParkExtreme Drought
Wells BranchSevere Drought
West OdessaAbnormally Dry
WestwayExtreme Drought
WyldwoodSevere Drought
Sherwood ShoresAbnormally Dry
Cashion CommunityAbnormally Dry
Point VentureExtreme Drought
Pueblo NuevoAbnormally Dry
McKinney AcresAbnormally Dry
Lake DunlapExtreme Drought
Sherwood ShoresAbnormally Dry
Study ButteExceptional Drought
Buchanan Lake VillageModerate Drought
LakesideSevere Drought
Owl RanchModerate Drought
RomaModerate Drought
Quail CreekAbnormally Dry
Nocona HillsModerate Drought
Siesta AcresExtreme Drought
Spring GardensModerate Drought
Sandy OaksExtreme Drought
SonterraModerate Drought