Current Drought Conditions for Mexico - July 2024

Mexico Drought Report:

As of July 2024 approximately 48% (1170174 square kilometers) of Mexico is under drought conditions and 19% (450984 square kilometers) is Abnormally dry.

Map List

Mexico Drought Conditions Map

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List of Current Drought Conditions for Cities and Towns in Mexico

LocationDrought Conditions
TuxtepecAbnormally Dry
MatehualaAbnormally Dry
MoreliaExtreme Drought
TapachulaAbnormally Dry
Ecatepec de MorelosAbnormally Dry
Lagos de MorenoExtreme Drought
GuadalupeModerate Drought
FresnilloModerate Drought
HermosilloExtreme Drought
Nuevo Casas GrandesExtreme Drought
HermosilloExtreme Drought
TepatitlánSevere Drought
VillahermosaModerate Drought
CórdobaAbnormally Dry
JuchitánAbnormally Dry
Ciudad VallesModerate Drought
AcapulcoSevere Drought
UriangatoSevere Drought
VeracruzAbnormally Dry
XicoSevere Drought
MoroleónSevere Drought
NaucalpanAbnormally Dry
MonclovaAbnormally Dry
Xicotepec de JuárezAbnormally Dry
CárdenasSevere Drought
QuerétaroExceptional Drought
ZitácuaroExtreme Drought
ZacapuExtreme Drought
DeliciasExceptional Drought
Ciudad ManteSevere Drought
TlalnepantlaAbnormally Dry
TlaquepaqueSevere Drought
Los MochisSevere Drought
UruapanExtreme Drought
TlaxcalaSevere Drought
TolucaSevere Drought
TonaláSevere Drought
TúxpamSevere Drought
SalamancaSevere Drought
PachucaAbnormally Dry
Lázaro CárdenasSevere Drought
IrapuatoSevere Drought
Piedras NegrasSevere Drought
SabinasAbnormally Dry
Poza RicaSevere Drought
OrizabaAbnormally Dry
OaxacaAbnormally Dry
NavojoaExceptional Drought
NezahualcóyotlAbnormally Dry
Nicolás RomeroModerate Drought
Salina CruzModerate Drought
San CristóbalAbnormally Dry
MinatitlánModerate Drought
CuauhtémocSevere Drought
ColimaSevere Drought
ApatzingánExtreme Drought
CuernavacaSevere Drought
Cuautitlán IzcalliAbnormally Dry
TehuacánModerate Drought
SilaoExtreme Drought
San Luis PotosíExtreme Drought
Rafael DelgadoAbnormally Dry
Ciudad GuzmánExtreme Drought
La Piedad de CabadasExtreme Drought
ManzanilloAbnormally Dry
Ciudad ConstituciónAbnormally Dry
Ciudad ObregónExtreme Drought
CamargoExceptional Drought
Ciudad LerdoModerate Drought
Gómez PalacioModerate Drought
Hidalgo del ParralExtreme Drought
IgualaModerate Drought
IxtapalucaSevere Drought
ZamoraExtreme Drought
ZacatecasModerate Drought
ZapopanModerate Drought
GuaymasExtreme Drought
GuanajuatoExtreme Drought
GuadalajaraModerate Drought
Ciudad del CarmenAbnormally Dry
Puerto VallartaAbnormally Dry
PueblaAbnormally Dry
OjinagaExtreme Drought
San Juan del RíoExceptional Drought
CuliacánExceptional Drought
GuasaveExtreme Drought
ChimalhuacánAbnormally Dry
ChihuahuaSevere Drought
CoatzacoalcosModerate Drought
GuamúchilExceptional Drought
CelayaExtreme Drought
CuautlaModerate Drought
Ciudad JuárezExtreme Drought
ChilpancingoSevere Drought
Ciudad AcuñaExtreme Drought
Ciudad Adolfo Lopez MateosAbnormally Dry
DurangoExtreme Drought
OcotlánSevere Drought
MatamorosAbnormally Dry
Agua PrietaModerate Drought
AguascalientesModerate Drought
Mexico CityAbnormally Dry
MazatlánAbnormally Dry
LeónExtreme Drought

Drought Conditions for Neighboring Areas