Current Drought Conditions for Virginia - February 11, 2025

Virginia Drought Report:

As of February 11, 2025 approximately 32% (13480 square miles) of Virginia is under drought conditions and 30% (12617 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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Virginia Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Virginia

LocationDrought Conditions
AltavistaAbnormally Dry
Belle HavenSevere Drought
Benns ChurchModerate Drought
BlackstoneAbnormally Dry
BranchvilleModerate Drought
BrodnaxModerate Drought
BrooknealAbnormally Dry
BurkevilleAbnormally Dry
Cats BridgeSevere Drought
Central GarageModerate Drought
Chase CityAbnormally Dry
Chase CrossingSevere Drought
ClaremontModerate Drought
CloverAbnormally Dry
ConcordAbnormally Dry
DahlgrenSevere Drought
Drakes BranchAbnormally Dry
DranesvilleModerate Drought
ExmoreSevere Drought
FerrumAbnormally Dry
GordonsvilleAbnormally Dry
Great FallsModerate Drought
GreenbushSevere Drought
GretnaAbnormally Dry
GwynnSevere Drought
HorntownSevere Drought
HurtAbnormally Dry
KellerSevere Drought
KeysvilleAbnormally Dry
MiddleburgModerate Drought
Modest TownSevere Drought
NassawadoxSevere Drought
NelsoniaSevere Drought
NewsomsModerate Drought
Oak LevelModerate Drought
OaktonModerate Drought
PainterSevere Drought
PhenixAbnormally Dry
PungoteagueSevere Drought
PurcellvilleModerate Drought
RidgewayModerate Drought
RushmereModerate Drought
Sandy LevelModerate Drought
ScottsburgAbnormally Dry
YorkshireModerate Drought
SmithfieldModerate Drought
South HillModerate Drought
Union LevelModerate Drought
White StoneSevere Drought
WoodlawnAbnormally Dry
BobtownSevere Drought
BraceyModerate Drought
EbonyModerate Drought
GargathaSevere Drought
GasburgModerate Drought
Mount HermonModerate Drought
PoquosonModerate Drought
BasyeAbnormally Dry
DamascusAbnormally Dry
FriesAbnormally Dry
GalaxAbnormally Dry
IvanhoeAbnormally Dry
StanleyAbnormally Dry
StrasburgModerate Drought
BassettModerate Drought
CentrevilleModerate Drought
AlexandriaSevere Drought
AnnandaleModerate Drought
ArcolaModerate Drought
AshlandModerate Drought
BaysideSevere Drought
BlairsModerate Drought
BloxomSevere Drought
Bon AirAbnormally Dry
Boones MillAbnormally Dry
BoyceModerate Drought
BoykinsModerate Drought
BrightwoodAbnormally Dry
BristolAbnormally Dry
BroadwayAbnormally Dry
CalvertonModerate Drought
CanaAbnormally Dry
Cape CharlesSevere Drought
CapronModerate Drought
CarrolltonModerate Drought
CatlettModerate Drought
CheritonSevere Drought
ChesterAbnormally Dry
Chester GapAbnormally Dry
ChincoteagueSevere Drought
ClarksvilleModerate Drought
Cluster SpringsModerate Drought
CreweAbnormally Dry
DanvilleModerate Drought
DeltavilleSevere Drought
DendronModerate Drought
FranconiaSevere Drought
Gloucester PointModerate Drought
HayfieldSevere Drought
Kings ParkModerate Drought
MappsvilleSevere Drought
MelfaSevere Drought
MetompkinSevere Drought
MotleyAbnormally Dry
OnancockSevere Drought
OnleySevere Drought
PastoriaSevere Drought
RavensworthModerate Drought
RuckersvilleAbnormally Dry
Seven CornersModerate Drought
Colonial BeachSevere Drought
SpringfieldModerate Drought
TasleySevere Drought
TuckahoeAbnormally Dry
WattsvilleSevere Drought
West SpringfieldModerate Drought
Potomac MillsSevere Drought
BostonSevere Drought
BurkeModerate Drought
EdinburgAbnormally Dry
ElktonAbnormally Dry
ShenandoahAbnormally Dry
Fairfax StationModerate Drought
FalmouthModerate Drought
Flint HillAbnormally Dry
FranklinModerate Drought
FredericksburgModerate Drought
GainesvilleModerate Drought
Glen AllenAbnormally Dry
Henry ForkAbnormally Dry
LortonSevere Drought
NewingtonSevere Drought
Shenandoah ShoresModerate Drought
Short PumpAbnormally Dry
TimberlakeAbnormally Dry
AtlanticSevere Drought
BelmontModerate Drought
Blue Ridge ShoresAbnormally Dry
BuckhallModerate Drought
CarrsvilleModerate Drought
ChantillyModerate Drought
CliftonModerate Drought
CollinsvilleModerate Drought
Fairview BeachSevere Drought
FieldaleModerate Drought
FlorisModerate Drought
HallwoodSevere Drought
HamptonModerate Drought
HerndonModerate Drought
Horse PastureModerate Drought
Independent HillModerate Drought
IvorModerate Drought
JarrattAbnormally Dry
KenbridgeAbnormally Dry
KilmarnockSevere Drought
La CrosseModerate Drought
LovettsvilleModerate Drought
Manassas ParkModerate Drought
MarshallModerate Drought
McKenneyAbnormally Dry
McLeanModerate Drought
MiddletownModerate Drought
MineralAbnormally Dry
Shenandoah FarmsModerate Drought
Skyland EstatesModerate Drought
StanleytownModerate Drought
TemperancevilleSevere Drought
The PlainsModerate Drought
TysonsModerate Drought
VictoriaAbnormally Dry
WakefieldAbnormally Dry
Mountain RoadAbnormally Dry
ChesapeakeModerate Drought
Colonial HeightsAbnormally Dry
Dale CitySevere Drought
NathalieAbnormally Dry
New MarketAbnormally Dry
Newport NewsModerate Drought
NokesvilleModerate Drought
ParksleySevere Drought
PassapatanzySevere Drought
Patrick SpringsModerate Drought
PenhookAbnormally Dry
PetersburgAbnormally Dry
PortsmouthModerate Drought
WhitesvilleSevere Drought
WoodbridgeSevere Drought
AlbertaAbnormally Dry
Mount JacksonAbnormally Dry
AccomacSevere Drought
Amelia Court HouseAbnormally Dry
AppomattoxAbnormally Dry
BerryvilleModerate Drought
Bowling GreenModerate Drought
BoydtonModerate Drought
Charlotte Court HouseAbnormally Dry
ChathamAbnormally Dry
CourtlandModerate Drought
CulpeperModerate Drought
EastvilleSevere Drought
EmporiaModerate Drought
FairfaxModerate Drought
FarmvilleAbnormally Dry
FloydAbnormally Dry
Front RoyalModerate Drought
GoochlandAbnormally Dry
HanoverModerate Drought
HeathsvilleSevere Drought
HillsvilleAbnormally Dry
IndependenceAbnormally Dry
King and Queen Court HouseSevere Drought
King GeorgeSevere Drought
King WilliamModerate Drought
LawrencevilleModerate Drought
LeesburgModerate Drought
LouisaAbnormally Dry
LunenburgAbnormally Dry
LurayAbnormally Dry
MadisonAbnormally Dry
ManassasModerate Drought
MartinsvilleModerate Drought
MathewsSevere Drought
MontrossSevere Drought
New KentModerate Drought
OrangeAbnormally Dry
PowhatanAbnormally Dry
SaludaSevere Drought
SussexAbnormally Dry
TappahannockSevere Drought
WilliamsburgModerate Drought
WinchesterModerate Drought
AshburnModerate Drought
BealetonModerate Drought
Cherry HillSevere Drought
DumfriesSevere Drought
East Highland ParkAbnormally Dry
HamiltonModerate Drought
HarbortonSevere Drought
HaymarketModerate Drought
Highland SpringsAbnormally Dry
HillsboroModerate Drought
MaurertownModerate Drought
MechanicsvilleAbnormally Dry
New BaltimoreModerate Drought
OpalModerate Drought
Port RoyalModerate Drought
Prince GeorgeAbnormally Dry
QuinbySevere Drought
RemingtonModerate Drought
RestonModerate Drought
RichmondAbnormally Dry
RiverdaleAbnormally Dry
Rocky MountAbnormally Dry
Round HillModerate Drought
RustburgAbnormally Dry
SandstonAbnormally Dry
SavagevilleSevere Drought
SaxisSevere Drought
ScotlandModerate Drought
SedleyModerate Drought
SperryvilleAbnormally Dry
StanardsvilleAbnormally Dry
Stephens CityModerate Drought
SterlingModerate Drought
Stony CreekAbnormally Dry
StuartModerate Drought
SuffolkModerate Drought
SurryModerate Drought
TangierSevere Drought
TempletonAbnormally Dry
TimbervilleAbnormally Dry
Toms BrookModerate Drought
TriangleSevere Drought
UrbannaSevere Drought
Virginia BeachModerate Drought
WachapreagueSevere Drought
WarrentonModerate Drought
WarsawSevere Drought
WashingtonAbnormally Dry
WaverlyAbnormally Dry
West PointModerate Drought
WindsorModerate Drought
WoodstockAbnormally Dry
South BostonAbnormally Dry
HalifaxAbnormally Dry
Apple Mountain LakeModerate Drought
Shenandoah RetreatModerate Drought
South RidingModerate Drought
Aquia HarbourSevere Drought
BrandermillAbnormally Dry
SudleyModerate Drought
GreenbriarModerate Drought
ArlingtonModerate Drought
Lowes IslandModerate Drought
Linton HallModerate Drought
North ShoreAbnormally Dry
Union HallAbnormally Dry
Westlake CornerAbnormally Dry
Bull RunModerate Drought
Gloucester CourthouseSevere Drought
Lake RidgeModerate Drought
MontclairModerate Drought
Spotsylvania CourthouseModerate Drought
Villa HeightsModerate Drought
Wolf TrapModerate Drought
BrambletonModerate Drought
University CenterModerate Drought
Captains CoveSevere Drought
Twin LakesAbnormally Dry
Fair OaksModerate Drought
MeadowbrookAbnormally Dry
WoodburnModerate Drought
Laurel HillSevere Drought