Current Drought Conditions for Utah - February 4, 2025

Utah Drought Report:

As of February 4, 2025 approximately 66% (55708 square miles) of Utah is under drought conditions and 33% (28120 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Utah Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Utah

LocationDrought Conditions
AltamontAbnormally Dry
BluebellAbnormally Dry
CannonvilleModerate Drought
CarbonvilleAbnormally Dry
Castle DaleAbnormally Dry
Cedar CitySevere Drought
CenterfieldAbnormally Dry
CharlestonAbnormally Dry
ClarkstonModerate Drought
ClawsonAbnormally Dry
ClevelandAbnormally Dry
CoalvilleAbnormally Dry
CoppertonAbnormally Dry
DeltaAbnormally Dry
DeseretAbnormally Dry
DraperAbnormally Dry
DuchesneAbnormally Dry
EdenModerate Drought
ElmoAbnormally Dry
ElwoodModerate Drought
EnterpriseAbnormally Dry
FayetteAbnormally Dry
Fort DuchesneAbnormally Dry
FrancisAbnormally Dry
Garden CityModerate Drought
GarlandModerate Drought
GlendaleSevere Drought
GoshenAbnormally Dry
GrantsvilleAbnormally Dry
Green RiverAbnormally Dry
GunnisonAbnormally Dry
HanksvilleModerate Drought
HatchModerate Drought
HelperAbnormally Dry
HeneferAbnormally Dry
HenrievilleModerate Drought
HerrimanAbnormally Dry
HinckleyAbnormally Dry
HoldenAbnormally Dry
HoneyvilleModerate Drought
HooperModerate Drought
HoytsvilleAbnormally Dry
HuntingtonAbnormally Dry
HuntsvilleModerate Drought
HurricaneExtreme Drought
IvinsExtreme Drought
JensenModerate Drought
KanabSevere Drought
KanarravilleExtreme Drought
KenilworthAbnormally Dry
LaketownModerate Drought
LeamingtonAbnormally Dry
LibertyModerate Drought
LymanModerate Drought
MaeserAbnormally Dry
MeadowAbnormally Dry
MidvaleAbnormally Dry
MidwayAbnormally Dry
MilfordModerate Drought
MinersvilleModerate Drought
MoabModerate Drought
Montezuma CreekModerate Drought
MorganAbnormally Dry
MytonAbnormally Dry
NaplesModerate Drought
NeolaAbnormally Dry
NewtonModerate Drought
OrangevilleAbnormally Dry
OrdervilleSevere Drought
ParagonahModerate Drought
PriceAbnormally Dry
RandolphModerate Drought
RiversideModerate Drought
RivertonAbnormally Dry
RockvilleExtreme Drought
RooseveltAbnormally Dry
RoyModerate Drought
Santa ClaraExtreme Drought
SnowvilleAbnormally Dry
South JordanAbnormally Dry
South Salt LakeAbnormally Dry
Spring GlenAbnormally Dry
SpringdaleExtreme Drought
StocktonAbnormally Dry
SummitSevere Drought
SyracuseModerate Drought
TabionaAbnormally Dry
TaylorsvilleAbnormally Dry
TooeleAbnormally Dry
TremontonModerate Drought
TrentonModerate Drought
VernalModerate Drought
VirginExtreme Drought
WanshipAbnormally Dry
WellingtonAbnormally Dry
WendoverModerate Drought
West JordanAbnormally Dry
WhiterocksAbnormally Dry
WoodlandAbnormally Dry
WoodruffModerate Drought
DugwayAbnormally Dry
AltaAbnormally Dry
AmalgaModerate Drought
AnethModerate Drought
CornishModerate Drought
EnochSevere Drought
ErdaAbnormally Dry
HowellModerate Drought
Saratoga SpringsAbnormally Dry
ThatcherModerate Drought
West Valley CityAbnormally Dry
EurekaAbnormally Dry
AlpineAbnormally Dry
AltonModerate Drought
American ForkAbnormally Dry
AnnabellaModerate Drought
AuroraModerate Drought
AvonModerate Drought
Bear River CityModerate Drought
BeaverModerate Drought
BenjaminAbnormally Dry
BicknellModerate Drought
BlandingModerate Drought
BountifulAbnormally Dry
Brigham CityModerate Drought
CentervilleAbnormally Dry
CentralExtreme Drought
Central ValleyModerate Drought
CirclevilleModerate Drought
ClearfieldModerate Drought
CorinneModerate Drought
Cottonwood HeightsAbnormally Dry
CoveModerate Drought
ElsinoreModerate Drought
EmeryModerate Drought
EnterpriseExtreme Drought
EscalanteModerate Drought
FarmingtonAbnormally Dry
FerronAbnormally Dry
FieldingModerate Drought
FillmoreAbnormally Dry
Fruit HeightsModerate Drought
GenolaAbnormally Dry
GlenwoodModerate Drought
HolladayAbnormally Dry
Hyde ParkModerate Drought
HyrumModerate Drought
JosephModerate Drought
JunctionModerate Drought
KamasAbnormally Dry
KanoshAbnormally Dry
KaysvilleModerate Drought
KingstonModerate Drought
KoosharemModerate Drought
La SalModerate Drought
Lake ShoreAbnormally Dry
LaytonModerate Drought
LeedsExtreme Drought
LehiAbnormally Dry
LevanAbnormally Dry
LewistonModerate Drought
LindonAbnormally Dry
LoaModerate Drought
LoganModerate Drought
ManilaAbnormally Dry
MantuaModerate Drought
MapletonAbnormally Dry
MarionAbnormally Dry
MarysvaleModerate Drought
MayfieldAbnormally Dry
MillvilleModerate Drought
MonaAbnormally Dry
MonroeModerate Drought
MonticelloModerate Drought
Mountain GreenAbnormally Dry
MurrayAbnormally Dry
NephiAbnormally Dry
New HarmonyExtreme Drought
NewcastleExtreme Drought
NibleyModerate Drought
North LoganModerate Drought
North Salt LakeAbnormally Dry
Oak CityAbnormally Dry
OakleyAbnormally Dry
OgdenModerate Drought
OremAbnormally Dry
PalmyraAbnormally Dry
PanguitchModerate Drought
ParadiseModerate Drought
Park CityAbnormally Dry
ParowanSevere Drought
PaysonAbnormally Dry
PeoaAbnormally Dry
Pine ValleyExtreme Drought
Pleasant GroveAbnormally Dry
PlymouthModerate Drought
ProvidenceModerate Drought
ProvoAbnormally Dry
RedmondAbnormally Dry
RichfieldModerate Drought
RichmondModerate Drought
River HeightsModerate Drought
RiverdaleModerate Drought
SalemAbnormally Dry
SalinaModerate Drought
SantaquinAbnormally Dry
ScipioAbnormally Dry
SigurdModerate Drought
SmithfieldModerate Drought
SnydervilleAbnormally Dry
Spanish ForkAbnormally Dry
Spring LakeAbnormally Dry
SpringvilleAbnormally Dry
SterlingAbnormally Dry
TeasdaleModerate Drought
ToquervilleExtreme Drought
TorreyModerate Drought
TropicModerate Drought
VernonAbnormally Dry
VeyoExtreme Drought
WallsburgAbnormally Dry
WashingtonExtreme Drought
WellsvilleModerate Drought
West BountifulAbnormally Dry
WillardModerate Drought
Woods CrossAbnormally Dry
Summit ParkAbnormally Dry
VineyardAbnormally Dry
Castle ValleyModerate Drought
HildaleExtreme Drought
MendonModerate Drought
Wolf CreekModerate Drought
Salt Lake CityAbnormally Dry
Cedar FortAbnormally Dry
DeweyvilleModerate Drought
PerryModerate Drought
Woodland HillsAbnormally Dry
Elk RidgeAbnormally Dry
Cedar HillsAbnormally Dry
West HavenModerate Drought
DanielAbnormally Dry
HalchitaModerate Drought
BallardAbnormally Dry
Big WaterModerate Drought
Navajo MountainModerate Drought
Rush ValleyAbnormally Dry
Eagle MountainAbnormally Dry
Marriott-SlatervilleModerate Drought
GardenModerate Drought
South WillardModerate Drought
Spanish ValleyModerate Drought
Timber LakesAbnormally Dry
White MesaModerate Drought
West MountainAbnormally Dry
Rocky RidgeAbnormally Dry
Apple ValleyExtreme Drought
Bryce Canyon CityModerate Drought
Dammeron ValleyExtreme Drought
HideoutAbnormally Dry
IndependenceAbnormally Dry
InterlakenAbnormally Dry
Cedar HighlandsSevere Drought
Emigration CanyonAbnormally Dry