Current Drought Conditions for West Virginia - February 4, 2025

West Virginia Drought Report:

As of February 4, 2025 approximately 17% (4219 square miles) of West Virginia is under drought conditions and 15% (3561 square miles) is Abnormally dry.

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West Virginia Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in West Virginia

LocationDrought Conditions
AnmooreAbnormally Dry
Beech BottomModerate Drought
BethlehemModerate Drought
BridgeportAbnormally Dry
BurlingtonModerate Drought
CairoAbnormally Dry
CameronModerate Drought
Capon BridgeModerate Drought
ClarksburgAbnormally Dry
ClearviewModerate Drought
Elk GardenModerate Drought
EllenboroAbnormally Dry
FairviewAbnormally Dry
FlatwoodsAbnormally Dry
Fort AshbyModerate Drought
GassawayAbnormally Dry
GlenvilleAbnormally Dry
GrantsvilleAbnormally Dry
Green SpringModerate Drought
HarrisvilleAbnormally Dry
HundredModerate Drought
InwoodModerate Drought
Jane LewAbnormally Dry
KeyserModerate Drought
LittletonModerate Drought
LumberportAbnormally Dry
ManningtonModerate Drought
MartinsburgModerate Drought
McMechenModerate Drought
MiddlebourneModerate Drought
MiddlewayModerate Drought
MoorefieldModerate Drought
MoundsvilleModerate Drought
New MartinsvilleModerate Drought
Paw PawModerate Drought
PennsboroAbnormally Dry
PentressModerate Drought
Pine GroveModerate Drought
ReaderModerate Drought
SalemAbnormally Dry
Sand ForkAbnormally Dry
SpringfieldModerate Drought
WallaceAbnormally Dry
West UnionAbnormally Dry
WestonAbnormally Dry
WheelingModerate Drought
BrandywineAbnormally Dry
FranklinAbnormally Dry
SistersvilleModerate Drought
WardensvilleModerate Drought
AuburnAbnormally Dry
BarrackvilleAbnormally Dry
BayardAbnormally Dry
BelmontAbnormally Dry
BenwoodModerate Drought
BethanyModerate Drought
BlacksvilleModerate Drought
BurnsvilleAbnormally Dry
CarolinaAbnormally Dry
CassvilleAbnormally Dry
Charles TownModerate Drought
DespardAbnormally Dry
EnterpriseAbnormally Dry
FarmingtonAbnormally Dry
FollansbeeModerate Drought
FriendlyModerate Drought
Grant TownAbnormally Dry
Great CacaponModerate Drought
GypsyAbnormally Dry
HedgesvilleModerate Drought
HepzibahAbnormally Dry
Hooverson HeightsModerate Drought
IdamayAbnormally Dry
Lost CreekAbnormally Dry
MonongahAbnormally Dry
New CumberlandAbnormally Dry
Nutter FortAbnormally Dry
Paden CityModerate Drought
PetersburgModerate Drought
PiedmontModerate Drought
PullmanAbnormally Dry
RachelAbnormally Dry
RidgeleyModerate Drought
ShannondaleModerate Drought
Shenandoah JunctionModerate Drought
ShinnstonAbnormally Dry
SmithfieldModerate Drought
SpelterAbnormally Dry
StonewoodAbnormally Dry
SuttonAbnormally Dry
TriadelphiaModerate Drought
Valley GroveModerate Drought
WeirtonAbnormally Dry
WellsburgModerate Drought
West LibertyModerate Drought
West MilfordAbnormally Dry
Wiley FordModerate Drought
WilliamstownAbnormally Dry
Wolf SummitAbnormally Dry
WorthingtonAbnormally Dry
BolivarModerate Drought
RomneyModerate Drought
Harpers FerryModerate Drought
RansonModerate Drought
Windsor HeightsModerate Drought
CarpendaleModerate Drought