Current Drought Conditions for Utah - January 28, 2025

Utah Drought Report:

As of January 28, 2025 approximately 41% (34392 square miles) of Utah is under drought conditions and 55% (46481 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Utah Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Utah

LocationDrought Conditions
AltamontAbnormally Dry
BluebellAbnormally Dry
CannonvilleModerate Drought
CarbonvilleAbnormally Dry
Castle DaleAbnormally Dry
Cedar CitySevere Drought
CharlestonAbnormally Dry
ClarkstonAbnormally Dry
ClawsonAbnormally Dry
ClevelandAbnormally Dry
CoalvilleAbnormally Dry
CoppertonAbnormally Dry
DeltaAbnormally Dry
DeseretAbnormally Dry
DraperAbnormally Dry
DuchesneAbnormally Dry
EdenAbnormally Dry
ElmoAbnormally Dry
ElwoodAbnormally Dry
EnterpriseAbnormally Dry
Fort DuchesneAbnormally Dry
FrancisAbnormally Dry
Garden CityModerate Drought
GarlandAbnormally Dry
GlendaleSevere Drought
GrantsvilleAbnormally Dry
Green RiverAbnormally Dry
HanksvilleAbnormally Dry
HatchModerate Drought
HelperAbnormally Dry
HeneferAbnormally Dry
HenrievilleModerate Drought
HerrimanAbnormally Dry
HinckleyAbnormally Dry
HoldenAbnormally Dry
HoneyvilleAbnormally Dry
HooperAbnormally Dry
HoytsvilleAbnormally Dry
HuntingtonAbnormally Dry
HuntsvilleAbnormally Dry
HurricaneSevere Drought
IvinsSevere Drought
JensenModerate Drought
KanabSevere Drought
KanarravilleSevere Drought
KenilworthAbnormally Dry
LaketownAbnormally Dry
LeamingtonAbnormally Dry
LibertyAbnormally Dry
LymanAbnormally Dry
MaeserAbnormally Dry
MeadowAbnormally Dry
MidvaleAbnormally Dry
MidwayAbnormally Dry
MilfordModerate Drought
MinersvilleModerate Drought
MoabAbnormally Dry
Montezuma CreekModerate Drought
MorganAbnormally Dry
MytonAbnormally Dry
NaplesModerate Drought
NeolaAbnormally Dry
NewtonAbnormally Dry
OrangevilleAbnormally Dry
OrdervilleSevere Drought
ParagonahModerate Drought
PriceAbnormally Dry
RandolphAbnormally Dry
RiversideAbnormally Dry
RivertonAbnormally Dry
RockvilleSevere Drought
RooseveltAbnormally Dry
RoyAbnormally Dry
Santa ClaraSevere Drought
SnowvilleAbnormally Dry
South JordanAbnormally Dry
South Salt LakeAbnormally Dry
Spring GlenAbnormally Dry
SpringdaleSevere Drought
StocktonAbnormally Dry
SummitSevere Drought
SyracuseAbnormally Dry
TabionaAbnormally Dry
TaylorsvilleAbnormally Dry
TooeleAbnormally Dry
TremontonAbnormally Dry
TrentonAbnormally Dry
VernalModerate Drought
VirginSevere Drought
WanshipAbnormally Dry
WellingtonAbnormally Dry
WendoverModerate Drought
West JordanAbnormally Dry
WhiterocksAbnormally Dry
WoodlandAbnormally Dry
WoodruffAbnormally Dry
DugwayAbnormally Dry
AltaAbnormally Dry
AmalgaAbnormally Dry
AnethModerate Drought
CornishAbnormally Dry
EnochSevere Drought
ErdaAbnormally Dry
HowellAbnormally Dry
Saratoga SpringsAbnormally Dry
ThatcherAbnormally Dry
West Valley CityAbnormally Dry
EurekaAbnormally Dry
AlpineAbnormally Dry
AltonModerate Drought
American ForkAbnormally Dry
AnnabellaAbnormally Dry
AuroraAbnormally Dry
AvonModerate Drought
Bear River CityAbnormally Dry
BeaverModerate Drought
BenjaminAbnormally Dry
BicknellAbnormally Dry
BlandingModerate Drought
BountifulAbnormally Dry
Brigham CityAbnormally Dry
CentervilleAbnormally Dry
CentralSevere Drought
Central ValleyAbnormally Dry
CirclevilleModerate Drought
ClearfieldAbnormally Dry
CorinneAbnormally Dry
Cottonwood HeightsAbnormally Dry
CoveAbnormally Dry
ElsinoreAbnormally Dry
EmeryAbnormally Dry
EnterpriseSevere Drought
EscalanteModerate Drought
FarmingtonAbnormally Dry
FerronAbnormally Dry
FieldingAbnormally Dry
FillmoreAbnormally Dry
Fruit HeightsAbnormally Dry
GlenwoodAbnormally Dry
HolladayAbnormally Dry
Hyde ParkAbnormally Dry
HyrumAbnormally Dry
JosephAbnormally Dry
JunctionAbnormally Dry
KamasAbnormally Dry
KanoshAbnormally Dry
KaysvilleAbnormally Dry
KingstonAbnormally Dry
KoosharemAbnormally Dry
La SalModerate Drought
Lake ShoreAbnormally Dry
LaytonAbnormally Dry
LeedsSevere Drought
LehiAbnormally Dry
LewistonAbnormally Dry
LindonAbnormally Dry
LoaAbnormally Dry
LoganAbnormally Dry
ManilaAbnormally Dry
MantuaAbnormally Dry
MapletonAbnormally Dry
MarionAbnormally Dry
MarysvaleAbnormally Dry
MillvilleAbnormally Dry
MonroeAbnormally Dry
MonticelloModerate Drought
Mountain GreenAbnormally Dry
MurrayAbnormally Dry
New HarmonySevere Drought
NewcastleSevere Drought
NibleyAbnormally Dry
North LoganAbnormally Dry
North Salt LakeAbnormally Dry
Oak CityAbnormally Dry
OakleyAbnormally Dry
OgdenAbnormally Dry
OremAbnormally Dry
PalmyraAbnormally Dry
PanguitchModerate Drought
ParadiseAbnormally Dry
Park CityAbnormally Dry
ParowanSevere Drought
PeoaAbnormally Dry
Pine ValleySevere Drought
Pleasant GroveAbnormally Dry
PlymouthAbnormally Dry
ProvidenceAbnormally Dry
ProvoAbnormally Dry
RichfieldAbnormally Dry
RichmondAbnormally Dry
River HeightsAbnormally Dry
RiverdaleAbnormally Dry
SalinaAbnormally Dry
SigurdAbnormally Dry
SmithfieldAbnormally Dry
SnydervilleAbnormally Dry
Spanish ForkAbnormally Dry
SpringvilleAbnormally Dry
TeasdaleAbnormally Dry
ToquervilleSevere Drought
TorreyAbnormally Dry
TropicModerate Drought
VernonAbnormally Dry
VeyoSevere Drought
WallsburgAbnormally Dry
WashingtonSevere Drought
WellsvilleAbnormally Dry
West BountifulAbnormally Dry
WillardAbnormally Dry
Woods CrossAbnormally Dry
Summit ParkAbnormally Dry
VineyardAbnormally Dry
Castle ValleyAbnormally Dry
HildaleSevere Drought
MendonAbnormally Dry
Wolf CreekAbnormally Dry
Salt Lake CityAbnormally Dry
Cedar FortAbnormally Dry
DeweyvilleAbnormally Dry
PerryAbnormally Dry
Cedar HillsAbnormally Dry
West HavenAbnormally Dry
DanielAbnormally Dry
HalchitaAbnormally Dry
BallardAbnormally Dry
Big WaterModerate Drought
Navajo MountainModerate Drought
Rush ValleyAbnormally Dry
Eagle MountainAbnormally Dry
Marriott-SlatervilleAbnormally Dry
GardenModerate Drought
South WillardAbnormally Dry
Spanish ValleyModerate Drought
Timber LakesAbnormally Dry
White MesaModerate Drought
West MountainAbnormally Dry
Apple ValleySevere Drought
Bryce Canyon CityModerate Drought
Dammeron ValleySevere Drought
HideoutAbnormally Dry
IndependenceAbnormally Dry
InterlakenAbnormally Dry
Cedar HighlandsSevere Drought
Emigration CanyonAbnormally Dry