Current Drought Conditions for Vermont - January 28, 2025

Vermont Drought Report:

As of January 28, 2025 approximately 19% (1815 square miles) of Vermont is under drought conditions and 72% (6907 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Vermont Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Vermont

LocationDrought Conditions
AlbanyAbnormally Dry
BarnetAbnormally Dry
BarreAbnormally Dry
BartonAbnormally Dry
Beecher FallsAbnormally Dry
Bellows FallsModerate Drought
BensonAbnormally Dry
BethelAbnormally Dry
BradfordAbnormally Dry
BrattleboroModerate Drought
BurlingtonAbnormally Dry
CabotAbnormally Dry
CambridgeAbnormally Dry
CanaanAbnormally Dry
CastletonAbnormally Dry
CavendishModerate Drought
ChelseaAbnormally Dry
ChesterModerate Drought
ConcordAbnormally Dry
DanvilleAbnormally Dry
East BarreAbnormally Dry
Fair HavenAbnormally Dry
FairfaxAbnormally Dry
FairleeAbnormally Dry
GloverAbnormally Dry
GranitevilleAbnormally Dry
GreensboroAbnormally Dry
Greensboro BendAbnormally Dry
GrotonAbnormally Dry
HardwickAbnormally Dry
HartlandModerate Drought
HinesburgAbnormally Dry
Hyde ParkAbnormally Dry
Island PondAbnormally Dry
JacksonvilleModerate Drought
JeffersonvilleAbnormally Dry
JerichoAbnormally Dry
JohnsonAbnormally Dry
LudlowModerate Drought
LyndonvilleAbnormally Dry
MarshfieldAbnormally Dry
MiddleburyAbnormally Dry
MiltonAbnormally Dry
MorrisvilleAbnormally Dry
NewburyAbnormally Dry
NewfaneModerate Drought
North WestminsterModerate Drought
NorwichModerate Drought
PittsfordAbnormally Dry
PoultneyAbnormally Dry
ProctorsvilleModerate Drought
PutneyModerate Drought
QuecheeModerate Drought
RandolphAbnormally Dry
RichmondAbnormally Dry
Saxtons RiverModerate Drought
ShelburneAbnormally Dry
South BarreAbnormally Dry
South BurlingtonAbnormally Dry
South RoyaltonAbnormally Dry
SpringfieldModerate Drought
StoweAbnormally Dry
VergennesAbnormally Dry
WaterburyAbnormally Dry
WebstervilleAbnormally Dry
WellsAbnormally Dry
Wells RiverAbnormally Dry
West BrattleboroModerate Drought
West RutlandAbnormally Dry
WestminsterModerate Drought
WilliamstownAbnormally Dry
WindsorModerate Drought
WoodstockModerate Drought
WilmingtonModerate Drought
West BurkeAbnormally Dry
ArlingtonAbnormally Dry
BenningtonAbnormally Dry
BrandonAbnormally Dry
BristolAbnormally Dry
DorsetAbnormally Dry
East MiddleburyAbnormally Dry
ManchesterAbnormally Dry
Manchester CenterAbnormally Dry
North BenningtonAbnormally Dry
Old BenningtonAbnormally Dry
ReadsboroModerate Drought
RochesterAbnormally Dry
RutlandAbnormally Dry
WaitsfieldAbnormally Dry
WallingfordAbnormally Dry
PlainfieldAbnormally Dry
NorthfieldAbnormally Dry
MontpelierAbnormally Dry